
NEW: ROADMAP - Roadmap for the Information Superhighway (fwd)

[this may be of interest to people not sure of their way around the
net.  TH]

Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 10:47:11 +0200
From: Eng-Leong Foo mtc <Eng-Leong.Foo@mtc.ki.se>
To: Multiple recipients of list ET-PARTI
Subject: NEW: ROADMAP - Roadmap for the Information Superhighway (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 14:29:09 EDT
To: Multiple recipients of list STACNET <STACNET@SEARN.BITNET>
Subject: NEW: ROADMAP - Roadmap for the Information Superhighway

I'm forwarding this because I think there is potential interest in this
online class by the STAC community.
For all novices on Internet (or even you hackers) this looks worthwhile.
  If you are new at using LISTSERVers and have questions write to me
    Privately with questions if you like.
      Bob Epstein (NYU)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------

   The Roadmap for the Information Superhighway Interactive Internet
   Training Workshop

   FREE Internet training workshop open to anyone who wishes to
   subscribe.  The entire Roadmap workshop will take place on the
   ROADMAP list (ROADMAP is a distribution list, not a discussion list).

   The Roadmap workshop sessions will cover: E-mail;  Listservs,
   Majordomo, Listproc and other distribution systems;  Usenet;  FTP;
   Archie;  Gopher;  Veronica;  Address Searches;  WAIS;  WWW;  and many
   other topics.  As a number of ROADMAP subscribers only have e-mail
   access, the Roadmap workshop will also teach how to access many
   Internet tools (FTP, Archie, Gopher, etc.) using E-mail.

   The first Roadmap for the Information Superhighway workshop will
   begin in *OCTOBER 1994*.  To subscribe, please send the following
   command in the BODY of your e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU on
   the Internet:

       SUB ROADMAP yourfirstname yourlastname

   For example:

       SUB Roadmap Bill Gates

   Owner:  Patrick Crispen <PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU>