

Subject: info

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PO Box 7444
Saint Cloud, MN 56302
612-253-6255 (voice and fax)

News Release

Contact:        Jim McNelly
                The McNelly Group


     ReSourceNet(tm) :  A Business On-ramp to the Data SuperHighway

Saint Cloud, MN.,  February 1, 1994  --  ReSourceNet opens its
electronic doors to businesses and professionals who are
interested in easy access to the "Data SuperHighway".  Founded
by Jim McNelly, an environmental information consultant with the
McNelly Group and Christine Blount, a computer communications
professional with Granite Cities Information Services, this
electronic network utilizes new "gateway" software that enables
users to use their personal computer for electronic E-mail,
conferencing, discussion groups, data bases, newsletters, and
magazines in a manner previously available only to individuals
with expensive and complex Internet accounts.

ReSourceNet is more than an affordable means where professionals can
access information resources and E-mail to millions individuals around
the world.    ReSourceNet is in itself an electronic newsstand carrying
electronic copies of magazines, newsletters, and publications, with an
emphasis on "environmental businesses".  It also provides a "Browser's
Digest"  which contains condensed excerpts and highlights of various
conferences, magazines, and "UseNet" discussion groups in the
specialized areas of waste management, regulatory compliance, rural
economic development, environmental entrepreneuring,  and sustainable


This Browser's Digest service is provided by the ReSourceNet team of
staff and volunteers who spend hours each day "cruising the networks"
and "clipping" the hundreds of conferences and periodicals which are
available in the ReSourceNet directory. Directions and instructions are
provided if subscribers are interested in responding to the discussions,
ordering publications, or seek further information.  ReSourceNet also
carries numerous special interest "lists" which subscribers can join
with a "click of the keyboard", bypassing complex subscription and
address commands.

A chief advantage of ReSourceNet is that it provides the user software
that translates common word processing skills into a powerful
telecommunications tool that reaches the complex world of the
information SuperHighway without the user having to learn new
programming language or communications terminology. ReSourceNet has
entered into a licensing agreement with Mark Herring, author of
"1stReader" communications and off-line reader software.  This software
is customized for ReSourceNet subscribers and comes with an initial
installation service which makes ReSourceNet a "plug and play"
communications package that is easily usable for anyone with common
office computer skills.

Competing networks that provide E-mail access such as Compuserve,
America On Line, Delphi, and others require the user to stay on line.
This ties up the computer and telephone, while committing the user to
complete the communication before logging off.  These services also have
hourly access charges or costs determined by the amount of data
transferred.  ReSourceNet has only one monthly fee for basic information
access and retrieval, and is provided in a compressed information file
called a "QWK" packet.  These QWK packets can be sent to users via
telephone or direct to an Internet address in a matter of minutes.
Businesses and Public agencies can gain inexpensive E-mail and file
attachment services when multiple regional offices use ReSourceNet as
their central E-mail hub.


QWK packets, which have been the standard for local amateur Bulletin
Board users for years, are now configured on ReSourceNet to interact
with Internet messages and UseNet conferences.  UseNet conferences
include  thousands of discussion groups on virtually unlimited topics
available on the Internet.  This software breakthrough enables
ReSourceNet subscribers with Mac, Amiga, or IBM compatible computers to
read their mail and conferences off-line at their leisure without tying
up their computers and telephones, or incurring hourly charges.
1stReader software for DOS is further capable of auto-dialing
ReSourceNet on its own during the night when long distance phone rates
are low.  Its compressed mail sending feature keeps calling time down to
two minutes or less for typical users.

In the past, only large corporations and major institutions such as
universities could afford Internet and International E-mail access to
MCI mail, ATT mail, and other vast data banks of information and
communications services.  Breakthroughs in software provided by Granite
Cities Information Services coupled with 1stReader and QWK packets have
suddenly made the Data SuperHighway and its full E-mail capabilities
available to small to medium sized business at a basic subscription rate
of only $20 per month.

