
Re: looking for bio. www or ftp sites

In article <mark.45.000B13B7@tde.com> mark@tde.com writes:
>From: mark@tde.com
>Subject: Re: looking for bio. www or ftp sites
>Date: Sun, 29 Jan 1995 14:00:54 LOCAL

>>Hi there!
>>   I'm trying to find out what's available on the net in terms of 
>>databases that might be of interest to ecologists. What i'm searching for 
>>are repositories of information that hold raw or processed data on life 
>>history variables, etc for fish, mammals, insects or whatever! Do such 
>>things exist? I know that the community food web data from Briand and Cohen 
>>is on the net somewhere. Are there any nice web sites that hold such 
>>data? I'm an ecology grad student at the university of guelph and i'm 
>>trying to find this information and make it more available to my 
>>department. Any help would be much appreciated. Please send any http,ftp, 
>>or telnet addresses to me via email as i might not catch the response 
>>here. Thank you.

>The USFWS maintains some great databases. Start at the site listed below and 
>you can go places from there.

Also check out


From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 28 Aug 93 10:32 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101137@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

Cooperation Through Telecommunications

PeaceNet * EcoNet * ConflictNet
18 De Boom Street
San Francisco, CA  94107
+1 (415) 442-0220 voice
+1 (415) 546-1794 fax
404205417 telex
support@igc.apc.org - e-mail

What are IGC Networks?

The Institute for Global Communications (IGC) provides computer
networking tools for international communications and information

The IGC Networks -- PeaceNet, EcoNet and ConflictNet -- comprise the
world's only computer communications system dedicated solely to
environmental preservation, peace, and human rights.  New technologies
are helping these worldwide communities cooperate more effectively and

IGC, located in San Francisco, California, is a division of the Tides
Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

By subscribing to any one of the IGC Networks, you have full access to
the resources of any of the other IGC Networks.  To help you decide
which of the IGC Networks might best reflect your interests and needs,
here is a brief description of each:

EcoNet serves individuals and organizations working for environmental
preservation and sustainability. Important issues covered include:
global warming, energy policy, rainforest preservation, legislative
activities, water quality, toxics and environmental education.

PeaceNet serves peace and social justice advocates around the world in
such areas as human rights, disarmament, and international relations.  A
number of alternative news services provide a range of information about
these and other topics from around the world.

ConflictNet serves groups and individuals working for social justice and
conflict resolution.  ConflictNet's resources include guidelines for
choosing a neutral third party, sample case development in conflict
resolution, extensive bibliographies, legislative updates, educational
materials and newsletters from around the world.

How People are Using the IGC Networks

Electronic Mail

Send and receive private messages -- including Fax and Telex -- to and
from more than 8,000 international peace, environmental and conflict
resolution users on our affiliated networks or to millions of users on
other networks.  Electronic mail is quick, inexpensive, reliable and
easy to use.


IGC's conferencing services offer easy-to-use tools in group
communication and event coordination.  Geographically dispersed people
can communicate inexpensively on any subject.  Whether you are
administering an organization or distributing an urgent action alert,
IGC conferences are an indispensable tool.  Private conferences can be
set up to facilitate internal group decision-making, task-sharing
processes, or sensitive communications.  Public conferences are great
for information sharing, newsletter distribution, legislative alerts and
news services.

Information Resources

IGC's several hundred public conferences also include events calendars,
newsletters, legislative alerts, funding sources, press releases, action
updates, breaking stories, calls for support, as well as ongoing
discussions on issues of global importance.  IGC is also an access point
for the USENET system of interuniversity bulletin boards.  IGC's
capabilities allow you to search lists of speakers, U.S. Congress and
world leaders, media, grant-making foundations or bibliographies.

International Programs & The Association for Progressive Communications

IGC regards international cooperation and partnership as essential in
addressing peace and environmental problems.  IGC maintains a major
program to develop low-cost access to computer networking from outside
the United States, especially from non-industrialized and Southern
hemisphere countries.  The result of this program has been the
Association of Progressive Communications (APC) which now includes low-
cost computer networks in eight countries.  IGC has played a major role
in starting the Alternex (Brazil), Nicarao (Nicaragua) and GlasNet
(Russia) non-profit computer networks, as well as in providing technical
support to all of the partner networks.

Current projects include developing computer networks for peace,
environmental and international development organizations in Bolivia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uruguay and Kenya.  The focus of the work is to
empower local, indigenous organizations by transferring expertise and
capacity in computer networking.  Operation and management of a local
APC node becomes the full responsibility of the local organization.  All
APC partners are independent organizations, and retain full control over
their network.

IGC collaborates with the United Nations Development Programme in work
in Latin America.  The International Programme is supported entirely by
grants from major Foundations and individual donors. Contributors
include:  The Ford Foundation, General Service Foundation and the John
D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Association for Progressive Communications Partner Networks

Australia:     Pegasus Networks
----------     PO Box 424
               Byron Bay 2481
               New South Wales
               Tel: +61 (66) 8 56789
               Fax: +61 (66) 8 56962
               e-mail: support@peg.apc.org

Brazil:        Alternex
-------        IBASE
               Rua Vicente de Souza 29
               22251 Rio de Janiero
               Tel: +55 (21) 286 0348
               Fax: +55 (21) 286 0541
               e-mail:  suporte@ax.apc.org

Canada:        Web
-------        Nirv Centre
               401 Richmond Street West
               Suite 104
               Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8
               Tel: +1 (416) 596 0212
               Fax: +1 (416) 974 9189
               e-mail:  support@web.apc.org

