
Listserv to Listproc Conversion

TO:  Listserv List Subscribers

The University of Washington is dropping BITNET and Listserv support on
July 1.  The Listserv list INDKNOW has been moved to Listproc, a UNIX
TCP/IP based list server which provides similar functionality. 

You can send mail to the list in the same way you always have, but make 
sure the email address is,


List administrative requests are mailed to listproc@u.washington.edu with
the request as the mail text.  For example, include one or more of the 
following lines (variable arguments are in brackets): 

subscribe <listname> <Myname>
review <listname>
index <listname>
get <listname> <archive_file>
search <listname> <string>
set <listname> password <old-password> <new-password>
set <listname> mail digest
set <listname> mail postpone
help listproc

Your password for the list is "pass123".  You may reset your password with
the "set" command, see above.  You will only need your password to use the
interactive list processor, ilp. 

Additional information has been written for Listproc subscribers.  Send
mail to "listproc@u.washington.edu" with the text "help uw.subscriber".
Listproc will mail you further information.  For a complete list of
available help, send the request "help topics". 

For further information, contact UW C&C Client Services via email at 