Internet is a public domain network, and ReSourceNet does not charge
extra for, or re-sell, Internet's free public information.  Limited
Internet access is provided free with a ReSourceNet subscription.  Users
pay for the use of ReSourceNet's customized hardware and software
gateway that provides user-friendly graphics and QWK interactive
software. ReSourceNet subscribers also receive access to other networks
such as Intelec and I-Link for general interest topics and PgNet for
CAD/CAM discussions.  ReSourceNet itself has unique conferences, files,
services, products, magazines, and newsletters available on no other
network, with special features designed for the public official and
professional in the resource management field.

Copyrights are protected in the ReSourceNet system and no software
piracy is allowed. Many of the newsletters and magazines offered on-line
are fully protected and are available only on a fee or subscription
basis, often at substantial discounts over hard copy prices.  Many
newsletters offer free trial copies for browsers.  There is an on-line
Visa and Master Charge credit card door enabling convenient ordering for
services, products,  and subscriptions right on-line. Subscribers can
order a variety of discounted computer books and software in the Midwest
Computer on-line catalog.  There are also trade and classified sectors
for vendor advertising, offering full color graphics and E-mail customer
"reader response" features.  Vendors using ReSourceNet can now reach
buyers within hours, rather than days or weeks.

For businesses and public agencies, ReSourceNet can provide custom
private conferences, special interest areas, and information searches.
On-line professionals can interact with clients to answer questions in
the environmental service or resource management areas, including
hazardous and solid waste management, air and water quality, soil
testing, regulatory compliance, and how communities can capitalize on
the resource management industry to promote economic development and
sustainable agriculture.  There are information resources and networks
available through ReSourceNet to assist businesses and professionals
from sole proprietorships up to large corporations.

The data line for calling ReSourceNet via modem is 612-654-8372 2400
baud, or HST for USRobotics modems.  High speed modems (14,400 baud) can
call 612-656-0678.  ReSourceNet also offers fully configured discount
superstore-priced computer systems and hardware components on-line
through Midwest Computers. Christine Blount offers technical support
through the voice information line at 612-259-5732 for hardware,
software, 1stReader, and subscriber assistance.


ReSourceNet  provides:

1.  Registered 1stReader (DOS only) communications and E-mail
    editing software only $25
2.  High performance modems, costing over $500 last year for
    under $140
3.  Internet E-mail addresses
4.  2,800 UseNet conferences, where professionals meet to discuss
    a variety of issues
5.  Custom private conferences for low cost business
6.  Internet listserver facilities, for discussions of topics not
    addressed in the UseNet conferences
7.  Over one gigabyte of on-line files, with access to thousands
    of gigabytes more*
8.  Electronic newsletters and magazines*
9.  Catalogues of discount computer books, hardware and software
    for on-line ordering*
10. Telecomputing services such as Teltech for on-for
    information searching*
11. On-line computer users' groups for expert free advice on
    hardware and software
12. Selected conferences for CAD/CAM, environment, general
    information, weather, and news
13. Seminar and training services for any size organization*
14. Browsers Digest summaries for rapid overviews of news,
    conference clippings, and features
15. 1stReader software free with one year paid subscription
*additional charges may apply


Jim~ McNelly
Granite Information Service 612-654-8372-HST 656-0678 v.32bis
 * February 28th - It can not be explained

cc: Michael Million [MM24681@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU]
    Byron Belitsos [71055.3435@COMPUSERVE.COM]
    Peg Seremjian [SEREMJIA@CS.UWP.EDU]
    Dan Massey [massey@world.std.com]
    Lawrence London [LONDON@SUNSITE.UNC.EDU]
    Dick Prince [rfprince@netcom.com]
    Tom Richard [TLR2@CORNELL.EDU]
    Lee Fox [LFOX01@MAIL.MORE.NET]
    Tom Alexander [TALEXAN@CSOS.ORST.EDU]
    Paula Schenone [P.SCHENONE1@GENIE.GEIS.COM]
    Phil Calabrese [CALABRES@COD.NOSC.MIL]