
Reduced-risk pesticides

One of the goals of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation is to facilitate the
adoption of reduced-risk pest management practices.  To help us reach this goal, we must
first gather information on pesticides not currently registered in California and evaluate their
potential to reduce risk and to fit within an integrated pest management (IPM) program. We
would like to hear from you if you are aware of any products that meet these criteria. Let us
know why the product is a *good fit.* What critical need does it fill? Take a few minutes to
provide as much information as you can and let us know what products may be available in
other states or countries.  We cannot guarantee immediate availability of a particular
product in California; however, identification of need is the first step towards registration. 
You can either fill out the questionnaire below and E-mail it to belliott@cdpr.ca.gov or fill out
an online form on our web site at www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/ipminov/nonreg/nonregx.htm.
Questions: contact Bob Elliott, Environmental Research Scientist at (916) 324-4156 or
e-mail at belliott@cdpr.ca.gov 

Mailing address:
E-mail address:
Active ingredient:
Brand name:
EPA Reg. Number/CAS Number:
State/country/region where used:
Pesticide type (e.g., IGR, biological, pheromone, etc):
Crops/sites where used:
Target pest(s) or key pest:
Where did you learn about this product?
What critical needs would this product fill?
Why should this product be registered in California?