
URL's seen in sci.bio

		G R E E N    E G G S    R E P O R T

	The Green Eggs Report is a monthy post of URLs
	spotted within news:sci.bio

2nd: CHLOROPLAST DEVELOPMENT MEETIN	http://www.uni-marburg.de/~senger/cdm.html
What's Wrong With _Scientific_Ameri	http://cc.oulu.fi/~kempmp/
job search from internet?          	http://golgi.harvard.edu/biopages/jobs.html
Web link for NHM's National Science	http://www.nhm.ac.uk/natsciwk/natsciwk.html

Alice's Restraunt   |  GC2.1 d--- H s-:- g++ p? au-- a- w+++ v* C+++ U[A-z]+++$  
rick@ar.com        |  P+++ L+++ 3- E? N+++  K-- !W M V++ po Y++ M !t !5 !j R- G
http://ibd.ar.com/ |  !tv b !D B- e+++ u+ h+ f r n-- y+