
Re: The address of Huge Permaculture Plant database

Hello hwaldock,

>Does anybody know of who has the address of the huge permaculture plant
>database I saw advertised in one of the permculture magazines?
>I know it was from the south of England.

Plants for a future are in Cornwall, and you can't go much further south
than that in England. They have a database of some 7,000 edible and useful
plants which can be grown outdoors in temperate climate.

Plants for a Future, The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG,
Tel. 01208 873554 / 872963.

WWW: http://www.liv.ac.uk/~rmorris/pfaf/index.html

>I will do things for the person who can tell me where it is. 


                         Rob Squires of CTCSystems 
                   --- Coaptation Towards Collectivism  ---    
                  Gill Ellison - Age Concern St.Helens
                    ++++ A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TO LIFE +++
                          Phone/Fax (01744) 612778 