
Re: High Tech and the Family Farm

On Mon, 28 Aug 1995, JULIE ELFVING wrote:

> Seeing some traffic lately about high tech tools reminded me that I
> wanted to query Sanetters about a specific high tech ag application,
> namely site-specific farming, also called precise application, also called
> variable rate application technology, and probably other things.  

I want to point interested readers to a bibliography on Precision Farming:

Precision Farming
AT 95-01
December 1994

"This publication is a brief guide to information about precision farming..."

It was compiled at the National Agricultural Library by  

          Bonnie Emmert, Jane Gates and Joe Makuch,

          Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
                 Water Quality Information Center

This and other similar publications (See the List of Information Products 
at any of these sites) are available free of charge from:

WWW:    http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/AgrEnv/AltFarm

  or    http://www.nalusda.gov
          select Answers to Your Questions
          select Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

Gopher  gopher.nalusda.gov
          select NAL Information Centers
          select Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

Orders for publications can be made by e-mail:   afsic@nalusda.gov
                                       Phone :   (301) 504-6559
                                       FAX   :   (301) 504-6409


Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Boulevard
Beltsville, MD  20705-2351

There's a wealth of information available at these sites!

Andy Clark