
Other on-line sources...

	I am compliling a list of on-line sources that would be of 
interest to golf course superintendents and others in the turfgrass 
field.  So far, I've found this group, TGIF, and a number of dial-up 
BBS's (Turfbyte, Metbyte, Turftalk, AgOnline). Anyone know of any other 
sources of info on turfgrass-related topics?  Any information will be 
appreciated. I would, of course, be happy to share the information I've 
collected so far with anyone who is interested.

						David Rose
						Golf Course News

     United States Department of Agriculture BBS

  The United States Department of Agriculture has a BBS which posts
periodicals, monographs, catalogs, electronic data available from
its various economic agencies.  The BBS can be called for free by dialing
1-800-821-6229.  Of particular interest (to me anyways :-) is the
electronic data available that can be ordered from this service, including
a recently released CD-ROM.  Has anyone gotten it?  Do you find it useful
for modeling?  If anyone has data (other than Agricultural as well) that
they think others may find useful and can be downloaded, feel free to email
me and I'll post a summary.
  Follows is the data available from their electronic catalog.  There is
some free data on the BBS, including the data from each _Situation_and_
_Outlook_Report_ for _Feed_ and _Livestock_and_Poultry_.

D. Alex Neilson					 INTERNET: neilson@usc.edu
  Econometrician				     UUCP: ...!usc!neilson
  University of Southern California		BITNET: neilson%skat@USCVM

ERS-NASS ELECTRONIC DATA PRODUCTS                                June 29, 1993

For further information on the data included in these products, please
contact the subject-area specialists identified with each database. 
Data products are shipped in the formats specified on DOS-compatible
5.25", 360 KB or 3.5", 1.44 MB diskettes or on unlabeled, 9-track,
6250 b.p.i. magnetic tapes as appropriate.  Dates in parentheses
reflect the last update of the databases available.  NOTE:  Electronic
data products are not returnable.  Please order by number using the
attached order form or call the ERS-NASS order desk at 1-800-999-6779
(8:30 - 5:00 Eastern Time), in the United States or Canada.  Other
areas, please call 703-834-0125.  Thank you.

New from ERS-NASS!  Data products on CD-ROM!

ERS ELECTRONIC DATA PRODUCTS CD-ROM.  Current versions of all data
products marked with * and earlier versions of recently revised
products marked with ** are available on a new CD-ROM.  Included on
the disc are over 6,500 Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet (.WK1) files, ASCII text
files describing each data product, and easy-to-use software to find
and download files.  NOTE:  Requires an IBM or compatible computer,
CD-ROM reader, and MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions.  Jim Horsfield, ERS, 202-
219-0012.  (6/93).
Stock #93050                                                     $150


FEED GRAIN DATA BY STATES, 1949-86.  Acreage planted and harvested,
yield, production, quantity used on farms and sold, season average
price, value of production, and value of sales for corn, grain
sorghum, oats, and barley.  Letricia Womack, ERS, 202-219-0689. [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WKS), four 5.25" disks], (7/87).
Stock #87013                                                      $55

* FEED GRAIN YEARBOOK.  U.S. feed grain acreage, production, supply,
trade, use, and prices for 1950-92.  Also includes data for hay and
feedstuffs.  Thomas Tice, ERS, 202-219-0840.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)],
Stock #88007A (Three 5.25" disks)                                 $45
Stock #88007B (One 3.5" disk)                                     $25

* WHEAT YEARBOOK.  U.S. wheat acreage, production, supply, trade, use,
and prices for 1960-92.  Includes data for wheat flour and rye.  Ed
Allen, ERS, 202-219-0840.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (3/93).
Stock #88008A (Three 5.25" disks)                                 $45
Stock #88008B (One 3.5" disk)                                     $25

* RICE YEARBOOK.  U.S. rice production, supply, disappearance, trade,
and price data, 1970-91.  Includes state acreage, yield, and
production data; U.S. and world price series; and price support
program statistics.  Janet Livezey, ERS, 202-219-0840.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 5.25" disk], (9/92).
Stock #89001                                                      $25

