
More USDA Resources

Ag Netters,

Thank you Janet Perry and Steve Neff for starting the ball to roll.

I would like to add that ERS (of USDA) maintains several Bitnet discussion
lists and electronic journals.  I would like to invite everyone to subscribe

         RURALUSA       - Rural US Trends & Conditions Electronic Journal

To subscribe, mail us a note to:  LISTSERV@ERS.BITNET

In your note, type in one line:   SUBSCRIBE RURALUSA <your-name-here>

For you Bitnet people, use your local TELL command to suscribe:

                      TELL LISTSERV AT ERS SUBSCRIBE RURALUSA <your-name>

BTW, those other discussion groups are not quite ready.  But real now....

--David Hopkins

| David Hopkins, Programmer/Analyst| BITNET:  DHopkins@ERS             |
| US Department of Agriculture     | Tel:     202-219-0491             |
| Economic Research Service        | Fax:     202-219-0565             |
| Data Services Center, rm. 308    |          (ATTN: Rm 308)           |
| 1301 New York Ave., NW           |also, INTERNET: DHopkins@ERS.BITNET|
| Washington, DC  20005-4788       |also, MCI: 0005907649@MCIMail.COM  |