
NCCES gopher and www sites (fwd)

Please note the changed addresses for North Carolina State University.
As many of you know, SAN's databases and the sanet-mg archives are 
located at this site.
Gabriel A. Hegyes
Sustainable Agriculture Network

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 14:04:07 -0500
>From: Ray Kimsey <rkimsey@amani.ces.ncsu.edu>
To: extech-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
Subject: NCCES gopher and www sites

Just a reminder.  The NCCES gopher and web servers
are now at gopher.ces.ncsu.edu and www.ces.ncsu.edu,
respectively.  Twosocks will have a pointer to these
sites for a short while.

Ray Kimsey 
Ray_Kimsey@ncsu.edu         "Selfishness has never been admired..."
Phone: 919.515.2983                                     C.S. Lewis
Fax:   919.515.3777