England:       GreenNet
--------       23 Bevenden Street
               London N1 6BH
               Tel: +44 (71) 608 3040
               Fax: +44 (71) 253 0801
               e-mail: support@gn.apc.org

Germany:       ComLink
--------       Moorkamp 46
               D-3000 Hannover 1
               Tel: +49 (511) 3503081
               e-mail: support@oln.comlink.de

Nicaragua:     Nicarao
----------     CRIES
               Iglesia Carmen
               1 cuadra al lago
               Apartado 3516
               Tel: +505 (2) 26 2 28
               Tel: +505 (2) 25 1 27
               Fax: +505 (2) 26 1 80
               e-mail: support@ni.apc.org

Russia:        GlasNet
-------        Ulitsa Yaroslavskaya 8
               Korpus 3 Room 111
               129164 Moscow
               Tel: +7(095)217-6173
               Tel: +7(095)217-6182
               e-mail: support@glas.apc.org

Sweden:        NordNet
-------        Huvudskaersvaegen 13, nb
               S-121 54 Johanneshov
               Tel: +46-8-6000331
               Fax: +46-8-6000443
               e-mail: support@pns.apc.org

Uruguay:       Chasque
--------       Miguel del Corro 1461
               Uruguay 11200
               Tel: +598 (2) 496 192
               Fax: +598 (2) 419 222
               e-mail: apoyo@chasque.org.uy

USA:           Institue for Global Communications
----           18 De Boom Street
               San Francisco, CA 94107
               Tel: +1 (415) 442-0220
               Fax: +1 (415) 546-1794
               e-mail: support@igc.org

Membership pending:

Ecuador:       EcuaNex
--------       Intercom
               Casilla 1703596
               Tel: +(593 2) 505 074
               e-mail: intercom@ecuanex.ec

Italy:         Lega per L'Ambiente
------         via Salaria 280
               I-00194 Roma
               Tel: +39/6-844-2277
               e-mail: legambiente@gn.apc.org

Join Our Global Community

Participate in a range of discussions and find information resources on
such topics, including:

Activist Resources                 Greens Movement
Africa                             Health
Air & Climate                      Homeopathy
Central & South  America           Human Rights
Community                          Indigenous Peoples
Conflict Resolution                International
Development                        Labor
Disarmament                        Media
East -- West                       Middle East
Economics                          Military & Security
Education & Research               Nuclear Weapons & Testing
Energy                             Pacific Rim
Environment                        Peace Legislation
   -- Education                    Peace/Social Justice
   -- General                      Philosphy & Religion
   -- Legislation                  Politics -- General
Europe                             Seas & Waters
Food & Agriculture                 Spanish-lanaguage
Foreign Policy                     Technology
Forests                            Toxics & Waste
Friends of the Earth               United Nations
General Interest                   Wilderness & Wildlife
Global Action Network              Women
Government Sources                 Youth

Connect with People on Other Computer Networks

Through electronic 'gateways', you can exchange electronic mail with
users of any of the following international systems:

ABAnet                             INET
AppleLink                          Internet
ArpaNet                            Janet
AT&T Mail                          MCI Mail
BITNET                             MetaNet
BIX                                MicroLink
Red BolNet (Bolivia)               NASA Mail

From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 28 Aug 93 10:15 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101135@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

The Ecology Network (ECONET):  Conference Guidelines and Rules

The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for the
exchange of information and news relating to environmental
problems and solutions.  The Ecology Network includes many
different news sources and contributions are encouraged.
Participation is the key; ECONET is a place to share your
knowledge and learn from others.

  - This conference is strictly for environmentalists,
    conservationists, and people who want to learn about
    what can be done to protect the planet and its
    resources for future generations.

  - Handles or fake names should NOT be used in this
    conference.  If you use a program that absolutely
    requires that you to use an alias in the message header,
    you MUST include your real name in your message.

  - The use of foul language, name calling, or offensive
    postings will not be tolerated.  FidoNet policy will
    determine disciplinary action.

  - Advertising for commercial products is prohibited in
    this echo.  Consumer testimonials are acceptable.

  - Excessive quoting of original messages should be
    avoided.  Only show enough of the original so your
    context can be understood.

  - The conference moderator will not be responsible for
    possible copyright infringements that may result from
    messages posted by others.

  - This conference must be made available at no charge.

  - ECONET is officially affiliated with the Institute for
    Global Communications (IGC), whose international
    nonprofit networks include EcoNet, PeaceNet,
    ConflictNet, LaborNet, and HomeoNet.

                            - David Dickerson, moderator

|                  FOR MORE INFORMATION                   |
|                                                         |
| To receive a copy of EcoNet's on-line brochure, please  |
| send any e-mail message to <econet-info@igc.apc.org>.   |
|                                                         |
| For other information, please send an e-mail message to |
| <support@igc.apc.org>.                                  |

From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 28 Aug 93 10:17 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101136@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

EcoNet, A Service of the Institute for Global Communications (IGC)
18 de Boom Street, San Francisco, CA 94107  USA
voice: (415) 442-0220  fax: (415) 546-1794


EcoNet is an international, computer-based communication system
committed to serving organizations and individuals who are working for
environmental preservation and sustainability.

Most importantly, EcoNet is a community of persons using the network
for information sharing and collaboration with the intent of enhancing
the effectiveness of all environmentally-oriented programs. From most
U.S. cities, you need only make a local phone call.


These resources on EcoNet include such data as the Environmental
Grantmakers Association's directory of grantmakers, the Sierra Club
National News Report, the National Wildlife Federation's Conservation
Directory, Global Action Network's federal legislative information,
action alerts, and newsletters from around the world.

