
Professional Dev. News Release


For applications, CONTACT:		
North Central Region SARE Program		
402-472-0280 (fax)				
For more information, CONTACT:						
George Bird, Coordinator	
Professional Development Program
517-353-4354 (fax)


Lincoln, NE -- The USDA's North Central Region (NCR) Sustainable Agriculture
Research and Education (SARE) Program is calling for proposals to expand
sustainable agriculture knowledge of  Extension, NRCS and other agricultural
personnel. Successful projects will be part of the NCR SARE Professional
Development Program.
	"The 1990 Farm Bill mandates the SARE Program to educate agricultural
professionals in sustainable methods, and this program has successfully
carried out that mandate," says George Bird, coordinator of the Professional
Development Program for the NCR SARE. "In the past, the Professional
Development Program has supported excellent multi-professional,
interdisciplinary projects."
	The Program will award $400,000 this year to fund innovative educational
activities on commercial farms, at workshops or during conferences. Projects
could include use of interactive technology; development of handbooks, fact
sheets and manuals; or other creative endeavors.
	Projects with multi-state scopes are encouraged, as are projects involving
farmers or ranchers as meaningful participants. Proposal reviewers will also
favor projects fostering partnerships between public and private
organizations and colleges and universities. 
	"We have seen high participation in the Professional Development Program,
and I expect the number of those interested in sharing sustainable
agricultural knowledge to rise," Bird says.
	Any individual or group located in the North Central Region can receive an
application by contacting the North Central Region Office at
sare001@unlvm.unl.edu or 402-472-7081. For questions about the Professional
Development Program, contact George Bird at bird@msuces.canr.msu.edu or
517-353-3890. Applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on February
14, 1997.

	The SARE Program began with the 1985 Farm Bill. Congress appropriated
initial funds in 1988 for grants in sustainable agriculture research,
education and demonstration. Funding goes to producers, scientists,
educators and public and private institutions and organizations. 
	The North Central Region, implemented by an Administrative Council and
directed by Regional Coordinator Steven Waller and Regional Extension
Coordinator Elbert Dickey, is one of four regions in the national SARE
Program. NCR states include Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

Prepared by Lisa Bauer, NCR SARE Communications Specialist

Lisa M. Bauer
Communications Specialist
North Central Region SARE Program
13A Activities Bldg.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68583-0840

402-472-0280 (fax)