
Re: Farm Management Software

Joanne Hoefer (joanne.hoefer@beenet.com) wrote:
: LJ>Path: holonet!colossus.holonet.net!news.sprintlink.net!cs.utexas.edu!howland
: LJ>From: Larry Jost <ljost@sbctri.sbc.com>
: LJ>Newsgroups: misc.rural
: LJ>Subject: Farm Management Software
: LJ>Date: 3 Jan 1995 18:19:15 GMT
: LJ>Organization: --personel--
: LJ>Lines: 10
: LJ>Distribution: world
: LJ>Message-ID: <3ec4f3$ac@sbctri.sbc.com>
: LJ>NNTP-Posting-Host: mac-jost.sbc.com
: LJ>X-Newsreader: Nuntius Version 1.2
: LJ>X-XXDate: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 18:29:41 GMT

: There a numerous horse sofware programs. Tune into to Equine Rec. some
: listed are
: Equinus, (904)539-9663
: Horse
: Pedbase
: and several others that I can't remember correct name. Price ranges from
: shareware to $500+. If you can't get equine rec let me know and I will
: research it for you. I use Ped Base mainly because my work is heavy on
: pedigrees and I have a system I have used for year for keep track of
: feed,rx etc. and am to lazy to change. Hope this helps
: ---

Suggest you subscribe to a few mailing lists:
are a good start.

Purdue just published a list of interesting programs available.

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 14:47:27 -0800
From: Adolf Ceska <aceska@cue.bc.ca>
To: ben@cue.bc.ca
Subject: BEN # 70
No. 70                               February 14, 1994
Address: aceska@cue.bc.ca            Victoria, B.C.
 Dr. A. Ceska, P.O.Box 8546, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 3S2

[text deleted]


Don't  believe  the English proverb that you don't get something
for nothing, gophers will prove you wrong. There is a wealth  of
the  most  useful  information on the computer network and it is
relatively easy to get what you want.

If you want to search the Gray Herbarium Index, you find  it  at
the  Harvard  University  gopher.  My gopher exploration usually
starts there. Type

   gopher huh.harvard.edu

and you will get the Gray Herbarium Index, herbarium  catalogues
of  type  specimens (in HUH - Harvard University Herbaria and in
other locations). Through this gopher I  can  get  connected  to
other  gophers,  and  the  Australian  National Botanical Garden
gopher is the most complete botanical gopher I know.

For bryological information (lists of mosses and liverworts  for
certain  parts  of  the world, bryological news, taxonomical and
ecological software, etc.) go to

   gopher unidui.uni-duisburg.de

For general information, religious books, world gazetteers, type

   gopher sunsite.unc.edu

You can find Una Smith's Internet Guide for biologists here.

If you are interested in environmental information,  go  to  En-
viroGopher; type

   telnet envirolink.org

(login: gopher when you are connected).

Gophers  are  easy  to use. VERONICA is an extension to gophers,
and you can use it to search for  whatever  topics  through  the
whole  gopherspace.  You  can  get  the VERONICA search from any
gopher you enter.

You don't have to know, how the gopher works,  but  if  you  are
interested, read either of the following books:

Krol,  Ed. 1992. The whole Internet: User's guide and catalogue.
      O'Reilley & Associates, Sebastopol, California.

Fisher, Sharon. 1993. Riding the Internet  highway.  New  Riders
      Publishing, Carmel, Indiana.

If you get lost in the gopherspace, my internet guru Gary Shear-
man  told  me  that you can get the internet address of a gopher
you are in by typing "=" (without apostrophes). I tried  it  and
it  works.  By  using this internet address, you can get back to
the same gopher without going and searching through the maze  of
other gophers.

There  is  a  Czech  proverb  that  says: "It is foolish to give
something for nothing, but it is even more foolish not  to  take
it." Remember, you would be foolish not to use gophers!

[text deleted]