
new e-mail address for CAST

To: sanet-mg@wolf.ces.ncsu.edu     03/16/1995

The electronic mail address for CAST, given in the ATTRAnews Digest, 
March 1995, has changed. It is now cast@netins.net.

A printed summary of the conference, "Sustainable Agriculture and the 
1995 Farm Bill," will be available for $50 in early April. 

An archive of selected CAST documents, summaries, and news releases 
is now available over the Internet.
  WWW: http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/AgrEnv/CAST
  Gopher: gopher.inform.umd.edu
         -Educational Resources
           -Academic Resources By Topic
             -Agriculture and Environment Resources
               -Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST)
  Telnet: telnet inform.umd.edu
         follow the same path as in the gopher instructions

Robert J. Ver Straeten, Communications Director
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
4420 West Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50014-3447, USA
phone: (515) 292-2125, fax: (515) 292-4512
Internet: cast@netins.net