
Management Intensive Grazing mailing list

forage-mg and graze-it-mg colleagues:

The following should be of interest to many of you. (I'll follow up  
with Michele, but wanted to get this out to you immediately.)


David B. Hannaway
125 Crop Science Building
Department of Crop & Soil Science
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-3002
Tel: 503-737-5863
Fax: 503-737-1589
Email: david@oscs.orst.edu
NeXTmail OK!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 19:28:11 GMT -0600
To: sanet-mg@oes.orst.edu
Cc: slc@execpc.com, 71532.3474@compuserve.com, f2f@igc.apc.org,
    clearyc@uwstout.edu, noelb@nzonline.ac.nz, rjacot@cic.net
Subject: Mgt intensive rotn'l grazing listserver

Howdy, all--

I recently got the OK from some utterly bodacious techies in New
Zealand to share with you news of a **new listserver for people
interested in management-intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) and
seasonal dairying.**

Its name is GRAZE-L, and its purpose is to provide a virtual space
to discuss MIRG and seasonal dairying issues in a more focused arena
than other, more general, list servers provide, as well as to connect
producers (and others) in New Zealand and the U.S--and elsewhere.  It
is quite new and the subscription list still small...and consisting
primarily of farmers (hurrah!!!!) in New Zealand and Wisconsin.  As
you may know, New Zealand farmers have been involved in MIRG and
seasonal dairying for many years, and these are prairiefire
technologies in Wisconsin.

Information sharing is crucial in management intensive approaches.
Topics of discussion this week on GRAZE-L have included seasonal
strategies, pasture supplementation feeding, cropping, breeding,
stockpiling, and, alas for those of us in the snowy Upper Midwest,
the beautiful summer weather and beaches of New Zealand.  ;^)

If you have an interest in MIRG/seasonal topics, we welcome your
subscription.  Send an e-mail message to


In the body of the message type

subscribe GRAZE-L

If you would like more information, contact me or my exceptional New
Zealand colleague, Noel Bridgeman, Taranaki Polytechnic:

Because the listserver is still quite new, folks who sign on in the
next month or two will have the privilege of taking part in and
shaping an exciting new virtual community.  Feel free to pass along
the word to farmers or others you think would be interested. Thanks,
and hope to see you there!


PS--GRAZE-L is a joint project of Taranaki Polytechnic, New
Plymouth, NZ, and the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
(College of Ag and Life Sciences, UW-Madison), and resulted from a
confab at last year's CICNet Rural Datafication Conference.  Just
so's you know whence it came.  ;^D

Michele Gale-Sinex

Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Agricultural Technology and Family Farm Institute
UW-Madison--Voice: (608) 262-8018   FAX: (608) 265-3020