
Re: Veggie Life

On Fri, 11 Feb 1994 bobcurtiss@aol.com wrote:

> Does anyone know about "Veggie Life" -- how to subscribe? I've never seen it
> or heard of it before, even tho
> ugh I've been a veggie for 15 years.
> Does anyone know of a mailing list oriented towards vegetarian / whole
>  foods lifestyles?
> Bob Curtiss
I hesitate to tell you the address of fatfree because you are on aol and 
we have very high traffic.  Well, I will let you be the judge.

To subscribe:  fatfree-request@hustle.rahul.net

For the subject:  subscribe

We are all nofat added vegetarians and you will get the rules when you 
sign up. 

I can send you an issue of veglife if you want. I forgot the sign up 
address.  Maybe someone else can tell you that.


Article 10111 of misc.activism.progressive:
Newsgroups: misc.activism.progressive
Path: samba!concert!gatech!emory!wupost!mont!pencil.cs.missouri.edu!daemon
From: "Steve Carr" <rthr427%emx.cc.utexas.edu@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
Subject: Fw: Federal Register Available on Internet
Message-ID: <1993Jan10.213521.2357@mont.cs.missouri.edu>
Followup-To: alt.activism.d
Originator: daemon@pencil.cs.missouri.edu
Sender: news@mont.cs.missouri.edu
Nntp-Posting-Host: pencil.cs.missouri.edu
Organization: ?
Resent-From: "Rich Winkel" <MATHRICH@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1993 21:35:21 GMT
Approved: map@pencil.cs.missouri.edu
Lines: 85

From: susan calcari <calcaris@nic.cerf.net>
Sat, 9 Jan 93 09:45:01 PST
To: Multiple recipients of list <nis@cerf.net>
Subject: Federal Register Available on Internet

                             PRESS RELEASE


CAMBRIDGE, MA. (Jan. 7, 1993) --        Counterpoint Publishing, Inc. today
announced a new service  providing  same-day  availability of the  complete
Federal Register (FR)  via the  Internet,  the largest  data communications
network in the world.  The Federal Register is an official  U.S. Government
daily publication containing  all proposed and final rules and notices from
more than 130 government agencies.

     The Counterpoint  Federal  Register  service will  provide  the  fully
indexed text of  the complete  Federal Register sourced  from the  magnetic
tapes provided daily by the U.S.  Government Printing Office.  Articles  in
the FR  contain,  for  example,  new EPA  regulations,  grant  and  funding
opportunities,  Presidential documents  and  hundreds of  other  proposals,
rules and meeting notices each day.

     Counterpoint's simplified  menu-driven  software allows  end-users  to
view the daily Federal Register by table of contents, key words in any  and
exact order, article type, full-text or heading only, agency, date or range
of dates or citation.  The software does not require graphical  interfaces,
a mouse  or function  keys, thus  making it  easy to  use on  a variety  of
computing  platforms  such  as  IBM-compatibles,  Macintosh(tm),  Unix(tm),
VMS(tm), etc.  Routine searches can  be stored add replayed.  Documents  in
the FR are exportable in ASCII  format with text exportable to E-mail,  any
word processor, or printer.

     Counterpoint will  also  provide  alternative access  to  the  Federal
Register to  better  address  the  unique  needs  of  the  Global  Internet
community.  Using such  distribution and access  mechanisms as  Usenet News
(NNTP), Mail (SMTP), Gopher, WAIS and the World Wide Web, Counterpoint will
provide the daily Federal  Register in the most  cost efficient and  timely
manner possible, using the most up to date and powerful tools available  to
the network user.

     The new  Counterpoint service  is  provided through  arrangement  with
Internet.COM -  Internet Consulting Services  of  Cambridge,  MA.,  helping
providers of goods and services develop  commercial presence on  the Global

     Counterpoint is  the  nation's  leading publisher  of  federal  source
documents in electronic formats.   Several thousand  customers now use  the
weekly CD-ROM  version of  the Federal  Register instead  of the  hardbound
paper version.   Counterpoint also  introduced recently  the complete  U.S.
Code of Federal  Regulations on Compact  Disc.  This  product will also  be
made available to the Global Internet in the future.

---   For more information, call Counterpoint at 800-998-4515 or via e-mail
on the Internet at fedreg@internet.com.
-- </rr>


      |Steve Carr                         carr@emx.cc.utexas.edu|
      |Dept. of Radio-TV-Film             512/471-4071          |
      |University of Texas at Austin      fax: 512/471-4077     |
      |Austin TX  78712                                         |

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