
Change of URL for The Strawberry Facts Page

To whom it may concern

This note is to inform you that the pages of the site

  The Strawberry Facts Page

which originally had its top level page at the URL


has been moved.  The new top level of this site is now at the URL


Please update any links to reflect this change.

Jenni A. (Mott) Merrifield

  This message was automatically sent to you as a result of a script
that conducts an Alta Vista search (http://www.altavista.digital.com)
for pages which contain links to the original URL or any of its
subsidiary pages.  Your e-mail address was found in a "mailto" link
at the URL:

  If you do not have any direct control over the contents of the 
file at this URL, please disregard this message, and I sincerely 
apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. --JAMM
AACC-LifeQuest.Offer:6:Subject: Free Agricultural Software Directory & Newsletter
ACCESS-EPA:6:Subject: EPA Information (long and readable)
ACES.gopher:5:Subject: New Gopher Server
ACSA-webserver:6:Subject: ANNOUNCING: Arch bulletin board
AGN.mailing-list:5:Subject: Re: Is there a faq?; book recommendations
AGRICOLA-ALF-NAL:5:Subject: Re: national ag library
AGRICOLA.NAL.searches:6:Subject: national ag library
AGRICOLA.NAL.searches:60:Subject: Re: NAL Internet Service (fwd)
AQUA-L.mailing-list:10:Subject: Re: Aquaculture
AROID-L.mailing-list:6:Subject: AROID-L LISTSERV discussion group
AROID-L.mailing-list:22:Subject: AROID-L Announcement
AROID-L.mailing-list:56:subject line. This is important for searching the weekly logs for
AWOL:6:Subject: AWOL: Coppertales A Journal of Rural Arts
Accessing-the-Internet-By-E-Mail:5:Subject: UPDATED> Accessing The Internet By E-Mail - 2nd Edition (fwd)
Accessing-the-Internet-By-E-Mail:10:Subject: Accessing The Internet By E-Mail
Ag.Biotech.www-server.BIC-NAL-USDA:6:Subject: Ag Biotech WWW/Gopher Server!
AgWasteDatabase.gopher:5:Subject: ANNOUNCE: New Gopher Info -- AgWasteDatabase (fwd)
AgWasteDatabase.gopher:11:Subject: New Gopher Info -- AgWasteDatabase
AgriGator.wwwserver:5:Subject: ANNOUNCE: AgriGator = agriculture, etc.
Amer-Gdn-News.mailing-list:5:Subject: Re: Is there a faq?; book recommendations
AquaNIC:6:Subject: Aquaculture
B.MAIL.IBRA.e-newsletter:6:Subject: B.Mail 11/94
BENE.www-server:6:Subject: Biodiversity and Ecosystems NEtwork (BENE) WWW Server
BETA-2.Aquaria-Glossary.www-site:6:Subject: BETA 2 AQUARIA GLOSSARY NOW AVAILABLE
Bioline.Publications:13:Subject: Re: The Electronic Newsstand
Books-That-Work.www-site:5:Subject: Re: Garden/Landscaping Design Software for Windows
CASHCROP-and-INFO.minor-crops.mailing-lists:6:Subject: SPECIALTY CROP MAIL LISTS
CES.databases:6:Subject: Extension info on the Web, Trace Elements
CES.databases:41:Subject: Re: Extension info on the Web, Trace Elements
CIESIN:6:Subject: International Earth Science Information
CIESIN:181:subject index, and also by entering keywords.
CIESIN:217:Subject Index 
CIESIN:327:Subject: CIESIN (fwd)
CIESIN:335:Subject: CIESIN (fwd)
COTNET.NCC-bbs:6:Subject: Re: Cotton WWW???
CREST-gopher:5:Subject: Alternative Energy Internet Server
Campus-EarthNet.www-server:6:Subject: WWW> Campus EarthNet (fwd)
Campus-EarthNet.www-server:12:Subject: Campus EarthNet
Campus-EarthNet.www-server:16:Subject: Campus EarthNet (fwd)
Campus-EarthNet.www-server:23:Subject: Campus EarthNet (fwd)
Chile-Heads.mailing-list:6:Subject: Information on the Chile-Heads list
Chileheads.www-page:6:Subject: Re: Pepper Seed Source
Connect.With.Nature.e-mail-course:6:Subject: Email course "Connect with Nature"
Convention-on-Biological-Diversity.www-server:6:Subject: Biodiversity: Convention of Parties
Costa.Rica.FFTS.www-server:5:Subject: Christmas message from President Figueres (English & Spanish)
Costa.Rica.FFTS.www-server:13:Subject: Christmas message from President Figueres
Cyber-Space.BBS:5:Subject: CYBER SPACE BBS
Cyber-Space.BBS:7:Subject: CYBER SPACE BBS
DAIRY-L:5:Subject: Re: resource document for rotational grazing
Dictionary-of-Cell-Biology.WWW-server:6:Subject: the Dictionary of Cell Biology on WWW!
