
Neem Neem Neem ...

The new RAFI Communique that I threatened would be up a couple of days ago
is now on WWW.  It does not deal directly with neem; but it does have
several case studies on appropriation of genetic resources and interaction
of indigenous people and bioprospectors - as well as copy of an ever
evolving list of ongoing/proposed bioprospecting projects that we keep. 
Please come by and take a look:

http://www.charm.net/~rafi/rafihome.html   (home page)
http://www.charm.net/~rafi/communidex.html (Communique page)

Apologies if I seem to be plugging my own organization's stuff too much -
but I don't know of any other place on the internet where more pertinent
background information is available... 

Edward Hammond