
New List: Homesteading

Hi all - 

I just set up a brand new mailing list for homesteaders - thought some of 
you might be interested.

To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@world.std.com with 

subscribe homestead

in the body of the message.

Here's the welcome message from the list, to give you an idea of what 
it's about:


Welcome to the Homesteading Mailing List!

Are you interested in:

* Living off the land
* Energy-efficient housing
* Building your own home
* Becoming more ecomonically independent
* Raising your own food and/or livestock

If so, you've come to the right place.  This list is a place for current 
and prospective homesteaders to discuss independent living.  I'm hoping 
we'll get some discussion going on topics like:

* Getting started - financial planning for independent living, locating 
land, etc.
* Stories from experienced homesteaders
* Making ends meet - how to homestead and earn a living at the same time
* Energy independence

So, welcome aboard, and feel free to jump into the discussion at any time!

Andrew Evans
Homestead List Administrator