ECOTECH-Network:6:Subject: PRESS RELEASE - Please distribute
EESC-_NL.www-server:5:Subject: WWW> ANNOUNCE Earth and Envir. Sciences Web Server (fwd)
EESC-_NL.www-server:13:Subject: WWW> ANNOUNCE Earth and Envir. Sciences Web Server (fwd)
EESC-_NL.www-server:20:Subject: ANNOUNCE Earth and Envir. Sciences Web Server
EFF-s-Guide-to-the-Internet:1361:subject.  From here, it's just like writing a new message. But say you 
EFF-s-Guide-to-the-Internet:3097:subject line). The next time you call up that newsgroup, rn will tell 
EFF-s-Guide-to-the-Internet:4738:subject line blank.  Inside the message, type 
ELECTRONIC-GREEN-JOURNAL:5:Subject: thought youd be interested
ELECTRONIC-GREEN-JOURNAL:10:Subject: [alt.energy.renewable] New issue of Electronic Green Journal available
ELECTRONIC-GREEN-JOURNAL.mailing-list:5:Subject: EJOUR> New issue of Electronic Green Journal available (fwd)
ELECTRONIC-GREEN-JOURNAL.mailing-list:17:Subject: EJOUR> New issue of Electronic Green Journal available (fwd)
ELECTRONIC-GREEN-JOURNAL.mailing-list:23:Subject: New issue of Electronic Green Journal available
ENRIC-USAID.Intl-Biodiversity-Info.on-Internet:6:Subject: biodiversity in Internet
ENRIC-USAID.Intl-Biodiversity-Info.on-Internet:37:Subject: File: "CONSLINK BDVGUIDE"
EPA:5:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
EPA:14:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
EPA:23:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up)
EPA!:5:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
EPA!:14:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
EPA!:23:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up)
EPA-Gopher:5:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
EPA-Gopher:21:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
EPA-Gopher:30:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up)
EPA-bioremediation-BBS:6:Subject: bioremediation
EPA.Internet-sites:6:Subject: Re: Need EPA e-mail sites
ERP.of.RMI:5:Subject: Re: Rural Community Development
ET-ANN.mailing-list:7:Subject: ET-012: The Solar Oven: A Tool of Sustenance 
ET-LOKE.mailing-list:7:Subject: ET-012: The Solar Oven: A Tool of Sustenance 
EXTOXNET:5:Subject: *UPDATE* - Access to EXTOXNET
Earth.Spirit.BBS:5:Subject: New Environmental BBS!!!
Earth.Spirit.BBS:7:Subject: New Environmental BBS!!!
Ecological-Modelling.www-server:13:Subject: Announcement: WWW-Server for Ecological Modelling
Electronic-Green-Journal.net-access:6:Subject: New issue of Electronic Green Journal available
Emu-Ratite.mailing-list:6:Subject: Emu Mailing List
Emu-Ratite.mailing-list:15:Subject; Subscribe, Body; Subscribe emu-ratite (Email Address).
EnviroLink.Network.EnviroFreenet:5:Subject: NETWORK: EnviroLink Network
EnviroLink.Network.EnviroFreenet:12:Subject: FREE Enviro Info and Accounts
Extension-Accountability.www-server:6:Subject: New web-server: Extension Accountability
Extension-Farm-Bill-leaflets.www-site:6:Subject: Extension Farm Bill Leaflets
FAQ-on-FAQs:5:Subject: [l/m 2/9/94] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
FAQ-on-FAQs:277:Subject: Re: FAQ on FAQs
FAQ-on-FAQs:299:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs n.g.FAQ
FAQ-on-FAQs:319:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
FAQ-on-FAQs:340:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
FAQ-on-FAQs:413:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
FAQ-on-FAQs:440:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
FAQ-on-FAQs:471:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
FAQ-on-FAQs:525:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs
FAQs.access:2:Subject: How to ftp to sunsite.
FAQs.access:3:Subject: How to access the sunSITE GOPHER by telnet.
FAQs.access:69:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
FI-Virtual.Science.Museum.www-server:6:Subject: WWW> The Franklin Institute Science Museum
FISHNET.Compuserve:6:Subject: PONDS + Aquaria
FMDSS-L.forestry.mailing-list:5:Subject: FMDSS-L (typo correction)
FMDSS-L.forestry.mailing-list:54:Subject: Discussion group for forest management decision support systems
FUNGUS.mailing-list:6:Subject: new mailing list!
