
Re: Garden Web sites?

Wordset (wordset@londonci.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: Hi,

: Anyone know of any good gardening/garden sites (pref in UK)
: other than Kew and Time Life? Either info re gardening or
: interesting sites of botanical gardens etc.

Check out The Garden Gate and The Garden Spider's Web (URLs in my sig).  
They'll keep you busy for a bit, I think ;-)

Drop me a note if you drop by!

Karen Fletcher                                     fletcher@prairienet.org
The Garden Gate            http://www.prairienet.org/ag/garden/homepage.htm
The Garden Gate at SunSITE  http://sunsite.unc.edu/garden-gate/homepage.htm
The Garden Spider's Web    http://mirror.wwa.com/mirror/garden/spdrsweb.htm