
Re: EXTOXNET: Pesticide info source

In article <1995Apr12.170033.41594@cobra.uni.edu>, klier@cobra.uni.edu wrote:

> ExToxNet is the Extension Toxicology Network, a pesticide
> information project that is a joint project between Cornell
> University, Michigan State University, Oregon State University,
> and University of California at Davis.
>  of terminology there.
> Extoxnet is available through Gopher... it's at Oregon State University
> Extension gopher, //sulaco.oex.orst.edu/00/ext/extoxnet.
This pest-insect-herbi-cide info is really good.
Their e-mail address is difficult
I got it with Netscape. and  WWW.I made a search with: toxicology
I think oex  and /00 were wrong.
Read careffully the 1st entry. There is a warning  that I hope does not
apply to too many users.
Ed. Cormier
