
EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)

Please direct any questions to Dave Rejeski.

---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 93 07:38:45 PDT
From: Gleason Sackman <sackman@plains.nodak.edu>
To: ghegyes@nalusda.gov
Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)

Forwarded by Gleason Sackman, InterNIC net-happenings moderator

---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 09:41:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: DAVE REJESKI 202-260-5625 <REJESKI.DAVE@epamail.epa.gov>
Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up)

          On September 4th, we opened a GOPHER server on the Internet to 
          provide public access to our work on futures research.  We hope 
          that this server will eventually serve as a hub to other internal 
          EPA servers.  The total cost was well below $1000. Presently, 1-5 
          people are logging on every minute.
          We can be found in GOPHER space under Washington, DC.  Our server 
          also provides pointers to all other Federal Gopher Servers and to 
          a wide variety of environmental gophers.  Within the coming 
          month, we will be putting up a mirror-image WAIS server and hook 
          to the World Wide Web to provide eventual multimedia access using 
          MOSAIC software.  We will also open 7-8 interactive conference 
          lines to allow asychronous collaboration and public dialogue in 
          the following areas: Population, Critical technologies, Energy, 
          Agriculture, Industry/Commerce, Environmental justice, 
          Environmental Security, and Ecology/habitat issues.
          Please let people know. See you in cyberspace!
          Dave Rejeski
          Head, Future Studies Unit