

About two weeks ago someone requested information on tilapia and aquaculture.
Today I found the following on the Purdue University Gopher which I thought
might be of interest.

Accessing Aquaculture Information Through the
Aquaculture Network Information Center

LaDon Swann
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service
Department of Animal Sciences
Purdue University

What is AquaNIC
AquaNIC is a gateway to the world's electronic resources in
aquaculture.  AquaNIC is maintained at Purdue University in
West Lafayette, Indiana and is supported by The Libraries of
Purdue University, Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service,
University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, the
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, and the United States
Department of Agriculture Extension Service.

Accessing AquaNIC
AquaNIC uses a Gopher server located in The Libraries of Purdue
University and is linked to an Almanac server in Purdue University
Cooperative Extension Service.  There are four methods that can be
used to access information.  Each method depends on the
capabilities at your location.  (Information necessary to access
AquaNIC is provided below.)  If you do not have the capability to
access AquaNIC directly, contact your local Cooperative Extension
Service or Sea Grant Office.


If your institution has a Gopher server, AquaNIC can be accessed
directly.  First, you must find Gopher servers in the United
States.  AquaNIC is located at Purdue University, located in
Indiana.  Once you are at Purdue University go to the Libraries of
Purdue University.  AquaNIC is located under the heading of
Scholarly Databases.


AquaNIC can be accessed by people with a connection to the Internet
through telneting to The Libraries of Purdue University.   This is
accomplished by telenetting to:


When the connection is established you will be prompted to login.
At the login prompt type:

cwis (this must be lower case letters)

You will then be prompted for a password. There is no password, so
press return. The first screen contains a list of 16 menu items.
AquaNIC is located in the menu:

Scholarly Databases

To move around the menus, follow the instructions at the bottom of
the screen.  Once in a document, use the spacebar to go down one
page at a time.  To exit a document, type the letter "Q" for quit
then press the return key.  This sequence will take you back to the
previous menu.  Information can be mailed to your e-mail address by
going to the end of the document and entering m for mail.


Mosaic is a network-based hypermedia gopher interface.  Mosaic is
gaining in popularity because of the ability to view inline images.
AquaNIC can be accessed through the Libraries of Purdue University.

The address is:


AquaNIC can be accessed using one of Purdue University's fifty
14,400 baud per second (bps) modems.  It is not necessary for the
caller to also have a 14,400 bps, but slower modems mean slower
communications.  Regardless of the modem used, your communication
software must be set as follows:

Phone number 317-496-1440
Data bits = 8
Parity = none
Stop bits = 1

When settings are made, number called and connection made, you will
be prompted for username.  Type your name.

Next, enter:
connect thorplus.lib.purdue.edu

At the login prompt type:

You will then be prompted for a password. There is no password so
press return. The first screen contains a list of 16 menu items.
AquaNIC is located in the menu:

Scholarly Databases

Information can be mailed to your e-mail address by going to the
end of the document and entering m for mail. If you do not have an
e-mail address but do have a modem follow the instructions provided
when the shift and d keys are pressed.


AquaNIC information can be requested by e-mail using Almanac.  Use
the e-mail address:


In the body of the text leave a blank line then type the following
line exactly as provided:

send aquanic catalog

A catalog will be sent to your email address.  Single or multiple
document requests can be made by following the instructions in the

AquaNIC Contents

AquaNIC is a multi-branched directory containing a wide variety of
information. Most documents can either be viewed on your computer
monitor, downloaded via modem, or a hard copy sent to your e-mail
address.  AquaNIC also contains an image directory that holds
hundreds of pictures, short videos, and slides in a variety of
common image formats. (A long term object is to use AquaNIC as a
medium for on-line interactive media use by county Cooperative
Extension Service field staff.)

One of AquaNIC's unique features is that it is linked to several
other aquaculture databases on the Internet. These links are
established for you when another aquaculture database is selected.
The directory structure of AquaNIC is given below.

1. About AquaNIC
2. Search e-mail addresses
3. Search titles
4. Search text
5. Publications
 a. USDA Regional Aquaculture Centers
    1. Extension Publications
    2. Technical Reports
    3. Annual Progress Reports
 b. Federal Government Reports
 c. State Extension or Sea Grant Publications
6. Newsletters
 a. USDA Regional Aquaculture Centers
 b. National Association of State Aquaculture Coordinators
 c. State
7. Other Aquaculture Information ON the Internet
8. Other Aquaculture Information NOT ON the Internet
9. E-mail Directory of U.S. Aquaculture Contacts
10. E-mail Directory of International Aquaculture Contacts
11. Calendar of Events
12. News Flashes
13. Images
14. Job Announcements

Searching AquaNIC Information

Information in AquaNIC may be searched three ways using a search
engine called "jughead."  A title search will search for any word
that appears in the title of a document. This method is a good
general search method. A full-text search will search for any
keyword in the text of a document.

Full-text searches using the word aquaculture for example may
provide hundreds of "hits".  Therefore, the search should be
specific. Searches can be narrowed by using more that one keyword.
For example, using "aquaculture and Indiana and Illinois and
goldfish" would instruct the computer to list only entries that
contain all four key words.  The search engine recognizes the
separators: and, or and not

The last keyword search mechanism is for e-mail addresses.  When a
search for e-mail addresses is conducted use as much of the
person's name as possible.

Who to Contact for More Information

AquaNIC is a flexible electronic information center that is
intended to be responsive to the needs of its customers.  If you
have information that you would like to include or have questions
regarding AquaNIC contact:

Mark Einstein
voice: 317-494-4862
fax:   317-494-9346


LaDon Swann
voice: 317-494-6264
fax:   317-494-9347

William Bode (wmb5@psu.edu)
Entomology Dept., Penn State University
501 ASI Bldg., University Park, PA 16802
voice: 814-863-1854  fax: 814-865-3048
