
GreenDisk Wildlands Issue Available via ftp (fwd)

Gabriel A. Hegyes
Sustainable Agriculture Network

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Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 06:52:47 -0800
From: Gleason Sackman <sackman@plains.nodak.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list <net-happenings@is.internic.net>
Subject: GreenDisk Wildlands Issue Available via ftp (fwd)

Forwarded by Gleason Sackman - InterNIC net-happenings moderator

---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 1994 08:28:56 -0800
From: The GreenDisk Journal <greendisk@IGC.APC.ORG>
To: Multiple recipients of list CNEDUC-L <CNEDUC-L@tamvm1.bitnet>
Subject: GreenDisk Wildlands Issue Available

GreenDisk Wildlands Project Issue Available

The GreenDisk Paperless Environmental Journal is offering a
review issue for those able to FTP files from igc.org in San
Francisco. This special issue contains what Dave Foreman calls
"one of the most important documents in conservation history".

_The Wildlands Project: Plotting a North American Wilderness
Recovery Strategy_ was recently published as a special issue of
Wild Earth magazine. The mission of this landmark project is to
"help protect and restore the ecological richness and native
biodiversity of North America through the establishment of a
connected system of reserves".

In addition to the text of The Wildlands Project this issue of
The GreenDisk contains many other regular features including an
index to scores of magazines and newsletters; listings of
environmental publications and ordering info; conferences,
meetings, upcoming events; university programs in environmental
studies, post-docs, research assistanceships, faculty positions;
environmental education resources; The Environmental Computer
Networking Newsletter; press releases, action alerts and more.
The issue also includes a keyword searching program.

Both the IBM-PC and Macintosh editions of this issue (originally
published in Spring of 1993) are available in the pub\GreenDisk
FTP directory at the Institute for Global Communications
(igc.org). Login <anonymous>, User ID <your userid>.

See the 1STREADME file for instructions. The IBM review edition
is file gd1#5ibm.exe and the Mac edition is gd1#5mac.sit.

The BROCHURE.TXT file contains a complete description of The
GreenDisk. For more information please contact:

   <>      The GreenDisk Paperless Environmental Journal       <>
   <>            PO Box 32224, Washington, DC 20007            <>
   <>   EcoNet <greendisk>  Internet <greendisk@igc.apc.org>   <>
   <>               Phone: 1-800-484-7616-DISK                 <>