
THE MEDIA LIST, 4/11/94 (Update)


This is a listing of newspapers, magazines, TV stations and other media
outlets that accept electronic submissions from readers and viewers,
along with their main e-mail addresses.   If you are submitting a letter
to the editor or an op-ed piece, it's a good idea to include your postal
address and a daytime phone number.  Publications generally try to verify
authorship and will not run submissions without some way to check whether
you really wrote the item to which your name is attached.

One thing this list does not have is addresses for individual reporters
and editors, because compiling and updating such information would take
far more time than your faithful scribe here could provide. If you want
to reach a specific person, try sending a request to the given media
outlet's general address.


Please send any additions, deletions or corrections to the address at the
end of this list.  Look for new editions in the alt.journalism,
alt.internet.services and comp.misc newsgroups. If you'd rather receive
the list automatically via e-mail, write to


Leave the "subject:" line blank.  As your message, write:

     subscribe medialist

My thanks again to all who have contributed!  Comments and suggestions --
and especially addresses of unlisted media organizations -- are most
welcome.  Please send them to adamg@world.std.com.

NOTE: Entries marked with an * are either new entries or corrections.


Middlesex News, Framingham, Mass.       mnews@world.std.com
Boston Globe Story Ideas                news@globe.com
Circulation Requests                    circulation@globe.com
Letters to the Editor                   letter@globe.com
Submissions to "Voxbox" column          voxbox@globe.com
Comments on Coverage/Ombudsman          ombud@globe.com
Ask the Globe                           ask@globe.com
Thursdays Calendar Section              list@globe.com Health
& Science Section                howwhy@globe.com Confidential
Chat                       chat@globe.com City Weekly Section
                   ciweek@globe.com Religion Editor
             religion@globe.com Arts Editor
         arts@globe.com Plugged In
 plugged@globe.com Champaign-Urbana (Ill.) News-Gazette
gazette@prairienet.org Chicago Tribune
Chronicle-Telegram, Elyria, Ohio        macroncl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
Daily Citizen, Washington, D.C.         ben@essential.org
The Guardian, U.K.                      letters@guardian.co.uk
Notes and Queries                       nandq@guardian.co.uk
Computer Page                           computerg@guardian.co.uk
The Independent, U.K. Computer Page     comppage@independent.co.uk
International Herald-Tribune            iht@eurokom.ie
Journal Newspapers, D.C. area           thejournal@aol.com
Morning Journal, Lorain, Ohio           mamjornl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
The Namibian, Windhoek, Namibia         tom@namibian.com.na
Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ont.            ottawa-citizen@freenet.carleton.ca
Peoria Journal Star, Peoria, Ill .      xxnews@heartland.bradley.edu
Phoenix Gazette                         phxgazette@aol.com
Portland Oregonian                      oreeditors@aol.com
Prague Post                             100120.361@compuserve.com
Sacramento Bee                          sacbedit@netcom.com
St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times             73174.3344@compuserve.com
San Diego Union-Tribune                 computerlink@sduniontrib.com
San Francisco Examiner                  sfexaminer@aol.com
San Jose Mercury-News                   sjmercury@aol.com

Santa Cruz County (Calif.) Sentinel
Letters to the editor                   sented@cruzio.com
News desk                               sentcity@cruzio.com
Seattle Times Personal Technology       ptech@seatimes.com
Sun-Sentinel, Broward County, Fla. Grapevine    vineeditor@aol.com

*Die Tageszeitung, Germany              briefe@taz.de
Tallahassee Democrat                    letters@freenet.fsu.edu
USA Today                               usatoday@clark.net
Vancouver (Ore.) Columbian              vanpaper@aol.com


Bay Windows, Boston                     baywindo@world.std.com
City Paper, Philadelphia                71632.57@compuserve.com
Hill Times, Ottawa, Ont.                ab142@freenet.carleton.ca
The Mirror, Montreal, Quebec            mirror@fc.babylon.montreal.qc.ca
New York Press                          nyp@echonyc.com
Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto, Calif.     paweekly@netcom.com.
The Stranger, Seattle                   stranger@cyberspace.com
Sunday Times of London Innovation       innovation@delphi.com
Tico Times, Costa Rica                  ttimes@huracon.cr
The Village Voice, New York, N.Y.       voice@echonyc.com
Washington City Paper                   washcp@aol.com


