

To: Members of environmnetal, social justice, education, and other 
grassroots organizations

As policy decisions are made regarding the National Information 
Infrastructure (NII), it is key that the voices of the many small 
organizations which currently use network information technology in their 
struggle for social justice, against pollution and for the improvement of 
their neighborhoods and communities are heard.  To insure that the 
information needs of these groups are accounted for as the United States 
federal government shifts to electronic dissemination of information, the 
Bauman Foundation has commissioned a number of studies on the 
inter-relation of sustainable development and the NII.  The findings of 
these studies will be presented to the Information Initiative Task Force, 
thus giving some representation to groups who may have different 
perspectives that the usual policy setting agents.
Fran Lynn of the Environmental Resource Project at the University of 
North Carolina and I (Andrew Koebrick, a graduate student in Library 
Science) would like to speak with (or interview via email) individuals 
who are active in grassroots causes and who use the internet, fidonet, 
econet, peacenet, ect. in their work.  If this sounds like you, please 
send me a note telling a bit about the organization you work with and the 
sorts of net resources you use.  We are especially interested in any 
electronic government information you access.  Although we will end up 
interviewing only about 15 people/groups, all input will be very welcome 
and will be incorporated into our final report.
I look forward to hearing from many of you,
Andrew Koebrick
School of Information and Library Science, CB #3660
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27519
P.S. If you know of BBSs, newsgroups, or other forums where this request 
for comment would be appropriated, please either let me know or feel free 
to forward it yourself.  Thanks.
P.P.S.  Sorry for the inevitable cross-postings