
Re: Help Locating Listserver in agronomy/soil science

In article <CxGztE.n2C@serval.net.wsu.edu>, thodges@beta.tricity.wsu.edu (Tom Hodges) says:
>Listserv lists are agric-l which can be reached at listserv@american.edu,
>(its actually at U Georgia but I don't remember the address), agmodels-l,
>soils-l, pot-mod-l, trickle-l at unl.edu, sustag-l and mgarden-l at 
>wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu, devel-l at american.edu.  Also almanac lists are 
>sanet-mg through almanac@csc.ncsu.edu and sustag-public thru 
>: Can anyone suggest or provide an address (IPADDR) for listservers
>: for agronomy or soil science.  Thanks.
>Tom Hodges           Cropping Systems Modeler      ___   ___
>USDA-ARS                                          /   \_/   \
>Rt. 2, Box 2953-A    Telephone: 509-786-9207     |           |
>Prosser, WA 99350    Fax: 509-786-4635            \______/^\/ 
>USA                                               potato tuber
>=============  thodges@beta.tricity.wsu.edu ========================
>...photosynthesis makes the world go around...  Mr. Potato Head

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