
book catalogs on line

our natural history bulletin board is available for anyone
to use. We have a new grasses and bamboos catalog available
on our main bbs. our mini-bbs can be access by using your
usual communications program and dialing our bbs directly-
we are not on the internet. our modem number is 1-217-355-4532
set your mode to ANSI, your protocol to zmodem. takes about
20 seconds for  please wait.... to come up.  about half
of our catalogs are available through this mini-bbs, the
rest can only be downloaded through our windows-based
bbs and an access program is needed. you can download this
free client program from the mini-bbs.
******************** Koeltz Scientific Books USA ************************ 
* www.prairienet.org/~xx143/homepage.htm or email: xx143@prairienet.or  *
*   Fax:217-355-9413; Phone:217-355-9331; BBS(Direct Dial)217-355-4532  *