
RFD: rec.ponds


	Status:  unmoderated          
	Distribution:  worldwide 
	Summary:  Discussions related to the development and
		 maintenance of water gardens or ponds.
	Proposed by:  janette-wallis@uokhsc.edu

This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) on the creation of an
unmoderated newsgroup, rec.ponds.



Rec.ponds is an unmoderated newsgroup to provide a forum for the
discussion of all aspects of ponds or water gardens.   

This Request For Discussion puts forth the suggested name of
"rec.ponds", after a straw poll was conducted during previous discussion
of a "rec.gardens.ponds" group.   The results indicated that "rec.ponds" was
preferred by the majority of the voters.

The Rec.ponds newsgroup will appeal to a wide range of people 
involved in both the recreational and professional aspects of establishing
and maintaining a pond or water garden.  We'll have novices to water
gardening as well as experts, the hobbyist as well as genuine botanists
and ichthyologists.  Even students wishing to find help with science
projects may decide to read Rec.ponds.  All of these people will be 
welcomed to share ideas, ask questions, or simply lurk and learn.

Sphere of Interests

Rec.ponds is dedicated to the development and maintenance of 
water gardens.  Examples of discussion topics might include:

*Building a pond/water garden:  Details will be shared regarding best
materials to use, procedures for making the pond secure, and appropriate
placement of the pond.  Or, in the case of a naturally occurring pond,
what can be done to make it more "user friendly"?   We'll have tips on
building a waterfall, installing a fountain, whether to use a filter,
and how to install a biological filter.  Also, we may give information
on lighting and how to safely run electrical lines to the pool area.

*Establishing a perfect ecosystem:
Where else can you create your own ecosystem and watch it evolve?  
We'll have discussions on water quality; ratio of plant life to animal life;
plant/animal interactions, etc.

*Plant life:
We'll discuss which plants are best suited for our water gardens.  Which
plants need a lot of sunlight, which will survive in the pond over
winter, which need to be taken indoors, etc?    The Rec.ponds 
newsgroup will serve as a forum for discussing plant diseases and cures, 
when to divide, and how to propagate our plants.   We'll also share 
information on establishing an area for bog plants.

We'll share information on fish behavior, biology, and health.   For
example: Which fish are compatible?  What's the maximum number of fish
for the size of a pond?   What conditions should exist in the pond so
the fish will breed?  How do we protect the fry from danger and see that
they grow into healthy adults?   Which diseases are likely to effect
pond fish?   How much should we feed the fish, and how often?

*Amphibians and Reptiles:
We'll discuss the biology, health, and behavior of frogs, newts,
salamanders, turtles, etc. that either come naturally to the pond or are
placed there by us.  Which ones get along?

* Other Environmental Concerns:
In Rec.ponds, we'll discuss how to make certain the pond is
not a safety hazard for small children or pets.   How can we attract 
butterflies?  Should we attract snails?   Also, how do we guard against 
unwanted visitors (raccoons, cats, snakes, herons) that may prey on the 
fish and/or plants in a pond?    What about the use of fertilizers or
insecticides near the pond?   Rec.ponds can be a place to 
exchange information on (non-political) conservation issues.

* Miscellaneous:  Students can use rec.ponds as a place for learning
more about plant and animal life in and around water.  We may exchange
information regarding suppliers of equipment, literature regarding water
garden techniques, location of other electronic resources, etc. 
(However, Rec.ponds is *not* intended as a forum for commercial
transactions with respect to sale of plants, fish, or pond equipment.)

* In the future, rec.ponds may develop FAQ's that address each of
the above topics.


Because most water gardeners have both plant and animal life in their
pond, discussions on development and care of ponds has previously been
split between rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, and rec.pets.herp.   There is no
newsgroup dedicated only to the interests of water gardeners.


This RFD is being posted to news.announce.newgroups, news.groups,
rec.gardens, rec.aquaria, rec.pets.herp.   All discussion will take
place in the group "news.groups."


This is the second posting of the Charter for a newsgroup for ponds.  The
first posting proposed the name "rec.gardens.ponds", but with the same 
charter described above.   That posting occurred on 6 October 1994.  The 
only issue raised during the discussion period was that of the newsgroup's
name.  Because the discussion grew quite heated, a Straw Poll was 
conducted by Wayne Powell (wap@interlog.com).  Straw Poll results were
posted on 25 October 1994.   The majority of votes (50.4%) were for 
"rec.ponds", with "rec.gardens.ponds" a distant 33.1%.   (Please contact
Wayne for straw poll questions/details.)

This second posting of the RFD reflects the newly agreed upon name 
"rec.ponds."   It is being posted to news.announce.newgroups on 27 October
1994 and continued discussion regarding the contents of the proposal will
last for approximately one more week.

If no major changes are required to the proposed charter, then a Call for
Votes (CFV) will then be issued.   An independent third party, from the 
Usenet Volunteer Votetakers will be asked to conduct the vote.

This RFD is being posted according to the guidelines set forth in "How
to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup."   Please refer to this document if
you have questions about the newsgroup creation process.

To pass, the proposal must receive 100 more "Yes" votes than "No" votes
and at least two thirds of the votes must be positive.   Therefore, if
you have an interest in this newsgroup please make it known through
discussion on news.groups (and please remember to vote when the time