
Re: Gussow on Nutrition/Food Systems

It seems clear from the way the last-resort cancer places feed their
patients, that the biggest mistake people make in their diets is the
cooking of foods that can be eaten raw.  Tell them that they need to get
the enzymes from raw food, and they look blank.

The whole problems stems from the fact that people don't know the most
basic tenets of biochemistry. Children should learn in the early grades
about atoms, molecules and the relationship of living tissue to these.
This is what will affect their lives, not the silly stuff they learn, like
the history of Spanish missions, for example.

By the time anyone is a teenager, she/he should know what a protein is,
that enzymes are protein, that heat destroys enzymes, that trace minerals
are important way out of proportion to the size of their presence, for

People tell me they eat salads. Yeah!! a few lettuce leaves broken up into
such big chunks that they fill a small bowl. I remember once, offering to
fix dinner for a family so overweight their thighs were like those of a
baby elephant. I cut up the salad ingredients in small enough sizes so
that they had to keep on eating, when normally it would have taken them
about 1 minute to eat "salad". They were surprised that it took so long to
finish the salad.

Even if they make a hefty salad, they eat so much more cooked food in
comparison, that they still live mostly on cooked food.

A woman, Elizabeth Baker, has written a series of books, about NOT eating
anything but raw foods. Everyone should take a look at her UNCOOK book.
Because it is such a change in diet, she wrote an intermediate book
allowing some transitional stages. But she is an "old" lady who has found
a way to keep up, eliminated cooked food.

There is a very good reason why those last-resort cancer, etc. places use
only raw foods, usually sprouts. Old people, especially, who live on tea
and toast, have not eaten enough raw foods, for a long time, and their
skin shows it.

I find it easy to make a huge bowl of salad, with a variety of
ingredients, such as the common edible weeds: dandelion, lamb's quarters,
malva, purslane, sowthistle, chickweed, miner's lettuce, violet and
nasturtium leaves, ---along with herbs, in addition to the ubiquitous
lettuce. Good oils, such as olive and flaxseed, bought in CANS, NOT
BOTTLES, with lemon/lime juice or apple cider/rice vinegar are basic for
    I am a slow eater, so I get something to read while I eat. Some people
just listen to music.

Fruit is easy to prepare and eat, if used raw.

So just to eliminate processed foods is not enough. It is essential to eat
predominantly RAW foods. It is the enzymes that make the difference.

B. Rateaver