We have made international access even more affordable by establishing
partnership relationships with like-minded networks in Canada,
England, Sweden, Australia, Nicaragua, and Brazil.  EcoNet users can
also exchange information with users in the Soviet Union, via the
newly-established GlasNet network.  These connections also allow our
users to be in constant communication with a wide range of internatio-
nally active environmental organizations and individuals.  Electronic
"gateways" allow you to send telex and fax messages nearly anywhere in
the world and mail to users on many other electronic systems and most
international electronic mail networks.


Interactive public conferences on EcoNet let you read and participate
in discussions on issues of interest to you.  The public conferences
focus on a wide range of environmental issues.   Among many others,
these include: global warming, rainforests, legislative activities,
water quality, energy policy, toxics, and environmental education.


You may set up a private conference - accessible to a specified group
of users of your choice - to prepare a joint paper, to conduct
business with your board or with affiliated organizations, or to plan
an action or educational campaign.


-- "EcoNet is a vital part of our information campaign to explain the
importance of rainforests and what must be done to preserve them.  It
also brings the conservation movement together in a network that
promotes cooperation and unity."

                    -- Randy Hayes, Director, Rainforest Action Network

-- "EcoNet is not simply a data bank of information, it's a data
bank of people with information, with whom you can communicate.
I'm making connections and meeting colleagues in New Zealand,
Australia, France, Great Britain, Denmark and Brazil.  I know
them because I talk to them with EcoNet."

                    -- W.J."Rocky" Rohwedder, Ph.D, Associate Professor
                       of Environmental Studies & Planning, Sonoma
                       State University, California.


EcoNet's rates are among the least expensive telecommunications rates
anywhere.  For a one-time $15 signup fee, you receive a user manual,
your private account and password, and one  free hour of off-peak
connect time during your first month. A monthly subscription of $10
includes an hour of off-peak connect time each month.  (Peak time is
Monday - Friday, 7AM-6PM, your local time.)  Additional connect time
is charged at $5/hour in off-peak hours and $10/hour in peak hours.
There is a small charge for users requiring large amounts of online
storage. Internet users have 24-hour access to EcoNet for $3/hour.

     HOW YOU CAN JOIN  To get started, fill out this coupon, then
send/fax it to us.  Or with a credit card you can sign up online (a)
from home by having your computer dial (415) 322-0284 (N-8- 1) or (b)
from an Internet machine by typing "telnet igc.apc..org".  Then type
"new" at the login prompt and password = <carriage return>


Name ________________________________________________________________
Organization ________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________
Telephone ___________________________________________________________
Major Areas of Interest______________________________________________

For credit card billing only:
Name on card __________________________ Expiration date _____________
Acct # _________________________ Signature __________________________
If you prefer to pay by check monthly, send a refundable $50 deposit.
May we list your address in our online user directory?
May we list your phone number?

                              # # #

| The above story is cross-posted from  EcoNet, a member network of |
| the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). To retrieve |
| EcoNet's on-line brochure, please send an empty e-mail message to |
| <econet-info@igc.apc.org>.                                   -anw |

From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 13 Sep 93 04:50 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101237@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

/* Written  6:37 pm  Sep 10, 1993 by mstein in igc:en.toxics */
/* ---------- "EcoNet Toxics Desk (draft)" ---------- */
             E c o N e t   T o x i c s   D e s k

Toxic and hazardous substances are a major concern to activists
and organizations in the environmental movement. EcoNet has long
been committed to providing up-to-date and valuable news,
information and networking on hazards issues. Several dozen key
organizations in this field have accounts on EcoNet, and
participate in numerous issue-specific electronic conferences
(see below). A number of important news gatherers in this field
make their news services available on EcoNet, including
Greenpeace, the Environmental Research Foundation, Global Action
& Information Network and the Pesticide Action Network North

EcoNet maintains a volunteer Toxics Desk which provides
information brokerage services to individuals and organizations
on-line. Toxics Desk volunteers search the RTK NET computer
network for EPA Toxic Release Information, and assist
information news gatherers to put information in EcoNet
conferences. For further information contact "toxicsdesk".

Case Studies:

RACHEL's Hazardous Waste News: The Environmental Research
Foundation in Washington, DC puts its weekly RACHEL news service
on EcoNet in en.toxics. Back issues of RACHEL can be found in
toxics.rachel and can be full-text searched under (2) News
Services in the (d)ata menu.

Greenpeace: Greenpeace puts its daily press releases on EcoNet
in gp.press and gp.news. They also help facilitate the haz.trade
conference to report on the cross-border trade in hazardous

Global Action & Information Network: GAIN monitors legislation
in the U.S. House and Senate on toxic hazard issues and reports
on it in gain.hazardous.

