
Biodiversity and Ecosystems NEtwork (BENE) WWW Server


We are pleased to announce the opening of the Biodiversity and
Ecosystems NEtwork (BENE) webserver, hosted by the W.M. Keck Center
for Genome Informatics at Texas A&M University.  In addition to the
Keck Center, the other founding partners are the

	National Performance Review NetResults project
	Smithsonian Institution
	U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

We welcome other partners.

The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the BENE webserver is:


The goal of the BENE webserver is to help those interested in
biodiversity and ecosystems to find information, and foster dialogue
and collaborations.  BENE also represents a demonstration of some of
the capabilities suggested for the proposed U.S.  National
Biodiversity Information Center (NBIC).

BENE also provides an Email ListServer to encourage discussions,
queries, and information sharing.  To subscribe to the BENE list, send
a message to:


with the text: 

     subscribe bene <your_full_name> <your_email_address>

The subject line is ignored by the list processor.

A searchable WAIS-indexed version of the BENE Email List Archives is
available via the BENE Home Page, as well as via the Main Menu of the
Keck Gopher:


Please use the email form on the BENE WWW server to provide 
comments and suggestions.


Steve Young
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and 
Smithsonian Biodiversity Program
email:  young.steve@epamail.epa.gov
URL:  http://www.epa.gov/

Leland Ellis
Director, W.M. Keck Center for Genome Informatics
Institute of Biosciences and Technology
Texas A&M University
email:  leland@straylight.tamu.edu
URL:  http://straylight.tamu.edu/straylight.html

Leland Ellis, Ph.D.       			       /^\___/^\   
Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics	      {         }  
Director, W.M. Keck Center for Genome Informatics    {   0   0   } 
Institute of Biosciences and Technology		     {     *     } 
Texas A&M University				       {   -   }   
2121 Holcombe					         {   }     
Houston, Texas  77030
                                                      Misty Maggoo


email: leland@straylight.tamu.edu
URL:   http://straylight.tamu.edu/straylight.html


"We all live in the world as we imagine it, as we create it."

Andrey Tarkovsky, 'Sculpting in Time -- Reflections on the Cinema'
