
Re: The Limits To Growth

On Fri, 06 Dec 1996 18:16:25 GMT, masonc@ix.netcom.com (Mason A.
Clark) wrote:

>Where the hell have you been living these last thirty years?  If it weren't 
>for the environmentalist who started controlling smog more than thirty 
>years ago, California would now be unlivable.  And a speak as a Californian 
>with asthma probably acquired in Los Angeles thirty years ago.

Actually I spent a good deal of time in LA 30 years ago.  Pouncing on
the managing editor of the UCLA Daily Bruin, mainly, but otherwise
getting around to Rand, Mitre, the Examiner and generally checking the
joint out.

>Maybe this dumping ground for inanitites is populated by teen agers who 
>don't know about the river in Ohio that caught fire. 

When the white people first arrived the local inhabitants took pride
in showing how the Monongohela could be made to burn.  Floating wax
and light oil.  Mason, can you spell Quaker State?  There, I knew you

>                                                                                           Or about the time long 
>ago when people caught fish from the Chicago beaches.  Fish that are now 
>coming back. I could go on and on but youth must be served so live in your
>ignorance of the real world.

We seem to agree that fish are coming back in places where they had
been rare.

>I've been looking into the problem of ideology - there's at least one very 
>good page on the web if anyone's interested.  The word that keeps reappearing 
>is "FEAR" - in many cases irrational.  The fear that drives the environmentalism
>ideology seems apparent.  Whether it's irrational could be debated, but obviously
>not here. 
>Now the question is:  what is the nature of the fear that is so driving the
>anti-environmentalism ideology? The profit motive is obvious for the Pollyanna 
>book sellers.  But what fear is driving you?

Mason, you've obviously been living in California too long.  This is