Pesticide Action Network North America: PANNA puts its weekly
pesticide news service in en.pesticides. Back issues can be
found in pesticide.info and can be full-text searched as part of
the global PESTIS database under (2) News Services in the (d)ata

Toxics & Waste Conferences:

en.toxics      -- Health and safety issues of toxic chemicals,
                  their dangers and their control.
en.toxics.inci -- Hazardous waste incinerators, waste-to-energy
en.toxics.pulp -- Side effects of pulp & paper industry and its
haz.trade      -- Conference for sharing information on trade
                  in toxic materials and toxic waste.
toxics.rachel  -- Library of RACHEL's Hazardous Waste
                  Newsletter, published by the Environmental
                  Research Foundation.
gp.press       -- News service from Greenpeace that includes
                  news & information on global toxics issues.
en.pesticides  -- Information and discussion about the use of
                  pesticides and their impact on health and the
en.waste       -- Issues of waste management from toxic
                  pollution to action planned against polluters.
gain.hazardous -- Background, legislative and action information
                  with recommended resources related to
                  hazardous materials.
toxics.militar -- Information about toxics and environmental
                  problems at military bases.
labor.hazards  -- Discussion and information concerning toxics
                  in the workplace.

| The above story is cross-posted from  EcoNet, a member network of |
| the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). To retrieve |
| EcoNet's on-line brochure, please send an empty e-mail message to |
| <econet-info@igc.apc.org>.                                   -anw |

From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 28 Aug 93 10:32 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101137@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

Cooperation Through Telecommunications

PeaceNet * EcoNet * ConflictNet
18 De Boom Street
San Francisco, CA  94107
+1 (415) 442-0220 voice
+1 (415) 546-1794 fax
404205417 telex
support@igc.apc.org - e-mail

What are IGC Networks?

The Institute for Global Communications (IGC) provides computer
networking tools for international communications and information

The IGC Networks -- PeaceNet, EcoNet and ConflictNet -- comprise the
world's only computer communications system dedicated solely to
environmental preservation, peace, and human rights.  New technologies
are helping these worldwide communities cooperate more effectively and

IGC, located in San Francisco, California, is a division of the Tides
Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

By subscribing to any one of the IGC Networks, you have full access to
the resources of any of the other IGC Networks.  To help you decide
which of the IGC Networks might best reflect your interests and needs,
here is a brief description of each:

EcoNet serves individuals and organizations working for environmental
preservation and sustainability. Important issues covered include:
global warming, energy policy, rainforest preservation, legislative
activities, water quality, toxics and environmental education.

PeaceNet serves peace and social justice advocates around the world in
such areas as human rights, disarmament, and international relations.  A
number of alternative news services provide a range of information about
these and other topics from around the world.

ConflictNet serves groups and individuals working for social justice and
conflict resolution.  ConflictNet's resources include guidelines for
choosing a neutral third party, sample case development in conflict
resolution, extensive bibliographies, legislative updates, educational
materials and newsletters from around the world.

How People are Using the IGC Networks

Electronic Mail

Send and receive private messages -- including Fax and Telex -- to and
from more than 8,000 international peace, environmental and conflict
resolution users on our affiliated networks or to millions of users on
other networks.  Electronic mail is quick, inexpensive, reliable and
easy to use.


IGC's conferencing services offer easy-to-use tools in group
communication and event coordination.  Geographically dispersed people
can communicate inexpensively on any subject.  Whether you are
administering an organization or distributing an urgent action alert,
IGC conferences are an indispensable tool.  Private conferences can be
set up to facilitate internal group decision-making, task-sharing
processes, or sensitive communications.  Public conferences are great
for information sharing, newsletter distribution, legislative alerts and
news services.

Information Resources

IGC's several hundred public conferences also include events calendars,
newsletters, legislative alerts, funding sources, press releases, action
updates, breaking stories, calls for support, as well as ongoing
discussions on issues of global importance.  IGC is also an access point
for the USENET system of interuniversity bulletin boards.  IGC's
capabilities allow you to search lists of speakers, U.S. Congress and
world leaders, media, grant-making foundations or bibliographies.

International Programs & The Association for Progressive Communications

IGC regards international cooperation and partnership as essential in
addressing peace and environmental problems.  IGC maintains a major
program to develop low-cost access to computer networking from outside
the United States, especially from non-industrialized and Southern
hemisphere countries.  The result of this program has been the
Association of Progressive Communications (APC) which now includes low-
cost computer networks in eight countries.  IGC has played a major role
in starting the Alternex (Brazil), Nicarao (Nicaragua) and GlasNet
(Russia) non-profit computer networks, as well as in providing technical
support to all of the partner networks.

Current projects include developing computer networks for peace,
environmental and international development organizations in Bolivia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uruguay and Kenya.  The focus of the work is to
empower local, indigenous organizations by transferring expertise and
capacity in computer networking.  Operation and management of a local
APC node becomes the full responsibility of the local organization.  All
APC partners are independent organizations, and retain full control over
their network.

IGC collaborates with the United Nations Development Programme in work
in Latin America.  The International Programme is supported entirely by
grants from major Foundations and individual donors. Contributors
include:  The Ford Foundation, General Service Foundation and the John
D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Association for Progressive Communications Partner Networks

Australia:     Pegasus Networks
----------     PO Box 424
               Byron Bay 2481
               New South Wales
               Tel: +61 (66) 8 56789
               Fax: +61 (66) 8 56962
               e-mail: support@peg.apc.org

Brazil:        Alternex
-------        IBASE
               Rua Vicente de Souza 29
               22251 Rio de Janiero
               Tel: +55 (21) 286 0348
               Fax: +55 (21) 286 0541
               e-mail:  suporte@ax.apc.org

Canada:        Web
-------        Nirv Centre
               401 Richmond Street West
               Suite 104
               Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8
               Tel: +1 (416) 596 0212
               Fax: +1 (416) 974 9189
               e-mail:  support@web.apc.org

England:       GreenNet
--------       23 Bevenden Street
               London N1 6BH
               Tel: +44 (71) 608 3040
               Fax: +44 (71) 253 0801
               e-mail: support@gn.apc.org

Germany:       ComLink
--------       Moorkamp 46
               D-3000 Hannover 1
               Tel: +49 (511) 3503081
               e-mail: support@oln.comlink.de