* OIL CROPS YEARBOOK.  Oilseed, oilmeal, and fats and oils supply and
use statistics, 1965-92.  Includes oilseed acreage, yield, and
production estimates as well as farm and wholesale price series. Roger
Hoskin, ERS, 202-219-0840.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk],
Stock #89002                                                      $25

* COTTON & WOOL YEARBOOK.  U.S. cotton and wool production, supply,
use, trade, and price statistics, 1960-92.  Includes domestic and
world price series and indexes; State cotton acreage, yield, and
production data; and conversions of U.S. textile imports and exports
to raw fiber equivalents.  Mae Dean Johnson, ERS, 202-219-0840. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (9/92).
Stock #89004                                                      $25

FEED MANUFACTURING.  Extensive State and regional data for 1984 on the
livestock feed manufacturing industry, including location, capacity,
employment, and form of ownership as well as data on feed production
and ingredient use.  Mark Ash, ERS, 202-219-0840.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), four 5.25" disks], (10/88).
Stock #89005                                                      $55

STATE-LEVEL WHEAT STATISTICS.  U.S. and State data, 1948-88, on wheat
acreage, yield, and production; quantity used on farm where produced;
quantity sold; season average price received by farmers; and values of
production and sales. Suchada Langley, ERS, 202-219-0689.  [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), two 5.25" disks], (3/89).
Stock #89016                                                      $35

* COSTS OF PRODUCTION, 1975-89.  National and regional costs of
production for 11 major field crops, including feed grains, wheat,
rice, oilseeds, cotton, sugar beets, and sugarcane. Mitch Morehart,
ERS, 202-219-0801. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (7/92).
Stock #89025                                                      $25

to calculate corn and soybean yields, harvested acreage, and
production for States, regions, and the U.S. based on planted acreage,
weather, and fertilizer applications on corn.  Lloyd Teigen, ERS, 202-
219-0706.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk], (12/91).
Stock #92001                                                      $25

FIELD CROP COUNTY ESTIMATES.  Planted and harvested acreage, yield per
harvested acre, and total production for 1989-90 by county and Crop
Reporting District.  Files include data by cropping practice (i.e.
irrigated, non-irrigated, etc.).  NOTE:  Includes 25 self-extracting,
compressed files with 7 MB of data.  Jim Brueggen, NASS, 202-720-7018. 
[Compressed ASCII files, one 3.5" disk], (3/92).
Stock #92101                                                      $25

CROPS BY STATE.  State level estimates for barley, corn, cotton, all
dry beans, hay, oats, peanuts, potatoes, all rice, rye, sorghum,
soybeans, and all wheat.  Includes planted and harvested acreage,
yield per harvested acre, and total production for 1975-91 and value
of production for 1988-91.  Bill Dowdy, NASS, 202-720-3843.  [Lotus 1-
2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (3/92).
Stock #92111                                                      $25

data, January 1984-February 1992, for 13 field crops including hay,
dry beans, flaxseed, and sunflower.  Scott Keller, NASS, 202-690-3234. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (3/92).
Stock #92151                                                      $25

annual average prices for the United States, 1908-91, for 26 crop and
livestock commodities.  Also includes annual and monthly indexes of
prices received by farmers by commodity group for base years 1910-
14=100 and 1977=100.  Pat Miles, NASS, 202-690-3237.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1) and ASCII files, one 3.5" disk], (3/92).
Stock #92152                                                      $25

WASDE CROP ESTIMATES.  All U.S. crop estimates from the World
Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report for issues 1-
273 (1973-92).  Data are those actually published, beginning with
marketing year 1973/74.  Contents include data for cotton, rice, long
grain rice, short- and medium-grain rice, soybeans, soymeal, soyoil,
total feed grains, corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, and wheat by
class (hard winter, hard spring, soft red, white, and durum).  Chung
Yei, WAOB, 202-720-8760, or David Stallings, WAOB, 202-720-5715. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 3.5" disks].  (1/93).
Stock #93501                                                      $35


U.S. BROILER INDUSTRY.  Comprehensive data on the broiler industry
including data on consumption, prices, and demand; production;
processing; and marketing.  Most data series cover 1965-87.  Lee
Christensen, ERS, 202-219-0714. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk],
Stock #89006                                                      $25

