
Re: WWW sites?

ken@bridge.com (Ken Hardy) writes:

>The Polsons (polsons@cruzio.com) wrote:
>: Hello! I just got access to the web, and was interested in sites to look
>: for. Can anyone supply some, or are they on the FAQ? If so, if anyone
>: could post the FAQ, that would be great. THANKS!

>Try the Missouri Botanical Garden at
>	<http://straylight.tamu.edu/MoBot/welcom.html>
>and the Missouri Horticultural Guides at
>	<gopher://bigcat.missouri.edu/11/reference/guides-h>

>FAQs are posted regularly in groups that have them and are archived
>at <ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-group/news.answers/gardens>.
These addresses do not seem to work....

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