Nicaragua:     Nicarao
----------     CRIES
               Iglesia Carmen
               1 cuadra al lago
               Apartado 3516
               Tel: +505 (2) 26 2 28
               Tel: +505 (2) 25 1 27
               Fax: +505 (2) 26 1 80
               e-mail: support@ni.apc.org

Russia:        GlasNet
-------        Ulitsa Yaroslavskaya 8
               Korpus 3 Room 111
               129164 Moscow
               Tel: +7(095)217-6173
               Tel: +7(095)217-6182
               e-mail: support@glas.apc.org

Sweden:        NordNet
-------        Huvudskaersvaegen 13, nb
               S-121 54 Johanneshov
               Tel: +46-8-6000331
               Fax: +46-8-6000443
               e-mail: support@pns.apc.org

Uruguay:       Chasque
--------       Miguel del Corro 1461
               Uruguay 11200
               Tel: +598 (2) 496 192
               Fax: +598 (2) 419 222
               e-mail: apoyo@chasque.org.uy

USA:           Institue for Global Communications
----           18 De Boom Street
               San Francisco, CA 94107
               Tel: +1 (415) 442-0220
               Fax: +1 (415) 546-1794
               e-mail: support@igc.org

Membership pending:

Ecuador:       EcuaNex
--------       Intercom
               Casilla 1703596
               Tel: +(593 2) 505 074
               e-mail: intercom@ecuanex.ec

Italy:         Lega per L'Ambiente
------         via Salaria 280
               I-00194 Roma
               Tel: +39/6-844-2277
               e-mail: legambiente@gn.apc.org

Join Our Global Community

Participate in a range of discussions and find information resources on
such topics, including:

Activist Resources                 Greens Movement
Africa                             Health
Air & Climate                      Homeopathy
Central & South  America           Human Rights
Community                          Indigenous Peoples
Conflict Resolution                International
Development                        Labor
Disarmament                        Media
East -- West                       Middle East
Economics                          Military & Security
Education & Research               Nuclear Weapons & Testing
Energy                             Pacific Rim
Environment                        Peace Legislation
   -- Education                    Peace/Social Justice
   -- General                      Philosphy & Religion
   -- Legislation                  Politics -- General
Europe                             Seas & Waters
Food & Agriculture                 Spanish-lanaguage
Foreign Policy                     Technology
Forests                            Toxics & Waste
Friends of the Earth               United Nations
General Interest                   Wilderness & Wildlife
Global Action Network              Women
Government Sources                 Youth

Connect with People on Other Computer Networks

Through electronic 'gateways', you can exchange electronic mail with
users of any of the following international systems:

ABAnet                             INET
AppleLink                          Internet
ArpaNet                            Janet
AT&T Mail                          MCI Mail
BITNET                             MetaNet
BIX                                MicroLink
Red BolNet (Bolivia)               NASA Mail

From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 28 Aug 93 10:15 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101135@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

The Ecology Network (ECONET):  Conference Guidelines and Rules

The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for the
exchange of information and news relating to environmental
problems and solutions.  The Ecology Network includes many
different news sources and contributions are encouraged.
Participation is the key; ECONET is a place to share your
knowledge and learn from others.

  - This conference is strictly for environmentalists,
    conservationists, and people who want to learn about
    what can be done to protect the planet and its
    resources for future generations.

  - Handles or fake names should NOT be used in this
    conference.  If you use a program that absolutely
    requires that you to use an alias in the message header,
    you MUST include your real name in your message.

  - The use of foul language, name calling, or offensive
    postings will not be tolerated.  FidoNet policy will
    determine disciplinary action.

  - Advertising for commercial products is prohibited in
    this echo.  Consumer testimonials are acceptable.

  - Excessive quoting of original messages should be
    avoided.  Only show enough of the original so your
    context can be understood.

  - The conference moderator will not be responsible for
    possible copyright infringements that may result from
    messages posted by others.

  - This conference must be made available at no charge.

  - ECONET is officially affiliated with the Institute for
    Global Communications (IGC), whose international
    nonprofit networks include EcoNet, PeaceNet,
    ConflictNet, LaborNet, and HomeoNet.

                            - David Dickerson, moderator

|                  FOR MORE INFORMATION                   |
|                                                         |
| To receive a copy of EcoNet's on-line brochure, please  |
| send any e-mail message to <econet-info@igc.apc.org>.   |
|                                                         |
| For other information, please send an e-mail message to |
| <support@igc.apc.org>.                                  |

From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 28 Aug 93 10:17 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101136@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

EcoNet, A Service of the Institute for Global Communications (IGC)
18 de Boom Street, San Francisco, CA 94107  USA
voice: (415) 442-0220  fax: (415) 546-1794


EcoNet is an international, computer-based communication system
committed to serving organizations and individuals who are working for
environmental preservation and sustainability.

Most importantly, EcoNet is a community of persons using the network
for information sharing and collaboration with the intent of enhancing
the effectiveness of all environmentally-oriented programs. From most
U.S. cities, you need only make a local phone call.


These resources on EcoNet include such data as the Environmental
Grantmakers Association's directory of grantmakers, the Sierra Club
National News Report, the National Wildlife Federation's Conservation
Directory, Global Action Network's federal legislative information,
action alerts, and newsletters from around the world.

We have made international access even more affordable by establishing
partnership relationships with like-minded networks in Canada,
England, Sweden, Australia, Nicaragua, and Brazil.  EcoNet users can
also exchange information with users in the Soviet Union, via the
newly-established GlasNet network.  These connections also allow our
users to be in constant communication with a wide range of internatio-
nally active environmental organizations and individuals.  Electronic
"gateways" allow you to send telex and fax messages nearly anywhere in
the world and mail to users on many other electronic systems and most
international electronic mail networks.


