
Re: Request for list of apple varieties & others

There are well over a thousand varieties of apples being maintained at 
the USDA National Clonal Germplasm Repository, a gene bank for fruit 
trees, in Geneva, New York.  This is one of eight fruit and nut 
repositories in the United States where economically important, clonally 
propagated crops are preserved.  An easy way to access information on 
line is to gopher to sol.ars-grin.gov and select the "National Plant 
Germplasm System" menu.  There are then menus for accessing summary 
information for any of the plant collections (seed or clonal) catalogued 
in the USDA National Germplasm Database (Germplasm Resources Information 
Network or GRIN), or downloading subsets of the database on a 
crop-by-crop basis.  

For information about the collections at our Corvallis, Oregon 
repository, you may contact me by email.  We keep the national 
collections of pears, hazelnuts, and small fruits (strawberry, 
raspberry, blueberry...)  

       Joseph D. Postman	|	N ational	       /
      -PLANT PATHOLOGIST-	|	C lonal		     / \   Eat More
     postmanj@bcc.orst.edu	|	G ermplasm	    /   \   Fruit!
     corjp@sol.ars-grin.gov	|	R epository	    \ _ /
	USDA/Agricultural Research Service, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
		=-=-=-=-  Our Trees Are Your Trees  -=-=-=-=