* POULTRY AND EGG STATISTICS.  Monthly and annual data, 1960-90, on
production, supply, disappearance, prices, and costs for eggs,
broilers, other chickens, and turkeys.  Lee Christensen, ERS,
202-219-0714.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), three 3.5" disks], (12/91).
Stock #89007B                                                     $45

* DAIRY YEARBOOK.  Annual data on the production, supply, and use of
milk and manufactured dairy products, 1970-91.  Also includes
wholesale and retail price indexes, prices received by farmers, milk
production costs, and data on regional shares of U.S. milk production. 
Sara Short, ERS, 202-219-0769.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk],
Stock #89032                                                      $25

production costs for milk, 1985-90, and for fed cattle, sheep, beef
cow-calf, hog farrow-to-finish, feeder pig production, and feeder pig
finishing enterprises, 1972-90.  U.S. data are also shown by size of
operation.  Mitch Morehart, ERS, 202-219-0770.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
One 3.5" disk], (8/92).
Stock #90002                                                      $25

* PRICE SPREADS FOR BEEF AND PORK.  Monthly data, 1970-92, on
farm-to-retail price spreads for beef and pork.  Also includes
farm-to-carcass and carcass-to-retail spreads and retail prices. 
Lawrence Duewer, ERS, 202-219-0712.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25"
disk], (2/93).
Stock #90006                                                      $25

* U.S. LIVE CATTLE IMPORTS.  Monthly data, 1970-90, on imports from
Mexico and Canada by weight class and breeding animals by type.  Data
are arranged by tariff schedule classification, quantity, and value.
Linda Bailey or Shayle Shagam, ERS, 202-219-0714.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), two 5.25" disks], (4/91).
Stock #91007                                                      $35

BEEF PACKER COST ANALYZER.  PACKER is a microcomputer program designed
to analyze operating costs for six sizes of beef packing and
fabricating plants for five levels of operating output.  PACKER
tabulates total costs as well as costs by each of 20 operating stages
and by accounts and subaccounts.  NOTE:  Requires a PC or compatible
computer with BASIC or BASICA.  Lawrence Duewer, ERS, 202-219-0712. 
[One 5.25" disk], (9/91).
Stock #91012                                                      $25

LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY INVENTORIES.  U.S. and State inventory estimates
for all cattle and all sheep, January 1, 1975-92; all hogs, December
1, 1975-91; and chickens, December 1, 1983-91.  Bob Cole, NASS,
202-720-6880.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (3/92).
Stock #92131                                                      $25


* DRY BEANS & PEAS.  Production and acreage data, 1970-91; monthly
imports, exports, and weekly price data for 1981-88.  Gary Lucier,
ERS, 202-219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (4/92).
Stock #86003                                                      $25

and shipping point prices, transportation charges, and market price
spreads for eight fresh fruits.  Marketing season monthly data for
1985-91.  Fannye Lockley-Jolly, ERS, 202-219-0888.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), two 5.25" disks], (2/92).
Stock #88002                                                      $35

prices, spreads, and transportation charges, 1985-91, for 11
vegetables sold in the Northeast, North Central, South, and West
marketing regions, and in New York City and Baltimore.  Fannye
Lockley-Jolly, ERS, 202-219-0888.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 5.25"
disks], (2/92).
Stock #88009                                                      $35

** VEGETABLE YEARBOOK.  Production, acreage,  value, prices, imports,
exports, and per capita  utilization for major fresh market and
processed vegetables, 1970-92.  Also includes data for potatoes,
sweetpotatoes, dry beans and peas, and fresh and processed mushrooms. 
Gary Lucier, ERS,  202-219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (4/93).
Stock #89011A (Three 5.25" disks)                                 $45
Stock #89011B (One 3.5" disk)                                     $25

TOBACCO INDUSTRY.  Production, supply, trade, disappearance, and
prices for tobacco and tobacco products, 1950-87.  Includes acreage,
yield, and production by type, 1950-87, and selected data on world
production and trade. Verner Grise, ERS, 202-219-0890. [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 5.25" disk], (3/89).
Stock #89018                                                      $25

* SUGAR AND SWEETENER YEARBOOK.  U.S. and  world data, 1975-91, on
acreage, yield, and production of sugar crops; production, trade,
supply and use, and prices for sugar; and supply and use data for
caloric and non-caloric sweeteners. Fannye Lockley-Jolly, ERS,
202-219-0888. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disks], (7/92).
Stock #89019                                                      $25