Interactive public conferences on EcoNet let you read and participate
in discussions on issues of interest to you.  The public conferences
focus on a wide range of environmental issues.   Among many others,
these include: global warming, rainforests, legislative activities,
water quality, energy policy, toxics, and environmental education.


You may set up a private conference - accessible to a specified group
of users of your choice - to prepare a joint paper, to conduct
business with your board or with affiliated organizations, or to plan
an action or educational campaign.


-- "EcoNet is a vital part of our information campaign to explain the
importance of rainforests and what must be done to preserve them.  It
also brings the conservation movement together in a network that
promotes cooperation and unity."

                    -- Randy Hayes, Director, Rainforest Action Network

-- "EcoNet is not simply a data bank of information, it's a data
bank of people with information, with whom you can communicate.
I'm making connections and meeting colleagues in New Zealand,
Australia, France, Great Britain, Denmark and Brazil.  I know
them because I talk to them with EcoNet."

                    -- W.J."Rocky" Rohwedder, Ph.D, Associate Professor
                       of Environmental Studies & Planning, Sonoma
                       State University, California.


EcoNet's rates are among the least expensive telecommunications rates
anywhere.  For a one-time $15 signup fee, you receive a user manual,
your private account and password, and one  free hour of off-peak
connect time during your first month. A monthly subscription of $10
includes an hour of off-peak connect time each month.  (Peak time is
Monday - Friday, 7AM-6PM, your local time.)  Additional connect time
is charged at $5/hour in off-peak hours and $10/hour in peak hours.
There is a small charge for users requiring large amounts of online
storage. Internet users have 24-hour access to EcoNet for $3/hour.

     HOW YOU CAN JOIN  To get started, fill out this coupon, then
send/fax it to us.  Or with a credit card you can sign up online (a)
from home by having your computer dial (415) 322-0284 (N-8- 1) or (b)
from an Internet machine by typing "telnet igc.apc..org".  Then type
"new" at the login prompt and password = <carriage return>


Name ________________________________________________________________
Organization ________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________
Telephone ___________________________________________________________
Major Areas of Interest______________________________________________

For credit card billing only:
Name on card __________________________ Expiration date _____________
Acct # _________________________ Signature __________________________
If you prefer to pay by check monthly, send a refundable $50 deposit.
May we list your address in our online user directory?
May we list your phone number?

                              # # #

| The above story is cross-posted from  EcoNet, a member network of |
| the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). To retrieve |
| EcoNet's on-line brochure, please send an empty e-mail message to |
| <econet-info@igc.apc.org>.                                   -anw |

From: ddickerson@igc.apc.org (David Dickerson)
Date: 13 Sep 93 04:50 PDT
Message-ID: <1666101237@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: fido.econet

/* Written  6:37 pm  Sep 10, 1993 by mstein in igc:en.toxics */
/* ---------- "EcoNet Toxics Desk (draft)" ---------- */
             E c o N e t   T o x i c s   D e s k

Toxic and hazardous substances are a major concern to activists
and organizations in the environmental movement. EcoNet has long
been committed to providing up-to-date and valuable news,
information and networking on hazards issues. Several dozen key
organizations in this field have accounts on EcoNet, and
participate in numerous issue-specific electronic conferences
(see below). A number of important news gatherers in this field
make their news services available on EcoNet, including
Greenpeace, the Environmental Research Foundation, Global Action
& Information Network and the Pesticide Action Network North

EcoNet maintains a volunteer Toxics Desk which provides
information brokerage services to individuals and organizations
on-line. Toxics Desk volunteers search the RTK NET computer
network for EPA Toxic Release Information, and assist
information news gatherers to put information in EcoNet
conferences. For further information contact "toxicsdesk".

Case Studies:

RACHEL's Hazardous Waste News: The Environmental Research
Foundation in Washington, DC puts its weekly RACHEL news service
on EcoNet in en.toxics. Back issues of RACHEL can be found in
toxics.rachel and can be full-text searched under (2) News
Services in the (d)ata menu.

Greenpeace: Greenpeace puts its daily press releases on EcoNet
in gp.press and gp.news. They also help facilitate the haz.trade
conference to report on the cross-border trade in hazardous

Global Action & Information Network: GAIN monitors legislation
in the U.S. House and Senate on toxic hazard issues and reports
on it in gain.hazardous.

Pesticide Action Network North America: PANNA puts its weekly
pesticide news service in en.pesticides. Back issues can be
found in pesticide.info and can be full-text searched as part of
the global PESTIS database under (2) News Services in the (d)ata

Toxics & Waste Conferences:

en.toxics      -- Health and safety issues of toxic chemicals,
                  their dangers and their control.
en.toxics.inci -- Hazardous waste incinerators, waste-to-energy
en.toxics.pulp -- Side effects of pulp & paper industry and its
haz.trade      -- Conference for sharing information on trade
                  in toxic materials and toxic waste.
toxics.rachel  -- Library of RACHEL's Hazardous Waste
                  Newsletter, published by the Environmental
                  Research Foundation.
gp.press       -- News service from Greenpeace that includes
                  news & information on global toxics issues.
en.pesticides  -- Information and discussion about the use of
                  pesticides and their impact on health and the
en.waste       -- Issues of waste management from toxic
                  pollution to action planned against polluters.
gain.hazardous -- Background, legislative and action information
                  with recommended resources related to
                  hazardous materials.
toxics.militar -- Information about toxics and environmental
                  problems at military bases.
labor.hazards  -- Discussion and information concerning toxics
                  in the workplace.

| The above story is cross-posted from  EcoNet, a member network of |
| the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). To retrieve |
| EcoNet's on-line brochure, please send an empty e-mail message to |
| <econet-info@igc.apc.org>.                                   -anw |

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 14:28:26 -0700
From: EcoNet Pesticide Desk <pestdesk@igc.apc.org>
Subject: Pesticide Gopher Info

From: Lalena Parkhurst, EcoNet Pesticide and Sus Ag Desk

Enclosed are two brocures about gopher resources on pesticide and 
sustainable agriculture issues. I hope you find this information useful. 

