
Another place for discussing survivalism

I have been running a small e-mail list (around 50 people) regarding 
survivalism for almost a year.  Below is the info file.  Take it for what 
it's worth...

Note: Survive-List and misc.survivalism are in no way connected except that
they deal with the same general subject material.

Survive-List Info File...

This list is for discussing preparedness, eating roots and berries, guns,
politics, privacy, home schooling and whatever else YOU think pertains to
'survival'.  If you think if even vaguely pertains to 'survival' or
'survivalism' and you want to post, go right ahead.  I'm not going to censor 
posts, but if someone makes a REAL nuisance of himself, I'll delete him 
involuntarily.  It would take quite a bit, though, to get deleted, so don't
worry.  If you get to the point where you are pissing me off (it takes a LOT to
do that), I'll give you fair warning.

A few caveats...

1) This is ONLY an alias.  I'm not going to spend time administering a list or
archive.  If someone else wants to do this, I don't have a problem with that.

2) The machine that this is on is owned by the Physics Dept. and they don't 
have any interest in this topic.  If anyone at my site complains, the list 
will go *poof* in a highly motivated fashion.  I'll try to let the list know 
before this happens, but I don't give guarantees.

3) Don't be stupid.  This is going over a public network and you *KNOW* BB is
reading.  Act accordingly. 

4) If anyone out there thinks they have a better machine to put this list on,
then let me know and we'll move it.

5) If you can think of anyone who might be interested in this list, tell them
about it.  The more, the merrier (up to a point...).

	Send mail to 'survive-request@buckaroo.pas.rochester.edu' giving me
your e-mail address.  This gets forwarded to me (a live person!!!) so make
yourself clear.

	Send your posts to 'survive-list@buckaroo.pas.rochester.edu'.

Suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Flames are ignored.  

					-Bill VanRemmen

         My opinions.  No one else's.  Definitely not the U of R's.
"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty
 when the government's purposes are beneficient  . . .  the greatest
 dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well 
 meaning but without understanding."
                Justice Louis Brandeis
                Olmstead vs. United States,  United States Supreme Court, 1928