* FRUIT AND NUT YEARBOOK.  Annual data, 1970-91, on production, trade,
supply and utilization, prices, and value of production for fruit and
nuts including   citrus, other tree fruits, grapes, and other small
fruits.  Also includes data on supply and utilization of processed
fruit and fruit juices.  Wynnice Napper, ERS, 202-219-0885, [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (10/92).
Stock #89022                                                      $25

* U.S. WATERMELON INDUSTRY.  Includes time series data on U.S. and
State acreage, yield, production, prices and value; per capita
consumption; U.S. trade; world production and trade; and other data on
truck freight charges, irrigation, and characteristics of watermelon
farms.  Gary Lucier, ERS, 202-219-0884. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 5.25"
disks], (4/91).
Stock #89029                                                      $35
* GREENHOUSE AND NURSERY STATISTICS, 1960-88.  A comprehensive
database covering production, supply, consumption, prices, and sales
of floricultural and environmental horticultural products. Includes
U.S. and State data  and world trade data.  Doyle Johnson, ERS,
202-219-0884. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (7/90).
Stock #90024A (Seven 5.25" disks)                                 $85
Stock #90024B (Two 3.5" disks)                                    $35

* SUGAR STATISTICAL COMPENDIUM.  A comprehensive database of U.S. beet
and cane sugar statistics including sugar production and consumption,
1950-90; imports and exports, 1970-90; and prices 1960-90.  Also
includes regional and State data on sugar beet, sugarcane, and sugar
production, 1970-90.  Peter Buzzanell or William Moore, ERS,
202-219-0886.  [Lotus 1-2-3, (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (4/91).
Stock #91006                                                      $25

* POTATO STATISTICS.  U.S. and State data, 1949-91, on potato acreage,
production, value, and use.  Also includes U.S. data on prices, price
spreads, and consumer and producer price indexes; stocks of fresh and
processed potatoes; and trade in potatoes and potato products.  Gary
Lucier, ERS, 202-219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 3.5" disks],
Stock #91011                                                      $35

* U.S. VEGETABLE AND MELON PRODUCTION.  Characteristics of farms and
farm operators, by value of total crop sales, for farms reporting
production of 57 vegetables and melons in the 1987 Census of
Agriculture.  These special tabulations from the Census data show, for
each commodity, number of farms and land use, type of organization,
operator characteristics, crop acreage, market value of products sold,
other farm-related income, input use, and production expenses.  U.S.,
regional, and state data are included.  Doyle Johnson, ERS, 202-219-
0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), 3.5" disks], (9/91).
Stock #91014A Sweet corn, snap beans, broccoli, etc.   (5 disks)  $65
Stock #91014B Leafy green vegetables                   (5 disks)  $65
Stock #91014C Potatoes and root vegetables             (5 disks)  $65
Stock #91014D Tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers         (5 disks)  $65
Stock #91014E Melons                                   (2 disks)  $35
Stock #91014F Dry beans and peas                       (3 disks)  $45

* U.S. FRUIT, NUT, AND BERRY PRODUCTION.  Characteristics of farms and
farm operators, by value of total crop sales, for farms reporting
production of 51 fruits, nuts, and berries in the 1987 Census of
Agriculture.  These special tabulations from the Census data show, for
each commodity, number of farms and land use, type of organization,
operator characteristics, crop acreage, market value of products sold,
other farm-related income, input use, and production expenses.  U.S.,
regional, and state data are included.  Doyle Johnson, ERS, 202-219-
0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), 3.5" disks], (9/91).
Stock #91015A Tree fruits                              (6 disks)  $75
Stock #91015B Subtropical fruits                       (1 disk)   $25
Stock #91015C Citrus fruits                            (1 disk)   $25
Stock #91015D Tree nuts                                (1 disk)   $25
Stock #91015E Berries                                  (3 disks)  $45