FUNGUS.mailing-list:147:Subject: Your mail to fungus-request@teleport.com
FUNGUS.mailing-list.archive-site:6:Subject: First Week of FUNGUS archived
Farmer-to-Farmer.www-server:5:Subject: Re: QUESTION: Need information on growi
FarmerNet.organic-market-prices:5:Subject: Re: Sources of market price info for organic products.
Forestry.SFASU.www-server:5:Subject: WWW Server at SFASU College of Forestry
GD-PEJ:5:Subject: GreenDisk Wildlands Issue Available via ftp (fwd)
GD-PEJ:18:Subject: GreenDisk Wildlands Issue Available via ftp (fwd)
GD-PEJ:27:Subject: GreenDisk Wildlands Issue Available
GPO-online-access-to-docs:5:Subject: NEWS: GPO Access Outreach Program (fwd)
GPO-online-access-to-docs:11:Subject: GPO Access Outreach Program (fwd)
GPO-online-access-to-docs:17:Subject: GPO Access Outreach Program
GRAZE-L.mailing-list:6:Subject: Management Intensive Grazing mailing list
GRAZE-L.mailing-list:33:Subject: Mgt intensive rotn'l grazing listserver
GREEN-BBS.list:6:Subject: Free Fido GREEN BBSs
HAPPY.www-server:6:Subject: HAPPY HomePage address correction
HAPPY.www-server:23:Subject: HAPPY, Inc.
HERB.mailing-list:6:Subject: You are now subscribed to the HERB list
HGA-L.greenhouse-listserver:6:Subject: NEW! Listserv on Greenhouses
HOTLINE:6:Subject: HOTLINE: Climate Change News (fwd)
HOTLINE:12:Subject: HOTLINE: Climate Change News
Homeground.gardening-newsletter:6:Subject: Allen Lacy newsletter  on WWW
IBS:5:Subject: IBS
IBS:7:Subject: IBS
IBS:18:Subject: IBS
INFOTERRA.EPA-online-library:6:Subject: Re: Query: risk of contamination from pressure treated wood
IPMnet:5:Subject: Terms
IPMnet:41:Subject: IPMnet
IPMnet:156:Subject: NEWS: IPMnet News
IPMnet:265:Subject: Forwarded mail....
IPMnet:450:Subject: IPM Information
IPMnet:540:Subject: Re: PANUPS: Online Resource Pointer #15 (fwd)
IPMnet:548:Subject: Re: PANUPS: Online Resource Pointer #15
IRRIGATION-L.mailing-list:5:Subject: New: irrigation-l List (fwd)
IRRIGATION-L.mailing-list:13:Subject: New: irrigation-l List
InfiNet:5:Subject: InfiNet BBS
InfiNet:7:Subject: InfiNet BBS
InfiNet:54:Subject: Organic farming in Austin, Tx.
LAKES-L.listserver:6:Subject: Lakes List Server
LONGEVITY.listserver:6:Subject: NEW: LONGEVITY - Ways to extend human life
MAXLIFE-L:5:Subject: New MaxLife list
MaizeDB-GRIN.www-server:6:Subject: GRIN and MaizeDB are now linked
MedSearch.America:5:Subject: MedSearch America now online
NAL-AFSIC.Internet-ID:5:Subject: Re: Need Information on Agriculture and Energy (fwd)
NAL-USDA.gopher-site:6:Subject: Re: seminar info search
NAL.Electronic-Information-Initiative:1624:subjects receiving higher priority.
NAL.Electronic-Information-Initiative:3576:Subject headings were determined based on the title and documentation
NAL.Electronic-Information-Initiative:5774:Subject Selection and Collection Development.  Existing collection development
NAL.reference.requests:6:Subject: national ag library
NAL.reference.requests:60:Subject: Re: national ag library
NAL.reference.requests:107:Subject: national ag library
NAL.reference.requests:161:Subject: Re: NAL Internet Service (fwd)
NAL.reference.requests:213:Subject: Re: national ag library
NASA-LBSAD.www-server:6:Subject: CALL: NASA Research Announcement - Plant Research
NATLIT-L.mailing-list:5:Subject: Natural Literacy Mailing List (New) (About Earth Knowledge)
NCCES.mailing-list-catalog:6:Subject: RE: (null)
NCSU.IPM-Center.www-server:5:Subject: no subject (file transmission)
NOAA-NWS-SEAWSC.www-site:5:Subject: test
National-Gardening.on-CompuServe:4:Subject: Gardening Forum
Native-Net:5:Subject: Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal Info
Native-Net:50:Subject: <blank>
Not-Just-Cows:5:Subject: Not Just Cows by Wilfred Drew
Not-Just-Cows.upd:5:Subject: UPDATE: "Not Just Cows" (fwd)
Not-Just-Cows.upd:11:Subject: UPDATED> New version of agricultural guide to internet (NJC) (fwd)
Not-Just-Cows.upd:16:Subject: Announce> New version of agricultural guide to internet (NJC)
OrMed-guidelines:6:Subject: Re: your ListSERV request "subscribe london@sunsite.unc.edu OrMed"
OrMed.faq:5:Subject: Re: your ListSERV request "FAQ ORMED"
OrMed.guidelines:6:Subject: Welcome to the list!
