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Nature/Environment "From the Ground Up": With the participation of groups
such as Environment Canada, Manitoba Education and Training (Curriculum
Services), and Agriculture Canada, Green & Growing Education Projects Inc.
presents a video accompanied by a teacher's guide on sustainable
development. From the Ground Up examines the topic of Sustainable
development in food and agriculture. With sustainable development now a
required curriculum standard in Canada, current, national based material
such as this video and guide is essential in the presentation of this
issue to students. 

The teacher's guide is divided into five lessons, on the history of
agriculture, soil erosion and crop nutrition, and chemicals and
agriculture. The lessons are designed to stimulate discussion of
agriculture practices within the relationship of sustainable development.
Each lesson contains objectives, focusing questions, and a variety of
student based activities. A glossary of terms, a bibliography, and
resource guide [G&G Note: The resource guide now contains many links to
other on-line resources] are also provided. 

The lessons were designed for high school use but the video itself, with
some suggestions from the guide, could serve as an introduction to the
topic of sustainable development and agriculture in the upper elementary
grades and in junior high. The video is congruent with Senior 2 Social
Studies (in Manitoba) and is also relevant for senior Home Economics and
Senior Science.