* U.S. GREENHOUSE AND NURSERY PRODUCTION.  Characteristics of farms
and farm operators, by value of total crop sales, for farms reporting
production of 7 greenhouse and nursery crops in the 1987 Census of
Agriculture.  These special tabulations from the Census data show, for
each commodity, number of farms and land use, type of organization,
operator characteristics, crop acreage, market value of products sold,
other farm-related income, input use, and production expenses.  U.S.,
regional, and state data are included.  Doyle Johnson, ERS, 202-219-
0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), seven 3.5" disks], (9/91).
Stock #91016                                                      $85

* U.S. VEGETABLE AND MELON FARMS.  These special tabulations from the
1987 Census of Agriculture cover all farms reporting production of one
or more of 57 vegetable and melon crops.  U.S., regional, and state
data, by value of total crop sales, are included for number of farms
and land use, type of organization, operator characteristics, crop
acreage, market value of products sold, other farm-related income,
input use, and production expenses.  Doyle Johnson, ERS, 202-219-0884. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), four 3.5" disks], (1/92).
Stock #92004                                                      $55

* U.S. FRUIT, NUT, AND BERRY FARMS.  These special tabulations from
the 1987 Census of Agriculture cover all farms reporting production of
one or more of 51 fruit, nut, and berry crops.  U.S., regional, and
state data, by value of total crop sales, are included for number of
farms and land use, type of organization, operator characteristics,
crop acreage, market value of products sold, other farm-related
income, input use, and production expenses.  Doyle Johnson, ERS, 202-
219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), four 3.5" disks], (1/92).
Stock #92005                                                      $55

* U.S. GREENHOUSE AND NURSERY FARMS.  These special tabulations from
the 1987 Census of Agriculture cover all farms reporting production of
one or more of 7 greenhouse and nursery crops.  U.S., regional, and
state data, by value of total crop sales, are included for number of
farms and land use, type of organization, operator characteristics,
crop acreage, market value of products sold, other farm-related
income, input use, and production expenses.  Doyle Johnson, ERS, 202-
219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), four 3.5" disks], (1/92).
Stock #92006                                                      $55

* TOMATO STATISTICS.  U.S. and State data, 1960-90, on tomato acreage,
yield, production, and value; monthly prices and price indexes;
monthly shipments and arrivals; price spreads; and U.S. trade in fresh
tomatoes and tomato products.  Also includes tomato acreage and
production in major producing countries and cost of production
estimates for major U.S. production areas.  Gary Lucier, ERS,
202-219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 3.5" disks], (4/92).
Stock #92010                                                      $35

* TOBACCO YEARBOOK.  U.S. and world data on production, supply, trade,
disappearance, and price data for tobacco and tobacco products, 1950-
91.  Includes data on U.S. tobacco acreage, yield, production, stocks,
and marketings by type.  Tom Capehart, ERS, 202-219-0890.  [Lotus 1-2-
3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (7/92).
Stock #92015                                                      $25

* PLANT PROTECTION & QUARANTINE.  Reports the quantity of U.S. imports
of 200 fresh fruits and vegetables subject to the Plant Protection and
Quarantine program.  Data are reported by commodity, by country of
origin, and by port of entry for fiscal years 1983-89.  Gary Lucier,
ERS, 202-219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), four 3.5" disks], (9/92).
Stock #92019                                                      $55

* U.S. FRESH-MARKET FRUIT EXPORTS.  Reports a major revision in U.S.
fresh fruit export statistics, 1978-91.  Monthly data on U.S. exports
to Canada and the world are included for 13 fresh-market fruits. 
Diane Bertelsen, ERS, 202-219-0884.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5"
disk].  (1/93).
Stock #93006                                                      $25


1970-88; also gross domestic product, disposable personal income,
consumption expenditures, and net savings.  Larry Traub, ERS,
202-219-0705. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (4/91).
Stock #86014A (Seven 5.25" disks)                                 $85
Stock #86014B (Two 3.5" disks)                                    $35

* FOOD CONSUMPTION.  Per capita food consumption by commodity and
commodity group, 1966-90; supply and use by commodity and commodity
group, 1966-90; and food expenditures, 1869-1991.  Judith Putnam, ERS,
202-219-0870. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (7/92).
Stock #89015B (One 3.5" disk)                                     $25