OrMed.mailing-list:5:Subject: Announcing an Oriental Medicine Mailing List
OrMed.mailing-list:62:Subject: [anything]
OrMed.mailing-list:91:Subject: Subscribing and Unsubscribing
Oxford-Forestry-Institute.webserver:5:Subject: New WWW Server at the Oxford FOrestry Institute
PIGVISION:6:Subject: PIGVISION  art/science project
PIGVISION:38:Subject: PIGVISION; call for interest (fwd)
PIGVISION:44:Subject: PIGVISION; call for interest
PIPS:6:Subject: Re: Round)Up Breaking Down in Water
PIPS:11:Subject: pips2.c_d
PIPS-EXTOXNET:6:Subject: Re: Round)Up Breaking Down in Water
PIPS-EXTOXNET:11:Subject: pips2.c_d
PLANT-TC.listserv:6:Subject: Re: Plant Tissue Culture Listserv
POT-MOD-L.mailing-list:5:Subject: New Internet Discussion, Potato Modeling
POULTRY.mailing-list:6:Subject: Re: CHICKEN MANURE --> CATTLE FEED
Pacific-Nut-Producer.magazine.email-ID:6:Subject: Re: Electronic in agriculture
Pacific-Nut-Prooducer.e-mail-magazine:6:Subject: If Your a Nut Producer, Please Read This!
PageSat:5:Subject: a way to connect in the rural areas
PenPages.ag-info-site:6:Subject: Agricultural info on the net
PenPages.ag-info-site:29:Subject: PENpages Reply
Peter.Leppik.plants-by-mail-faq.www-page:6:Subject: Re: Do we have a(n) FAQ?
PigBASE.www-site:5:Subject: more pig stuff (fwd)
PigBASE.www-site:11:Subject: more pig stuff
PrarieNet-and-master-gardeners:5:Subject: QUERY: horticulture gophers, WWW for Master Gardener project
PrarieNet.ag-gopher:5:Subject: QUERY: horticulture gophers, WWW for Master Gardener project
RFD-rec.plants-:6:Subject: RFD: rec.plants.*
RFD-rec.ponds:6:Subject: RFD: rec.ponds
ROADMAP:5:Subject: NEW: ROADMAP - Roadmap for the Information Superhighway (fwd)
ROADMAP:14:Subject: NEW: ROADMAP - Roadmap for the Information Superhighway (fwd)
ROADMAP:20:Subject: NEW: ROADMAP - Roadmap for the Information Superhighway
RURALUSA.USDA-rural.list:6:Subject: More USDA Resources
ReSourceNet:5:Subject: info
ReSourceNet:7:Subject: info
ResourceNet-GardenNet:5:Subject: ResourceNet and GardenNet
ResourceNet-GardenNet:7:Subject: ResourceNet and GardenNet
SANET-MG.guidelines:5:Subject: News: Split Decision
SANET-MG.guidelines:56:subject as you became with other recent overloads.
SANET-MG.guidelines:69:Subject: Re: News: Split Decision
SARD.UNDP.mailing-list:6:Subject: (none)
SARDBB-L.mailing-list.SARD-TIE:5:Subject: INVITATION (fwd)
SARDBB-L.mailing-list.SARD-TIE:12:Subject: INVITATION
SOILS-l.AGMODELS-L.mailing-lists:6:Subject: Re: SOILS LISTSERVS OR GROUPS???
SOMNET:5:Subject: SOMNET - A Global network of soil organic matter models and long term experiments (fwd)
SOMNET:16:Subject: SOMNET - A Global network of soil organic matter models and long term
STAT.import-export-prod-info:6:Subject: STATS. ON AGRIC. IMPORTS/EXPORTS/PRODUCTIO
SUSTAG-L:5:Subject: sustag-l cross postings
SUSTAG-L.mailing-list:4:Subject: Re: SUSTAG-L subscription information needed
Sal.Schettino.sust-ag.WWW-page:6:Subject: Re: Any Sustag Web Sites Out There?
SearchNet:6:Subject: SearchNet 5085866977     
Solstice:5:Subject: WWW> Solstice": Alternative Energy Web Site (fwd)
Solstice:16:Subject: WWW> Solstice": Alternative Energy Web Site (fwd)
Solstice:21:Subject: "Solstice": Alternative Energy Web Site (via CREST, Washington D.C.)
