
Unsubscribing and Other Commands

   Subject: Signing On/Off INDKNOW
            Other Commands

   Please keep these addresses and instructions handy:

           indknow@u.washington.edu (List Address: Used only for mailing 
                  messages to the entire list)
           listproc@ u.washington.edu (List Server Software: Used to 
                  automatically subscribe and unsubscribe [signoff] the list)
           pdh@u.washington.edu (Preston Hardison: List Manager)

   Hello All -

   We've been getting many messages sent to the entire list asking to be
   signed off and onto INDKNOW. Below, I will give some directions for 
   doing so automatically. If you ever have problems, please send
   requests to the housekeeper around here, Preston Hardison 
   (pdh@u.washington.edu) rather than the entire list.

   If you are unsubscribing from the e-mail account you used to subscribe
   INDKNOW, you should be able to unsubscribe by sending a one-line
   message to listproc@u.washington.edu:

            signoff indknow

   You may run into problems if your e-mail address has changed, because
   the computer can only recognize your request as valid if it precisely
   matches the address on record in the subscribers file (e.g.: if you
   signed up using the account "foo@pooh.bah.edu", the software won't
   recognize you if you send an unsubscribe request from "foo@bah.edu").
   Again, if you run into problems, please send messages to me and not the
   list. If you know your e-mail address is about to change, be responsible 
   and unsubscribe from the old address before it changes and resubscribe
   from your new address. Or, you can update your own address using
   the syntax below. If your address has changed and you want to signoff,
   you can always update your address, then signoff automatically without
   having to go through me.

   Remember that if you need to be unsubscribed manually, it may take
   some time for me to get to the requests. I sometimes travel for a week
   or two at a time, and have to process a large amount of e-mail daily. 
   The listproc software also requires that I make changes manually, unlike
   the older listserv software, which allowed me to submit automated e-mail
   requests. For this reason, I tend to let a few requests pile up before
   going through the routine of updating the list.

   You can get a list of the commands available to you from the listproc
   software by sending the one-word message "help" (without the scare
   quotes) to listproc@u.washington.edu. Listproc (ListProcessor) will
   become more familiar to users over time, as the support for Listserv
   begins to decline with the demise of Bitnet. Most (but not all) of the
   commands are the same. The command syntax (sent to 
    listproc@u.washington.edu) for some of the most common requests is:

            set <list> [<option> <arg[s]>]

            options: mail, password, address, conceal

            arguments for 'mail': ack/noack/postpone/digest
            arguments for 'password': <current-password> <new-password>
            arguments for 'address': <current-password> <new-address>
            arguments for 'conceal': yes/no

   For example:

            set indknow address <current password> <new address>
                 (allows you to change your address. Your password
                  was given to you upon subscribing. E-mail me if you
                  need it).

            set indknow mail postpone  (postpones your mail)
            set indknow mail digest   (collates daily postings into
                  single digest)
            set indknow mail noack   (starts your mail, without 
                  acknowledgement sent to you)
            set indknow password <current password> ***** (allows you 
                  to set a password to help protect your name and address
                  from tinkering - not generally a problem on a mailing 
                  list. Substitute your personal password for the 
            set indknow conceal yes  (conceals your address from others -
                  it does not show up when others "review indknow" to get
                  a list of subscribers)

   Another couple of handy commands (sent to listproc@u.washington.edu) 

             review indknow  (gets you a list of subscribers who aren't 
             index indknow (gets you a list of the archives that can 
                  be retrieved by e-mail)
             get indknow logname (substituting a filename from the archive 
                  gets the file sent to you via e-mail).

   Preston Hardison