
Double/Triple Postings


Please refrain from sending messages to sanet-mg more than once.  
IGNORE the error message you get after posting to sanet.  The 
bounce-back is from bad addresses, which continually crop up, and which 
we are constantly purging from the mailing list.

I am guilty, too, despite knowing the situation.  After my 
message sent at 9:55 a.m. did not show up by 5:15 p.m. yesterday, I was 
fooled into sending it again!  Sorry.  

Posts to sanet will often take two or more hours before they show up on 
your screen.  PLEASE try to be patient, and save our readers the 
frustration of sorting through duplicate messages.

Thanks so much, and please feel free to contact me directly (not the 
list) with further questions or problems.

Andy Clark, Ph.D.
SAN Coordinator
c/o AFSIC, Room 304
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville, MD  20705-2351
PH:  301-504-6425
FAX: 301-504-6409