                   Pesticide Action Network                       
                    North America's (PANNA)

PANNA maintains a gopher area containing an online database, 
news items, recent reports, lists of resources and 
information from other organizations dealing with pesticide 
and sustainable agriculture issues. 

This is a great reasource for anyone seeking information 
about alternatives to pesticides from an international 
perspective. Check us out, I think you will find it 
worthwhile to add us to you gopher menu. 

Our Link Info:

Name=Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

Lalena Parkhurst
PANNA Online Manager

                        E c o N e t 's 
             Pesticide & Sustainable Agriculture

The EcoNet Pesticide and Sustainable Agriculture Desk 
maintains a continually growing area of the gopher containing 
materials from both National and International activist and 

Check us out! I think you will find it worthwhile to add us 
to you gopher menu. 

Our Link Info:

Name=Pesticides & Sustainable Agriculture

Lalena Parkhurst
EcoNet Pesticide & Sustainable Agriculture Desk

   Compiled by L. B. Bjostad (Colorado State University) and J. K. VanDyk
   (Iowa State University)
     * WWW Servers
     * Gopher Servers
          + Collections and Databases
          + Electronic Publications (Gopher and WWW)
          + Insect Information Sheets
          + Other Information
     * Institutions, Instructors and Courses
     * Job Opportunities in Entomology (compiled by Colorado State)
     * Insect Images
     * Integrated Pest Management
     * Usenet Newsgroups
     * ListServers
     * Dial-In resources
     * University of Florida Book of Insect Records (housed by Colorado
       State, this page is nearly 200K)
     * How to add your information to this list 
WWW and Gopher Servers

   More information related to the science of entomology can be found on:
     * Beekeepers' Home Page at the University of Washington
     * California Academy of Sciences (includes some images of their
       research collections)
     * Colorado State's Entomology WWW server
     * Forest Pest Damage Identification demo by Jouni Vakeva on the
       Finnish Forest Research Institute
     * Gypsy Moth Home Page (USDA Forest Service)
     * INBio (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad), Costa Rica
     * Iowa State University
     * Michigan State University
     * Mississippi State
     * New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
     * North Carolina State University
     * Ohio State University Insect Collection
     * Resistance Pest Management Newsletter at Mississippi State
     * University of Delaware's Online Insect Database
     * University of Florida
     * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
     * University of Queensland, Australia
     * Utah State University
     * Virginia Tech Entomology Department
     * CSIRO's Entomology Gopher (Australia), which includes
          + the Australian National Insect Collection
          + DELTA Programs and Data
          + Inhalant Allergy to Insect Database (searchable)
     * California Islands Entomological Bibliography
     * Directory of Insect Biological Control Labs, Brazil (searchable)
     * Drosophila Flybase at Indiana University
     * Museum of Comparative Zoology insect types
     * Museum of Comparative Zoology spider types
     * NABS Aquatic Biology Gopher at Notre Dame with searchable
     * Ohio State University Insect Collection
     * Online Insect Database at the University of Delaware
     * Oregon State University Microbial Germplasm Database (listed by
       host insect order)
     * University of Colorado at Boulder's Entomology Gopher (insect
     * University of Minnesota Attractants for Blood-Sucking Arthropods
       (searchable bibliography)
     * University of Queensland Insect Collection
     * Yale's Peabody Museum of Natural History
     * APIS -- Florida Extension Beekeeping Newsletter
     * Colorado State University Entomology Newsletter
     * Cotton Pest News from Florida Extension
     * Discussions about Entomology-Related Topics archived from the
       Entomo-L electronic mailing list
     * Facts on File Books on Insects and Spiders
     * Facts on File Entomonographs
     * Facts on File Publications on Scandinavian insects
     * Florida Entomologist (An international journal for the Americas)
       and the Florida Entomological Society's Electronic Publication
     * Florida Pest Alert from Florida Extension
     * Gypsy Moth News from the USDA Forest Service
     * LymeNet Newsletter (Issues related to Lyme Disease), also
       available on the LymeNet Gopher
     * North American Butterfly Association's Collated List of English
       Names for North American Butterflies
     * Pennsylvania State University Vegetable Insect Newsletter
     * Pesticide Registrations, News and Training Programs from Florida
     * Online Insect Control Guide
     * Popular Classics in Entomology reading list, a list of good books
     * Resistance Pest Management Newsletter at Mississippi State
     * University of Florida Book of Insect Records (housed by Colorado
       State, this page is nearly 200K)
     * USDA Cooperative Extension Service Entomology Coordinators
     * Texas A&M University
     * CSIRO, Australia
     * North Carolina State University
     * University of Wisconsin
     * Utah State University
     * Utah State University Insect Pest Updates 
     * University of Tennessee Ag Expt Station Insect Control Fact Sheets
     * Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
     * Florida Extension Service
     * Gypsy Moth Life Systems Model
     * ASCII Insect Art at Texas Tech University
     * Insect Culture Techniques (New Zealand)
     * Insect Biological Control Labs Directory (Brazil)
     * National Insect Genetic Resources (under development)
     * Insect News at CSIRO, Australia
Institutions, Instructors and Courses