State-Fact-Sheets:6:Subject: ANNOUNCE:  New State Fact Sheets (fwd)
State-Fact-Sheets:21:Subject: New State Fact Sheets
Survive-List.mailing-list:6:Subject: Another place for discussing survivalism
Swedish-radioecology.www-server:6:Subject: ANNOUNCE: Radioecology www-server
THOMAS.info-server:6:Subject: ANNOUNCE:  THOMAS Now Telnet-Accessible (fwd)
THOMAS.info-server:22:Subject: THOMAS Now Telnet-Accessible (fwd)
THOMAS.info-server:30:Subject: THOMAS Now Telnet-Accessible
TRICKLE-L:5:Subject: Irrigation info
TRICKLE-L:21:Subject: NEW: Trickle-L - Trickle or Drip Irrigation
TRICKLE-L.mailing-list:6:Subject: Re: Subsurface Drip Irrigation: Resourse Question
The-Garden-Gate.www-site:6:Subject: Re: WWW Gardening Sites? Info. request.
The-Garden-Spiders-WWWeb:5:Subject: no subject (file transmission)
The-Garden-Spiders-WWWeb:10:Subject: FYI: 'Internet Resources for Gardeners' - WWW article
The-Growing-Edge.magazine.email-ID:7:Subject: The Growing Edge has e-mail!!!!!
The-Wellness-List:6:Subject: Announcing WellnessList
The-Wellness-List:37:subject to subscription approval by the Listowner.
The.Garden.Gate.www-site.update:6:Subject: WWW Site: The Garden Gate
The.Online.World:5:Subject: new version of the online world resources handbook (fwd)
The.Online.World:24:Subject: new version of the online world resources handbook
The.Virtual.Garden.www-site.update:6:Subject: ANNOUNCE: New features in the Virtual Garden WWW site
Time-Life.Virtual.Garden.www-server:6:Subject: Time Life's Virtual Garden Web site
Time.Magazine.WWW-Site:2:Subject: (Fwd) WWW> Time Magazine site web site (fwd)
Together.net:13:Subject: Land issues
UA-DA-RE.ag-www-server:6:Subject: WWW from Dept Ag & Res Econ U of Arizona
UNCAT.Sapphire-Press:6:Subject: List agriculture publications FREE on the Web
UNCAT.Sapphire-Press:31:subject area to see the full scope of UNCAT.
US-CAN.HOTLINE-news:5:Subject: HOTLINE V1 N2 now available (fwd)
US-CAN.HOTLINE-news:13:Subject: HOTLINE V1 N2 now available
USDA-GRIN.gopher:6:Subject: Re: Request for list of apple varieties & others
USDA-gopher-server:6:Subject: Re: Where is USDA zone maps?
USDA-info.Cornell-MannLib:6:Subject: Re: Is USDA on INTERNET?
USDA.access-via-internet:6:Subject: Almanac User's Guide (fwd)
USDA.access-via-internet:15:Subject: Almanac User's Guide
UofM.wildlife-ecology.www-site:9:Subject: Announcing Wildlife WWW Home Page
VITA.www-site:6:Subject: Re: VITA
Virtual-Garden.updates:6:Subject: ANNOUNCE: New in the Virtual Garden
Virtual-Mirror.Garden-EXchange.www-site:6:Subject: Virtual Mirror Garden Exchange
WOODWORK.mailing-list:5:Subject: Re: Query: risk of contamination from pressure treated wood
ag-env-bio.WWW-sites.big-list:6:Subject: Re: Any Sustag Web Sites Out There?
ag-env-bio.WWW-sites.big-list:211:subject line and with text that reads    SUBSCRIBE WLREHAB Your Name  
ag-hrnet.mailing-list:5:Subject: New farm labor list established
ag-hrnet.mailing-list:47:subject: (be descriptive)
ag-hrnet.mailing-list:56:subject:  (delete the subject line)
ag-hrnet.mailing-list:68:subject: (delete the subject line)
ag-hrnet.mailing-list:80:subject: (delete the subject line)
ag-hrnet.mailing-list:91:subject: (delete the subject line)
ag-information.ncsu-www-server:6:Subject: Re: Internet and Agriculture
ag-marketing.Internet-site:6:Subject: Re: farmer/rural Internet uses
ag-modelling.mailing-list:6:Subject: New Mailing groups for Soils and AgModels
ag-modelling.mailing-list:27:Subject: EJTES - main
ag-modelling.mailing-list:38:Subject: New lists: SOILS-L and AGMODELS-L  are on-line!
ag-science-environment-misc-WWW-Sites:6:Subject: Re: Any Sustag Web Sites Out There?
