
Modest challenge for today: redesign the earth.

Modest challenge for today: redesign the earth.

A good planet is hard to find. But old mother earth could use some fresh
thinking, anyway. Maybe some of yours.
Gilbert Paper, a leading international provider of uncoated and recycled
papers for printing, invites you to join with other creative thinkers
around the globe in the design challenge to end all design challenges:

Make a better world. In the next seven days.

Share your ideas. Impossible improvements especially welcome. Maybe dirt
could be a different color, something more attractive than brown. Trees
might bloom in an even greater variety of shades. Their trunks could be
colored to match the blossoms. Instead of a planet that's 75% water, maybe
it could be only 50% water - with the extra surface used for expansion.
Edible sand would be cool. We could reformulate the atmosphere and make
plastic biodegradable. Animals could talk, and let us know what has been
on their minds. How about getting rid of winter altogether? Move South
America closer to Europe? Move other continents around so we could get to
know each other better? Get rid of aging?

Never leave well enough along

If you'd like to play, feel free to use words or images or both, and send
your ideas to Gilbert. You may use the form on our WWW site
<http://www.editelchi.com/gilbert/earthII/redesign.html> or upload your
vision via ftp to www.editelchi.com. (name: gilbert / password:earthII)
This request for visions will be open through Saturday, May 21, 1995. All
contributions will be collected and made available on the Gilbert site as
an online gallery for everyone to look at and think about. In addition,
they will all be considered by Gilbert Paper for possible use in a small
kit of paper samples designed to demonstrate printing, engraving,
embossing and foil stamping characteristics of the paper grade know as
ESSE to designers around the world.

Tell your friends
Feel free to share this site with your friends. (Nobody's idea would be
used commercially without their consent.)

For information about Gilbert and this project, contact
http://www.editelchi.com/gilbert or e-mail lmg@editelchi.com with
'earthII' in the subject.

larry mills-gahl