
sanet-mg Usage

Following is a periodic notice regarding the use of the sanet-mg
mailing group.  Please review this important information regarding
the proper use of the mailing group.

To unsubscribe from sanet-mg, send the following command to

	unsubscribe sanet-mg

Almanac is the NC Cooperative Extension Service's information server.
It handles all mailing groups.  Almanac commands *should not*
be sent to the mailing group.  Doing so sends the command to
everyone who is subscribed to the mailing group.

If you wish to subscribe a colleague to sanet-mg, send the
following commands to almanac@ces.ncsu.edu:

	set address colleagues_full_email_address
	subscribe sanet-mg

Almanac also keeps an archive of the articles that have been
posted to sanet-mg.  To receive a catalog of archived articles,
send the following command to almanac@ces.ncsu.edu:

	send sanet-mg catalog

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send your message to sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu.

If you have general questions about the mailing groups or
Almanac, mail to almanac-help@ces.ncsu.edu.

Article 291 of alt.co-evolution:
Newsgroups: alt.co-evolution
Path: samba.oit.unc.edu!concert!news-feed-1.peachnet.edu!news-feed-2.peachnet.edu!umn.edu!csus.edu!netcom.com!hank
From: hank@netcom.com (Hank Roberts)
Subject: Re: What is this newsgroup's charter?
Message-ID: <hankCBBo4x.1LM@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)
References: <23rle9$b12@carina.unm.edu>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 1993 05:19:44 GMT
Lines: 25

rsquires@unm.edu (roger m squires) writes:

>	Is this newsgroup geared toward co-evolution
>	of species (Darwin, biology, that kind of stuff)
>	or co-housing??!?  Some on these newsgroup name
>	are almost deliberately misleading.

This was set up for readers of the old CoEvolution Quarterly magazine,
now called Whole Earth Review -- the regular publication from Point
Foundation (Sausalito, CA), which fills in between the occasionally
published Whole Earth Catlogs.  Most librarians know of the publications
and can borrow them for you.  Point is a nonprofit; the publications
contain reviews, articles, stories and artwork with no advertising
except small messages by people who subscribe.

Email available from      wer@well.sf.ca.us    and tell'em hi for me,
I used to proofread for them.

There is a new Whole Earth Catalog in the works now.  Mailing address is
27 Gate Five Road, Sausalito CA 94965.

Some material from the magazine, along with much else, is available from

      gopher well.sf.ca.us