

	HAPPY, Inc. is a non-profit project that raises beef cattle 
and has the meat processed for distribution by Food Banks to hungry 
and needy people in the U.S. The Happy project has been donating beef
regionally for 10 years and is currently in need of financial support.
	HAPPY needs land and equipment. Donations of $400,000 (the 
equivalent of 400,000 people donating $1.00 each) would ensure that 
this project becomes a permanent charity that will produce meat to be
distibuted by Food Banks to needy people - now, and in years to come.
	The money donated will be used to buy a farm and better 
equipment to produce hay, grain and pasture for grazing the cattle 
and to reduce the expenses of operating the project.
	Donations are tax-deductable.  IRS ID# 82-0434715
	Donations to keep HAPPY operating can be sent to:
		HAPPY, Inc. 
		c/o West One Bank 
		Rt. 1 Box 395 
		Potlatch, ID  83855 

	For more information:

		Andrew Shemeline
		Rt. 1 Box 64
		Princeton, ID  83857
		(208) 875-1480

	HAPPY HomePage:

	email:  c/o step@fsr.com