ag-science-environment-misc-WWW-Sites:211:subject line and with text that reads    SUBSCRIBE WLREHAB Your Name  
ag-waste-database:6:Subject: ag waste database
ag.databases.misc:8:Subject: Composing CD's
ag.gopherinfo:2:Subject: Re: EPA on the Internet (GOPH
ag.gopherinfo:43:Subject: EPA on the Internet (GOPHER Server up) (fwd)
ag.info-systems:5:Subject: Updated Internet Services LisFollowup-To: poster
ag.listservers.newlist:5:Subject: Re: Computers in Agriculture
aginfo-computer-survey:11:Subject: farmer access to ag info by computer
aginfo-systems:11:Subject: INTERAG/International Ag. Database, Illinois CES (fwd)
aginfo-systems:23:Subject: INTERAG/International Ag. Database, Illinois CES
aginfo-systems:151:Subject: New File <OTH085> CENET, the Cornell Extension NETwork (fwd)
aginfo-systems:166:Subject: New File <OTH085> CENET, the Cornell Extension NETwork
aginfo-systems:207:Subject: Cornell's CENET now available (fwd)
aginfo-systems:218:Subject: Cornell's CENET now available
aglists:5:Subject: ag lists
aglists:7:Subject: ag lists
aglists:278:Subject: ag lists 1/2
aglists:280:Subject: ag lists
agricultural-consultant-matching-service:6:Subject: Need an agricultural consultant?
alf.bbs.nal.telnet-access:5:Subject: Re: databases
alf.bbs.nal.telnet-access:23:Subject: ALF from the Internet
almanac-lists.sub-info:5:Subject: list info
almanac.mailserver.usage:6:Subject: RE: (null)
almanac.mailserver.usage:58:Subject: RE: (null)
alt-ag.info-sources:5:Subject: Information sources in alternative agriculture
alt.logcabin.home:6:Subject: alt.logcabin.home
aquaria.archive-site:5:Subject: Aquaria Archive Notice: Twice-Monthly Posting
architecture-WWW-site:5:Subject: Architecture WWW site
aromatherapy-l.mailing-list:6:Subject: Re: it is here
artificial-wetlands-bioremediation.www-server:5:Subject: WWW info. on artificial wetlands for waste treatment
bee-sting-venom-faq-author:5:Subject: Bee sting/bee venom faq
beekeeping-resources.Internet:5:Subject: sci.agriculture.beekeeping faq
beekeeping.www-page:6:Subject: WWW Page Moves
bio-ag.listserv.list:13:Subject: Alternative Listservers
biotech-and-sust-ag.NAL.www-server:6:Subject: "Biotech and Sustainable Ag: A Bibliography" AVAILABLE
biotech.info.NAL:5:Subject: Ag Biotech Info. is Avail. via Internet
bitnet-ag-mailing-lists:6:Subject: Re: Farm Management Software
botanical.gophers:4:Subject: BEN # 70
carniverous-plant.mailing-list:6:Subject: Re: The exciting world of Carnivorous Plants
ces.gopher.list:2:Subject: Updated CES Gopher list (fwd)
cicnet:4:Subject: Rural Datafication
cicnet:23:Subject: The Grant (Internet) Challenge
clocks-and-time-on-WWW:6:Subject: Clocks and Time on World Wide Web
community-gardens-info.www-gopher-site:6:Subject: Re: How do I start a community garden...?
congress.online:5:Subject: Congress On-Line
congress.online:7:Subject: Congress On-Line
congress.online:30:Subject: Congress On-Line
congress.online:35:Subject: Welcome to the Constituent Electronic Mail System
cornell.gopher.usda-info:15:Subject: USDA (ERS/NASS) Info On the Internet at Cornell
countrylink:5:Subject: Information on government services via IT
ecol-agric.mailing-list:5:Subject: FW: New ecol-agric list on Mailbase (fwd)
ecol-agric.mailing-list:12:Subject: FW: New ecol-agric list on Mailbase (fwd)
ecol-agric.mailing-list:72:Subject: Subscription to Mailbase list ecol-agric
ecology.net-resources:6:Subject: Re: looking for bio. www or ftp sites
ecology.net-resources:48:Subject: Re: looking for bio. www or ftp sites
econet.pesticide-sust-ag.gopher:4:Subject: Pesticide Gopher Info
envir-ag.internet.resources:33:Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides", a joint project of the
envirolink-envirofreenet:5:Subject: The EnviroLink Network
envirolink-envirofreenet:8:Subject: FREE Enviro Info and Accounts
ethnobotany.www-server:6:Subject: Ethnobotany and the World Wide Web
farm-managemant-software:6:Subject: Re: Farm Management Software
farm-management-software.www-site:6:Subject: Re: Farm Management Software
farnet:4:Subject: Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII
farnet:24:Subject: Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII (fwd)
farnet:45:Subject: Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII
fatfree.mailing-list:6:Subject: Re: Veggie Life
federal-register.on-internet:5:Subject: Fw: Federal Register Available on Internet
federal-register.on-internet:22:Subject: Federal Register Available on Internet
fish-ecology.list.access:22:Subject: Fisheries Ecology Mailing List seems to be fixed
fish-ecology.mailing-list:6:Subject: Fisheries Ecology Mailing List seems to be fixed
fishecology.mailinglist:5:Subject: fish-ecology.mailing.list
fishecology.mailinglist:24:Subject: Fisheries Ecology Mailing List seems to be fixed
food-processing-equipment.FPM&SA.www-server:6:Subject: For Food Processing Manufacturers
food-science.newsgroup-proposal:6:Subject: Food Science NEWS GROUP
forage-mg.usage:5:Subject: forage-mg Usage
forage-quality-mg.mailing-list:6:Subject: forage-quality-mg@oes.orst.edu
gardening-webserver:6:Subject: Web Garden server
gardening-www-gopher-sites:6:Subject: Re: WWW sites?
