
Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII

From:	AS8250::WINS%"<gparham@demeter.esusda.gov>" 16-FEB-1993 15:49:06.96
Subj:	Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII (fwd)

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Subject: Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII (fwd)
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Here is an opportunity to let others know what CES is doing.

Gregory L. Parham
Head, Distance Education and Information Technology
Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250-0900

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1993 11:32:21 -0500
From: breeden@farnet.org
To: jpoley@esusda.gov
Cc: gparham@esusda.gov
Subject: Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII

Please circulate this announcement to any person or list you think would be
interested in responding.  We're looking forward to hearing your stories!

With thanks,
Laura Breeden
Executive Director

51 Reasons to Invest in the National Information Infrastructure

FARNET (the Federation of American Research Networks) is launching a
national search for good stories about how and why people use the Internet
in education, research, health care, libraries and manufacturing.  

Right now, Congress is considering ways to expand and build upon the
successes of the Internet.  The stage is being set for the creation of a
'national information infrastructure'   computer and communications sytems
that will make it possible for Americans to access and use all kinds of
electronic information in the 21st century.  Your stories will help set the
agenda for the national information infrastructure.  

We must receive your story submission by March 31, 1993.  Because critical
information policy issues are already being debated, the timetable for the
first round of the project is short.  

This summer a collection of the stories   including at least one from each
state and the District of Columbia   will be published in an illustrated
booklet and delivered to members of Congress, other elected officials, and
project participants.  

Every story submitted that satisfies the criteria for publication will be
included in a public database, accessible from the Internet and indexed so
that it is easy to retrieve all stories from a particular region or about a
particular topic.  

WHAT to Submit

Each story should focus on only one use of the Internet, or one
network-supported project.  For instance, it might describe a collaboration
between bilingual eighth-grade classes in different states, or a rural
health-information delivery system.  The story should be short (600 words
or fewer) and should describe the use of the network and explain how the
ability to use the network was of direct benefit to the activity supported.

Specific details, examples and quotations will make the story more
readable.  Do not include material that does not support the narrative.  

Photographs and illustrations will be included in the printed booklet but
not in the story database (for the first round).  To submit a graphic,
please mail camera-ready artwork (for charts, illustrations, or graphs) or
photographic prints (any size, in black and white or color) to the address

We welcome submissions of videos, software, computer graphics,
documentation, and other supporting information and will index these as
part of the story database.

WHO Should Submit

Anyone may submit a story for consideration.

HOW to Submit

We prefer that you submit stories electronically to the Internet address
below.  You may also submit them by fax or postal mail.  You must use the
Story Submission Form at the end of this announcement so that we can
readily enter the stories into the database.  

FARNET's address is:

	Email:	stories@farnet.org
	Postal mail:	FARNET, 100 Fifth Avenue, Waltham, MA  02154
	Phone:	(800) 72-FARNET
	Fax:		(617) 890-5117

CRITERIA for Publication

To be included in the database, stories must describe how access to or use
of the Internet for education, research, health care, libraries or
manufacturing resulted in one or more of the following:

	  Innovative or improved ways of doing things
	  More equitable access to technology or electronic information
	  Creation of new ideas, products, or services
  	Technology transfer 
  	Local investment in, commitment to, and control of network-based
	  Leverage of public funding
	  Volunteer contributions of time and energy
	  Partnerships between public sector and private sector organizations
  	Other social, economic or educational benefits

THE PANEL of Reviewers

The review panel for the stories to be included in the booklet will consist
of eight people representing key public sector interests in networking,
including libraries, education, health care, and economic development.  One
of these representatives will be named by FARNET.  The others will be named
by other national organizations, including the Coalition for Networked
Information, the Consortium for School Networking, Educom's NTTF, and the
Science and Technology Council of the States.  

NOTIFICATION of Acceptance

All submissions will be acknowledged upon receipt.  If a submission is
incomplete, the author will receive a comment sheet and will have the
opportunity to amend the submission for inclusion in the database. 


The Story Submission Form requires each author to grant FARNET a
non-exclusive, royalty-free copyright license to use his or her story for
the purposes described in this Call for Stories.  All stories must be
original with the author, and the author must have obtained permission to
use the names of any person or organization identified in the story.


FARNET is a national non-profit association dedicated to advancing the use
of computer networks for research and education.  Its members are network
service providers and other organizations that support its mission.

PROJECT Underwriters (to date)

Coalition for Networked Information
Interop, Inc.
National Science Foundation

Story Submission Form

1.	Your name
	Street address:
	City, State, ZIP:
	Fax :

2.	Person to contact for more information, if different from above
	Street address:
	City, State, ZIP:
	Fax :

3.	Put an "X" before the category of use or user that this story focuses
	.......Education, K12
	.......Education, higher
	.......Education, continuing or distance
	.......Research, academic
	.......Research, government
	.......Research, commercial
	.......Economic development
	.......Health care/health services
	.......Manufacturing technology
	.......Opportunities for people with disabilities
	.......Museums, arts

4.	Put an "X" before all the criteria that you believe this story
	.......Innovative or improved ways of doing things
	.......More equitable access to technology or electronic information
	.......Creation of new ideas, products, or services
	.......Technology transfer 
	.......Local commitment to network-based activities
	.......Leverage of public funding 
	.......Volunteer contributions of time and energy
	.......Partnerships between public and private sector 

5.	 Story text (600 word maximum):
	Please  include the organization(s) involved, the objectives of the
project and the benefits.  Use full names of people, places and
organizations.  Don't forget to address at least one of the areas listed
above in the criteria for inclusion.  

6.	Put an "X" in front of all categories of supporting information
	.......Audio recordings
	.......Computer graphic images, such as GIF files

7.	Story site if different from contact information:
	Town or City:


	I, the author listed below, hereby grant to FARNET, Inc., and its
sublicensees, the following non-exclusive, royalty-free irrevocable
licenses with respect to the enclosed story (the "Story") submitted in
response to FARNET's solicitation dated February 12, 1993 entitled "51
Reasons to Build the National Information Infrastructure:"

 %	To edit, copy, distribute, and make the Story generally accessible
through one or more free public databases; and,

	%	(At FARNET's option) to edit, copy, and distribute the Story in one or
more printed collections of stories for non-commercial use consistent with
FARNET's organizational purposes.

	My grant of these rights is in consideration of FARNET's agreement to make
the Story available on a public database as described in the first
subparagraph above if the Story meets FARNET's criteria.
	I will retain copyright in the Story.  (It is understood that FARNET's
right to modify the Story is limited to non-substantive editorial
modifications.)  FARNET will, through appropriate copyright notices and
other legends, reasonably attempt to restrict any commercial use of the
Story, but FARNET will not be liable to me if another party does not abide
by these attempted restrictions.  FARNET may grant to other noncommercial
organizations sublicenses to any of the rights granted by me to FARNET.

	I acknowledge and warrant to FARNET and its sublicensees that Story is
original with me, and that I have permission to use the names and/or
descriptions of any individuals or organizations which are identified in
the Story.  I give FARNET and its sublicensees permission to use my name in
connection with the rights granted above.


	(Sign name, if submitting by postal mail; otherwise, typing your name for
Email transmission constitutes the equivalent of your signature)

FARNET's address is:

	Email:	stories@farnet.org
	Mail:	FARNET, 100 Fifth Avenue, Waltham, MA  02154
	Phone:	(800) 72-FARNET
	Fax:	(617) 890-5117