

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 14:32:56 -0600 (CST)
From: TERRY SHISTAR <tshistar@falcon.cc.ukans.edu>
To: Jay Feldman <ncamp@igc.apc.org>, Norma Grier <ncap@igc.apc.org>,
    Allen Spalt <arc@sunsite.unc.edu>
Subject: SUBSCRIBE OPP-30000-60 TSHISTAR (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 12:48:55 -0500
From: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
To: tshistar@falcon.cc.ukans.edu
Cc: opp-docket@epamail.epa.gov

You have been added to list opp-30000-60@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov. The system has recorded
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All requests should be addressed to listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov.
     As part of an interagency ``streamlining'' initiative, EPA
is experimenting with submission of public comments on selected
rulemaking actions electronically through the Internet in
addition to accepting comments in traditional written form.  This
Notice is one of the rulemaking actions selected by EPA for this
experiment.  From the experiment, EPA will learn how electronic
commenting works, and any problems that arise can be addressed
before EPA adopts electronic commenting more broadly in its
rulemaking activities.  Electronic commenting through posting to
the EPA Bulletin Board or through the Internet using the
ListServe function raise some novel issues discussed in the
information message of this ListServe.  

1. Title:  Atrazine, Simazine and Cyanazine; Special Review

2. Identification Numbers: OPP-30000-60; FRL-4919-5

3. Summary:  This notice announces that EPA is initiating a
Special Review on pesticide products containing the herbicides
atrazine, simazine and cyanazine. Atrazine
[2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine], simazine
[2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazine] and cyanazine
onitrile] will be collectively referred to hereafter in this
Notice as the triazines. The triazines are widely used herbicides
that control many broadleaf weeds and some grasses. All three are
used on corn and may be alternatives for each other in some
situations. Other uses include citrus, nut orchards (simazine),
sugarcane and sorghum (atrazine) and cotton (cyanazine). Based on
laboratory animal data, EPA has concluded that these three
triazine compounds are possible human carcinogens and has
determined that exposure to the triazines in the diet (food and
drinking water) may pose risks of concern. EPA has also

determined that exposure to the triazines in the diet (food and
drinking water) may pose risks of concern. EPA has also
determined that exposure to these triazines may pose risks of
concern to applicators and mixer/loaders who use products
containing one or more of these chemicals and to the public who
may use home lawncare products containing atrazine. Accordingly,
the Agency has concluded that products containing atrazine,
simazine and cyanazine meet or exceed the criteria for initiation
of Special Review set forth in 40 CFR 154.7(a)(2) and that a
Special Review of these products is appropriate to determine
whether additional regulatory actions are required.
     The Agency is concerned about the potential ecological
impacts of ground and surface water contamination resulting from
the use of products containing the triazines. Such contamination
may have the potential to cause adverse effects to aquatic
organisms, terrestrial plants and their ecosystems. The Agency is
not including ecological effects as a trigger in this Special
Review at this time. This does not preclude the Agency from
incorporating ecological effects in this Special Review in the
future should the consideration of additional information
indicate that a review would be appropriate. 

4.Publication Date: (Mat please insert when known).

5.Point of Contact for Assistance and Further Information:  To
obtain further information on the electronic comment process, or
on submitting comments on the Notice electronically through the
EPA Bulletin Board or the Internet ListServe, please contact John
A. Richards (Telephone: 202-260-2253; FAX: 202-260-3884;
Internet:  richards.john@epamail.epa.gov).

     For online viewing of submissions and posting of comments,
the public access EPA Bulletin Board is also available by dialing
202-488-3671, enter selection ``DMAIL,'' user name ``BB_USER'' or 
919-541-4642, enter selection ``MAIL,'' user name ``BB_USER.''  
When dialing the EPA Bulletin Board type <Return> at the opening
message.  When the ``Notes>'' prompt appears, type ``open OPP-
30000-60'' to access the posted messages for this document.  To
get a listing of all files, type ``dir/all'' at the prompt line. 
Electronic comments can also be sent directly to EPA at: 

     EPA takes no responsibility for charges resulting from
participating in this ListServe.  Any fees incurred by
individuals or organizations are between the participant and
their Internet access provider.  In addition, EPA reserves the
right to "Unsubscribe" any participant who, using multi-messaging
or other electronic applications, disrupts this ListServe or the
regulatory activity it supports.

                          UNIX ListServer 6.0

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