     * California Academy of Sciences
     * Colorado State University 
     * Cornell University (New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
     * Entomology Spatial Analysis Laboratory (Michigan State)
     * Michigan State University
     * Mississippi State University
     * Notre Dame Instructors of Courses in Aquatic Entomology and
       Benthic Biology in North America
     * Iowa State University
     * North Carolina State University Classes:
          + Summer Session #1 (1993 info)
          + Summer Session #2 (1993 info)
          + Fall (1993 info)
     * Purdue University
     * New Brunswick Graduate School (Rutgers)
     * University of California at Berkeley
     * University of California at Davis
     * University of Delaware
     * University of Florida"
     * University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
          + The Department
          + Faculty
          + Program of Study
          + Courses
          + Financial Aid
          + Application/Admission Information
     * University of Queensland, Australia
     * University of Maryland (College Park)
     * University of Wisconsin
          + Faculty
          + Entomology major
          + Fall courses
          + Spring courses
          + Summer courses
     * Utah State University
     * Virginia Tech Entomology Department
Images of Insects and Related Arthropods

     * [IMAGE] Iowa State's Entomology Image Gallery
     * Insect Drawings from University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
     * The Smithsonian Institution (ftp)
     * Biology Image Archive from the Biodiversity and Biological
       Collections Gopher
Integrated Pest Management

     * National Integrated Pest Management Information System at North
       Carolina State University
     * Ministry of Environment, Land, and Parks, British Columbia
       (Canada) Integrated Pest Management Information System (under
       construction) -- this resource is only available online at certain
       times. Check for further information on the MELP server.
     * University of California's IPMNet
Usenet Newsgroups

     * The Usenet newgroup sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera has been
       established. This newsgroup welcomes discussion regarding
     * Sci.agriculture.beekeeping is available for discussion of
   Note that you must have your WWW browser configured correctly for the
   above news links to work. 

   The following listservers, dedicated to discussion about entomology,
   are currently available.
   BEE-L This list provides a format for discussion of bee research and
   biology. Subjects include sociobiology, behavior, ecology, genetics,
   taxonomy, physiology, pollination, and many others. The contact person
   for the list is Mary Jo Orzech (mjo@brock1p.bitnet). To subscribe,
   send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU with body text
   consisting of subscribe Jane Doe where Jane Doe is your real name. You
   will receive further instructions from the listserver.
    BIOCONTROL-L A list on biological control is running from a
   listserver in Brazil. The owner of the list is Sidnei de Souza
   (sidnei@ftpt.br) or Dr. Luiz Alexandre Nogueira de Sa'. Though the
   presentation message is in portuguese, the list accepts messages
   written in English or Spanish. To subscribe, send an email message to
   listserv@ftpt.br with a blank subject line and body text consisting of
   subscribe BIOCONTROL-L Jane Doe where Jane Doe is your real name.
   BugNet has been formed to meet the need for a "non-professional"
   entomology mailing list, i.e. to serve as a resource for teachers and
   bug enthusiasts to ask questions to professional entomologists. To
   subscribe, send an email message to listserv@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu with a
   blank subject line and body text consisting of subscribe bugnet John
   Doe where John Doe is your real name.
   Entomo-L is maintained by Peter Kevan of the University of Guelph,
   Canada. Discussion is on a variety of entomology-related topics.
   Persons wishing to join the list should send e-mail to
   LISTSERV@UOGUELPH.CA with a blank subject line and body text
   consisting of subscribe entomo-L Jane Doe where Jane Doe is the real
   name of the subscriber. You will get an automated welcome message from
   the server shortly thereafter. There is no charge associated with this
   ENT-LIST is maintained by Mark O'Brien of the University of Michigan.
   Discussion on this list is about insect systematics and curatorial
   matters. Those interested in joining ENT-LIST should send e-mail
   directly to MFOBRIEN@UMICH.EDU.
   GYPSY MOTH discussion group is available for discussion of topics
   pertaining to this well-known pest. Click here to find out how to
   PESTCON, a listserv to discuss IPM (Integrated Pest Management). The
   list is owned by Dave Jackson at the University of Iowa. To subscribe
   to PESTCON, send e-mail to LISTSERV@UIOWA.EDU, with a blank subject
   line and body text consisting of two lines of text. The first line
   should be subscribe PESTCON Jane Doe where Jane Doe is the real name
   of the subscriber. The second line should simply be the word QUIT.
Dial-In Resources

   MosquitoNet is a dial-in bulletin board system maintained by Bruce
   Eldridge and his laboratory at UC-Davis. The number to call with your
   modem is 916-752-5484. There are no charges for opening an account.
   The first time you dial, MosquitoNet will take information and then
   drop you off the line. Your accounts will be activated usually within
   24 hours, though it may be longer since this requires human
   interaction. Any standard communication program will do, though with
   RipTerm you can use a mouse and full pulldown menus, etc. RipTerm is
   free and you can get copies from a number of sources, including us. Be
   sure to use version 1.54 or later (for PC's). They do have plans to
   connect to the Internet but don't know when that will happen.
   [IMAGE] To Iowa State home page
   If you know of other Internet resources related to entomology, please
   let me know (jvandyk@iastate.edu) so we can include them in this list.