*BG News, Bowling Green State U., Ohio  bgnews@andy.bgsu.edu
Colorado Daily, Boulder, Colo.          colorado_daily@onenet-bbs.org
*The Daily Northwestern, Evanston, Ill. daily@merle.acns.nwu.edu
Daily Texan, UT-Austin                  texan@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
The Tartan, Carnegie-Mellon Univ.       tartan@andrew.cmu.edu
Washington Square News, NYU             nyuwsn@aol.com


Advertising Age
Letters to the editor                   ehbu73a@prodigy.com
Interactive Media & Marketing           ywkj04a@prodigy.com
American Journalism Review              amerjourrv@aol.com
Bicycling Magazine                      bicmag@aol.com
Brown Alumni Monthly, Providence, R.I.  bam@brownvm.brown.edu
Business Week                           bwreader@mgh.com
Chronicle of Higher Education           editor@chronicle.merit.edu
Canadian Treasurer, Toronto             mcdouga@ecf.utoronto.ca
Clinical Data Management                anneb@delphi.com
Details                                 detailsmag@aol.com
Frank Magazine, Ottawa, Ont.            ag419@freenet.carleton.ca
Focus, Germany                          100335.3131@compuserve.com
GQ                                      gqmag@aol.com
Illinois Issues, Springfield, Ill.      wojcicki@eagle.sangamon.edu.
Media West, W. Vancouver, B.C.          shyba@wimsey.com
Mother Jones                            x@mojones.com
The Nation                              nation@igc.org
The New Republic                        editors@tnr.com
New Scientist, U.S. bureau              75310.1661@compuserve.com
Oberlin Alumni Magazine                 alummag@ocvaxc.cc.oberlin.edu.
OutNOW!, San Jose, Calif.               jct@netcom.com
Playboy                                 edit@playboy.com
Playboy Forum                           forum@playboy.com Dear
Playboy                            dearpb@playboy.com Running
Wild Magazine, Lincoln, Mass.   runwild@world.std.com S.F.
Examiner Magazine                  sfxmag@mcimail.com
Soundprint                              soundprt@jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu
Der Spiegel, Germany                    100064.3164@compuserve.com
Sky & Telescope, Cambridge, Mass.       skytel@cfa.harvard.edu
Spectrum, New York, N.Y.                n.hantman@ieee.org
Stern, Hamburg, Germany                 100125.1305@compuserve.com
Time                                    timeletter@aol.com
Ultramarathon Canada                    an346@freenet.carleton.ca
Urb, Los Angeles                        urbmag@netcom.com
USA Weekend                             usaweekend@aol.com
U.S. News and World Report              71154.1006@compuserve.com
*Washington Technology                  technews@access.digex.net
Wired                                   editor@wired.com


Cowles/SIMBA Media Daily                simba02@aol.com
Greenwire                               greenwre@apn.com
Media Page                              mpage@netcom.com
Newsbytes                               newsbytes@genie.geis.com


Dealmakers                              Ted.Kraus@property.com
Information Law Alert                   markvoor@phantom.com
Inside Media, New York, N.Y.            cowles7@aol.com
Multichannel News                       higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org
Society of Newspaper Design             fairbairn@plink.geis.com
Spec-Com Journal                        spec-com@genie.geis.com
Western Producer, Saskatoon             fairbairn@plink.geis.com


