
Rural Datafication

From:	AS8250::WINS%"kgamble@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu" 15-FEB-1993 16:49:09.14
Subj:	The Grant (Internet) Challenge

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Here's a conference announcement that seems to be
right up our alley. NCSU will _definitely_ have someone
in attendance. Hope to see some of you there.

Kevin Gamble

Attachment Follows:


		   Preliminary Program Announcement

			 Rural Datafication:
       Achieving the goal of Ubiquitous Access to the Internet

			     May 14, 1993 Chicago, IL

A joint conference focused on extending the services of the Internet to
difficult-to-reach and typically under-served user communities.

	Jointly sponsored by CICNet and the following state networks

			Illinois:       netILLINOIS Indiana: INDnet
			Iowa:           IREN Michigan: MichNet
			Minnesota:      MRNet New York: NYSERNet
			Pennsylvania:   PREPnet Wisconsin: WiscNet

Conference focus and theme:  ---------------------------

CICNet is pleased to announce Rural Datafication as a major cooperative
initiative among nine networking organizations committed to the creation of
ubiquitous data networking services throughout their region and, indeed,
throughout the nation.  As part of this initiative, these organizations have
agreed to co-sponsor a conference which builds on an already successful
collaboration between CICNet and the above networks and which will focus on
two primary areas:

1.  Ways to most effectively respond to user communities which desire
    Internet services but which are currently unable to obtain Internet

2.  Ways to best enhance existing services to those populations which
    which make use of non-dedicated connections: i.e., users whose access to
    the Internet is via dial-up modem rather than high speed dedicated
    lines.  The focus includes users who use SLIP and PPP to get direct
    connections to the Internet, and users who use Internet facilities
    via dial-up terminal emulation.

Come, join, and assist us as we plan for increased access for such
communities.  Examples include elementary and high schools, public libraries,
small businesses, organizations located in remote geographic areas, and the
rapidly evolving community of users who need Internet access from their
homes.  Help us develop ideas for new programs and services both useful and
interesting.  Meet other people who are committed to expanding the network's

Intended Audience:  ------------------

We invite you to meet with us to share information and successes you may
have, to learn from the information and successes of others, to talk with
people interested in developing the potential of networks, and to discuss
ways to develop the rural datafication theme as a major initiative focused on
meeting the needs of the user communities discussed throughout this
announcement.  This conference is specifically intended for three key

1.  Providers of networked information, whether they be network
    organizations or not, who are committed to assisting us as we pursue our
    rural datafication strategy.

2.  Users of networked information: teachers, researchers, librarians,
    scientists, lawyers, bankers -- in short, those who are interested
    in contributing to and gaining from the growing electronically-
    connected community.  We are particularly interested in attracting
    users interested in the rural datafication concept.

3.  Perhaps of most importance, potential users of networked
    information who which to either learn about the network or advise
    us on how best to construct a truly pervasive and ubiquitous data

Agenda, dates and times:  -----------------------

Friday, May 14th:

Opening remarks begin at 9:15 am Closing remarks will conclude at 4:30 PM

An optional early registration and opening Reception will be held on
Thursday, May 13th from 5 - 7pm.

Location and fees:  -----------------

	McCormick Center Hotel Lake Shore Drive at 23rd Street Chicago, IL
	60616 +1.312.791.1900 Conference room rates: Single $85; Double $95

Conference fee: $69 -- includes Friday lunch, morning and afternoon breaks,
and Thursday's registration reception

For Additional Information:  ---------------------------

To be placed on the list to receive additional information, please email,
mail, or fax your request for additional information to:

	email:  may14@cic.net fax:    +1.313.998.6105 mail: 
    	        Rural Datafication, CICNET
		CICNet 2901 Hubbard Ann Arbor, MI  48105

We will need either your e-mail or postal address with the request for
additional information.  We would like you to list a particular area of
interest that you have, relevant to the theme of the conference.

Queries may also be directed to Julie-Elise Burroughs at +1.313.998.6103 or
to Glee Cady at +1.313.998.6419

Registration:  -------------

If you wish to register for the conference now, please enclose a check or
money order for $69 made payable to CICNet, Inc, and mail it, along with the
registration information below, to:

		Rural Datafication CICNet 2901 Hubbard Ann Arbor, MI  48105

			  REGISTRATION FORM Rural Datafication Conference
			     May 14, 1993 McCormick Center Hotel
			     Chicago, IL

Please print or type the following information:







	Postal Code:




	List a particular interest you have which is relevant to the theme of
the conference:

	Full refunds will be made for cancellations received by April 26th.
	There will be no partial refunds.

Hotel Reservations:
	Please make your reservations directly with the McCormick Center
	When you speak with the reservations desk, mention the date and name
	CICNet to receive the special conference rates.

The $69 fee includes Friday lunch, morning and afternoon breaks, and
Thursday's registration reception

Please mail this form along with a check for $69 made out to CICNet:

		Rural Datafication CICNet 2901 Hubbard Ann Arbor, MI  48105

      For additional information or assistance, you may send email to
      may14@cic.net; for assistance by telephone, call Julie-Elise Burroughs
      at +1.313.998.6103 or Glee Cady at +1.313.998.6419.