
"Farm Journal Today" Web Site

Saw this on a mailing list and thought it might be of interest to some.
Linda Henneman (lh@crl.com)

"Farm Journal Today" is a world wide web product of Farm Journal
Publishing, a Tribune Companies property.  Farm Journal has a history in
the magazine business dating back to 1877, headquartered in
Philadelphia, PA.  It addresses the nation's largest
industry--agriculture, and the US Food and Fiber industry. 

The multi-purpose site offers timely information for US agricultural
producers and marketers, along with live chat and forum capabilities, a
commerical center, and a business center offering navigation to other
related Agricultural sites on the Internet.  Linked to weather and
commodity pricing sites, Farm Journal Today offers Real Audio

Farm Journal Today is complimentary, with no subscriber fee and is
supported by advertising. 
