
Alternative Farming Systems on WWW

The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC), at the National 
Agricultural Library (NAL), maintains a gopher site and a World Wide Web 
site.  Many important and comprehensive documents related to Sustainable 
Agriculture are available from these sites  (see the List of Publications
when you connect).  Links are also available from the Web page to many 
other Sustainable Agriculture pages.

We have recently added links to the Western Region of the Sustainable 
Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, and to the National 
Biological Control Institute (NBCI), which I mentioned in a post last 

Other recent additions are full-text patents related to biological 
control and other alternative farming methods (mostly bio-control).
These are available at both gopher and WWW sites.

          Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

WWW:    http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/AgrEnv/AltFarm

  or    http://www.nalusda.gov 
          select Answers to Your Questions
          select Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

Gopher  gopher.nalusda.gov
          select NAL Information Centers
          select Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

Orders for publications can be made by e-mail:   afsic@nalusda.gov
                                       Phone :   (301) 504-6559
                                       FAX   :   (301) 504-6409


Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Boulevard
Beltsville, MD  20705-2351

There's a wealth of information available at these sites!

Andy Clark
SAN Coordinator