gardening-www-gopher-sites:34:Subject: Re: WWW sites?
gardening-www-gopher-sites:65:Subject: Re: WWW sites?
gardening-www-gopher-sites:96:Subject: Re: WWW sites?
gardening-www-gopher-sites:130:Subject: Re: WWW sites?
gardening-www-gopher-sites:160:Subject: Time Life's Virtual Garden Web site
gardening-www-sites:6:Subject: Re: WWW Gardening Sites? Info. request.
goats.mailing-list:5:Subject: angora and cashmere production
grasses.mailing-list:5:Subject: mailing list for grass researchers
graze-it-mg.mailing-list:6:Subject: Management Intensive Grazing mailing list
graze-it-mg.mailing-list:33:Subject: Mgt intensive rotn'l grazing listserver
herb.mailing-list.german:5:Subject: Re: USENET Newsgroup - alt.folklore.herbs
hort-db.on-the-net:6:Subject: Re: Seeking sources of botanical, horticultural databases
houseplants.VaCES-gopher:6:Subject: Re: Question: Houseplants newsgroup??
how-to-create-faqs.faq:5:Subject: [l/m 10/21/93] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
how-to-create-faqs.faq:261:Subject: Re: FAQ on FAQs
how-to-create-faqs.faq:283:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs n.g.FAQ
how-to-create-faqs.faq:303:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
how-to-create-faqs.faq:324:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
how-to-create-faqs.faq:397:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
how-to-create-faqs.faq:424:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
how-to-create-faqs.faq:455:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs			n.g.FAQ
how-to-create-faqs.faq:509:Subject: Re: [l/m 10/6/92] FAQ on FAQs
hydro.list.usage:5:Subject: PLEASE read this before your unsubscribe!
hydrology.www-sites:5:Subject: Re: WANTED:  WWW sites on hydrology (engineering)
hydrology.www-sites:45:Subject: Re: WANTED:  WWW sites on hydrology (engineering)
hydroponics.archives.www-ftp:5:Subject: Hydro list not available via WWW
hydroponics.mailing-list:6:Subject: New way to (un)subscribe to hydro@hawg
indknow.mailing-list:6:Subject: Listserv to Listproc Conversion
indknow.mailing-list:51:Subject: New List: Indigenous Knowledge
internet-horticultural-resources:5:Subject: horticultural internet resources !?
internet.black-resources:5:Subject: Re: Sustainable Development Lists
internet.black-resources:56:Subject: <blank>
internet.rural-access:7:Subject: access to internet for rural Americans (fwd)
internet.rural-access:16:Subject: access to internet for rural Americans
internet.rural-access:22:Subject: access to internet for rural Americans
ipm-mg.mailing-list:5:Subject: RE: (null)
list-newsgroup.locator:6:Subject: Re: Bee-L
list-newsgroup.locator:27:Subject: BEE-L        BEE-L@ALBNYVM1.BITNET     Discussion of Bee Biology       BEE-L is for the discussion 
livestock-research-for-rural-development.www-server:6:Subject: Sustainable Developement Journal on line
magnesium-in-ground-water.ftp-site:6:Subject: New FTP for Magnesium in ground water
medialist.mailing-list:5:Subject: THE MEDIA LIST, 4/11/94 (Update)
meteorology.mailing-lists:5:Subject: Mailing lists and newsgro
meteorology.mailing-lists:7:Subject: Mailing lists and newsgroups for meteorology
meteorology.mailing-lists:19:Subject: Mailing lists and newsgroups for meteorology
meteorology.mailing-lists:54:subject title above to find the section quickly.