CJOH-TV, Ottawa, Ont. Can.              ab363@freenet.carleton.ca
KARK, Little Rock, Ark.                 newsfour@aol.com
KCBX, San Luis Obispo, Calif.           kcbx@slonet.org
KDFC-AM/FM, San Francisco               comments@kksf.tbo.com
KIRO-AM/FM, Seattle                     kiro@halcyon.com KKSF-FM,
San Francisco                           comments@kksf.tb.com
KKSF-FM, San Francisco                  comments@kksf.tbo.com
*KOMO-AM, Seattle                       normg@halcyon.com
KPIX-TV, CBS, San Francisco             74001.3461@compuserve.com
KOIN, Portland, Ore.                    koin06A@prodigy.com
KWMU-FM, St. Louis, Mo.                 kwmu@umslva.bitnet
*WBBM-TV, CBS, Chicago                  wbbmch2@aol.com
WBFO, Buffalo, N.Y.                     wbfo@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
WBFO-FM, NPR, Buffola, NY.              wbfo@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
*WCBS-AM, CBS, NYC.                     news88a@prodigy.com
WCVB-TV, Boston, Mass.                  wcvb@aol.com
WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, Minn.             wccotv@mr.net
WDCB Radio, Glen Ellyn, Ill.            scotwitt@delphi.com
WEOL-AM, Elyria, Ohio                   maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu.
WEOS, Geneva, N.Y.                      weos@hws.bitnet
WEEK-TV, Peoria, Ill.                   xxweek@heartland.bradley.edu
WFMJ-TV, Youngstown, Ohio               news21a@yfn.ysu.edu
WGN-TV, Chicago                         wgntv@aol.com
WICB, Ithaca, N.Y.                      wicb@aol.com
WNWV-FM, Elyria, Ohio                   maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu.
WNYC, "On the Line", New York           76020.560@compuserve.com
WRCT-FM, Pittsburgh, Pa.                wrct@andrew.cmu.edu
WRVO-FM, Oswego, N.Y.                   wrvo@oswego.edu
WVIT-TV, New Britian, Conn              wvit30a@prodigy.com
WWWE 1100 AM  Cleveland, OH             talk11a@prodigy.com
WXYZ-TV, ABC, Detroit.                  wxyztv@aol.com
WYDE-AM, "Tony Giles," Birmingham, Ala. tony.giles@the-matrix.com
CJOH-TV, Ottawa, Ont.                   ab363@freenet.carleton.ca
BBC World Service                       iac@bbc-iabr.demon.co.uk
CBC Radio, "Brand X"                    brandx@winnipeg.cbc.ca
Fox TV                                  foxnet@delphi.com
Maine Public TV, "Media Watch"          greenman@maine.maine.edu
Monitor Radio Int'l "Letterbox"         letterbox@wshb.csms.com
NBC News, New York, N.Y.                nightly@nbc.ge.com
NBC News, "Dateline"                    dateline@nbc.ge.com
NPR "Talk of the Nation"                totn@aol.com
NPR "Talk of the Nation/Sci. Friday"    scifri@aol.com
NPR "Fresh Air"                         freshair@hslc.org
NPR "Weekend All Things Considered"     watc@clark.net
NPR "Weekend Edition/Sunday"            wesun@clark.net
Ohio University Public Radio            radio@ohiou.edu
Ohio University Public Television       tv@ohiou.edu
TV Ontario, "The Future"                the_future@tvo.org


Boardwatch, Colorado Springs, Colo.     letters@boardwatch.com
Communications News                     489-8359@mcimail.com Corporate
Computing                               439-3854@mcimail.com
Communications Week                     440-7485@mcimail.com Computing,
U.K.                         computed@cix.compulink.co.uk Data
Communications                     416-2157@mcimail.com Datateknik,
Sweden                      datateknik@dt.etforlag.se Enterprise
Systems Journal              543-3256@mcimail.com
Home Office Computing                   hoc@aol.com
IBM Internet Journal, Dallas, Tex.      76130.221@compuserve.com
Information Week                        informationweek@mcimail.com
Infoworld                               letters@infoworld.com
The Internet Business Journal           mstrange@fonorola.net
The Internet Letter                     netweek@access.digex.net
Internet World                          meckler@jvnc.net
iX, Germany                             post@ix.de
Journal of C Language Translation       jclt@iecc.com
LAN Times                               538-6488@mcimail.com
MACLine, Delaware Valley                macline1@aol.com
Macworld                                macworld@aol.com
Network Computing                       network_computing@mcimail.com Network
World                                   network@world.std.com
Reader Advocacy Force                   nwraf@world.std.com
Online Access                           oamag@aol.com
PC Magazine                             157.9301@mcimail.com
PC Week                                 557-0379@mcimail.com
Telecommunications                      311-1693@mcimail.com
UniForum Monthly                        pubs@uniforum.org
UniNews                                 pubs@uniforum.org