
A new discussion list for Taiwan environment !!!

Dear Friends:

    Thanks so many friends' help and support to let this happen. The new
discussion list for Taiwan Environment (TW-ENV) has been set up for all
people who are concerned about the ecological and natural environment of

    The primary purpose of this list is to easily communicate current
environmental issues and related subjects; to discuss new approaches to
tackle environmental problems; to share comments and test new ideas.
New books, new journals, articles, and even course syllabi might also be
posted, as could announcements of conference, school and job information.
The Taiwan Environment list is open to worldwide subscribers.

    To subscribe to the list, use the following command. Note that "SUB"
and "UNSUB" are allowed abbreviations for "SUBSCRIBE" and "UNSUBSCRIBE."

    Send your mail to:  LISTSERV@SUVM.SYR.EDU
    In the body, type:  SUB TW-ENV  Your Name

    For example:   SUB  TW-ENV  Teng-Huey Lee

    To unsubscribe from the list, use the following command.

    Send your mail to:  LISTSERV@SUVM.SYR.EDU
    In the body, type:  UNSUB TW-ENV Your Name

    For example:   UNSUB TW-ENV Teng-Huey Lee

  To post your contribution to the list, please send e-mail to:


  For further information, please send your mail to TLLIN@MAILBOX.SYR.EDU

  List Owner:

  Tze-Luen Lin
  State University of New York
  College of Environmental Science and Forestry