meteorology.mailing-lists:57:Subject:  Introduction
meteorology.mailing-lists:76:Subject:  How to get a current copy of this document
meteorology.mailing-lists:90:Subject: Weather-related mailing lists
meteorology.mailing-lists:208:Subject:  Newsgroups
more-agriculture-listservers:6:Subject: Re: Help Locating Listserver in agronomy/soil science
mushroom-growers-Internet-site:6:Subject: Re: Mushrooms for tree stumps?
mushroom-growing-information.gopher-server:6:Subject: want to grow forest mushrooms?
mycology-resources:6:Subject: Here is An Update
myconet:8:Subject: MYCONET FAQ
myconet.faq.access:8:Subject: MYCONET FAQ
native-indigineous-aboriginal.net-resources:5:Subject: Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal Info
native-indigineous-aboriginal.net-resources:50:Subject: <blank>
netiquette.ad.campaign:6:Subject: Ad campaign about netiquette
news-netiquette:4:Subject: Re: Some thoughts about this group
ngonet-unced:4:Subject:      UNCED resources collection
not-just.cows.ag-guide:9:Subject: agriculture info on Internet
npirs:5:Subject: Re: Product Label Database?
nutrition-software-online.faq:6:Subject: Nutrition software
permaculture-mailing-list.OZ:7:Subject: Re: Getting started...
permaculture-mg.mailing-list:4:Subject: RE: (null)
permaculture-sustag.www-site:6:Subject: online resources: permaculture, sustainable ag
permaculture.cd-rom:5:Subject: PERMA-CD-ROM (fwd)
permaculture.www-site.OZ:6:Subject: Re: Network
pigfarm.mailing-list:5:Subject: Pig email list
plants-by-mail-faq.www-page:6:Subject: Plants By Mail FAQ, WWW Edition
rec.ponds-newsgroup:6:Subject: 2nd CFV: rec.ponds
remore-sensing-GIS-Statistics.mailing-list:15:Subject: Establish Mailing List for Remote Sensing, GIS, Statistics (fwd)
renew-energy.mailing-list:5:Subject: RE: (null)
res-econ.mailing-list:5:Subject: several economics mailing lists (long)
res-econ.mailing-list:22:Subject: Land and Resource Economics on the Internet (Email)
res-econ.mailing-list:299:subject at majordomo@csn.org; for information send email with the
res-econ.mailing.list:5:Subject: Land and Resource Economics
sanet-mg.archives:5:Subject: ANNOUNCE: Sanet-mg Archives on Gopher
sanet-mg.usage:5:Subject: sanet-mg Usage
sawell.gopher:5:Subject: Re: What is this newsgroup's charter?
sci.agri:5:Subject: RFD: sci.agriculture (fwd)
sci.agri:14:Subject: RFD: sci.agriculture
soc.org.nonprofit:6:Subject: Soc.org.nonprofit Charter
soil.sci-ag.sim.model.mail-lists:6:Subject: Re: Soil Science and Agric. Simulation models lists
soils.mailing-list:6:Subject: New Mailing groups for Soils and AgModels
soils.mailing-list:27:Subject: EJTES - main
soils.mailing-list:38:Subject: New lists: SOILS-L and AGMODELS-L  are on-line!
suer-wg:5:Subject: NEW: SUER-WG - Sustainable Use of Ecosystem ResourcesWG (fwd)
suer-wg:13:Subject: NEW: SUER-WG - Sustainable Use of Ecosystem ResourcesWG (fwd)
suer-wg:22:Subject: NEW: SUER-WG - Sustainable Use of Ecosystem ResourcesWG
survnet:6:Subject: Military Surplus
sustag-principles.mailing-list:11:Subject: RE: (null)
sustag-principles.mailing-list:73:Subject: Information on the sustag-principles mailing list.
sustag-principles.mailing-list:78:Subject: revised announcement
sustag-public.mailing-list:10:Subject: RE: (null)
symbiosis-mailing-list:5:Subject: symbiosis newsgroup
symbiosis-mailing-list:33:Subject: Welcome to symbios
vegan-l:6:Subject: Re: Veggie Life
vegetarian-recipes.WWW-site:6:Subject: WWW> Searchable Index of Vegetarian Recipes
vegetarian-resources.UK:145:subject: add
vegetarian-resources.UK:416:subject) and then pressing enter till you see what number to enter for the
veglife-l:6:Subject: Re: Veggie Life 
wellnesslist.mailing-list:6:Subject: Announcing WellnessList
wellnesslist.mailing-list:32:subject to subscription approval by the Listowner.
western-lands.igc.gopher:5:Subject: GOPHER: Western Lands Gopher is Up! 
western-lands.igc.gopher:9:Subject: Western Lands Gopher is Up!
western-lands.igc.gopher:64:Subject: GOPHER> Western Lands Gopher is Up! (fwd)