* FOOD SPENDING IN AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS, 1980-88.  Detailed data on
household food expenditures by major food groups and by household
demographic characteristics. Includes data on food price trends and
percent of households purchasing selected food items in a week.  David
Smallwood, ERS, 202-219-0864.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (4/91).
Stock #90005A (Four 5.25" disks)                                  $55
Stock #90005B (Two 3.5" disks)                                    $35

AMERICANS AND FOOD.  This computer quiz contains 54 questions and
answers on food-related topics ranging from fish consumption to fast
food. The easy-to-understand questions and answers make the quiz an
excellent teaching tool and presentation aid.  NOTE:  Requires
MS/PC-DOS Version 3.2 or 3.3 and 640 KB of memory.  Kathryn Lipton,
ERS, 202-219-0310.  [One 3.5" disk], (5/93).
Stock #91002A                                                     $25

* U.S. FOOD EXPENDITURES.  Annual data, 1869-1989, on total
expenditures for food and alcoholic beverages.  Includes series on
food expenditures for food away from home, at retail stores and other
establishments, and by type of income.  Alden Manchester, ERS,
202-219-0880.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk], (1/91). 
Stock #91003                                                      $25

beef and veal, pork, lamb, mutton, goat, and total poultry
consumption, total and per capita, for selected countries and regions.
Linda Bailey or Shayle Shagam, ERS, 202-219-0714. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
one 5.25" disk], (1/91).
Stock #91004                                                      $25

annual household food use and related expenditures data for major
foods and food groups, 1977/78 and 1987/88.  Data are summarized by
household size and type, income quintile, race, region, and
urbanization.  Steven Lutz, ERS, 202-219-0860.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
one 3.5" disk].  (12/92).
Stock #93004                                                      $25


* FERTILIZER USE AND PRICE STATISTICS.  U.S. fertilizer use and prices
and nutrients applied per acre for major farm States, 1964-91, for
corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat.  Harold Taylor, ERS, 202-219-0464. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk], (11/92).
Stock #86012                                                      $25

* FARM MACHINERY STATISTICS.  Annual and monthly data, 1944-90, on
U.S. production, shipments, industry and farm inventories, farm
expenditures, and other financial information.  Marlow Vesterby, ERS,
202-219-0422.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 5.25" disks], (9/91).
Stock #86016                                                      $35

FARM EMPLOYMENT AND WAGE RATES.  U.S. and State/regional statistics on
number of workers, average hours worked, and wage rates 1974-90. 
State/regional wage rates by quarter are shown for 1974-90 and wage
rates by economic class and type of farm are included for 1987-90. 
Tom Kurtz, NASS, 202-720-3228.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 3.5" disks],
Stock #91005Z                                                     $35

fertilizer and pesticide use data for corn, cotton, peanuts, rice,
sorghum, soybeans, wheat, and fall potatoes.  Includes data on
pesticide use by active ingredient, application rates, and acres
treated.  Van Johnson, NASS, 202-720-7492.  [ASCII files, one 3.5"
disk], (3/92).
Stock #92171                                                      $25

CALIFORNIA VEGETABLES SUMMARY.  U.S. and State fertilizer and
pesticide use data for the 1991 fruit, nut, and berry crops.  Van
Johnson, NASS, 202-720-7492.  [ASCII files, one 3.5" disk], (7/92).
Stock #92172                                                      $25

fertilizer and pesticide use data for corn, cotton, rice, soybeans,
wheat, and fall potatoes.  Includes data on pesticide use by active
ingredient, application rates, and acres treated.  Also includes data
on target pest by pesticide product for fall potatoes.  Van Johnson,
NASS, 202-720-7492.  [ASCII files, one 3.5" disk], (3/93).
Stock #93171                                                      $25


* FARM REAL ESTATE VALUES.  U.S. and State data on the value of land
and buildings per acre and per farm, and real estate debt and taxes by
year, 1950-92.  John Jones, ERS, 202-219-0428.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
one 3.5" disk], (2/93).
Stock #86010                                                      $25

* VALUE OF LAND & BUILDINGS PER ACRE.  County and State data from the
Census of Agriculture, 1850-1987.  John Jones, ERS, 202-219-0428. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), three 5.25" disks], (10/89).
Stock #87012                                                      $45

FARM AND RANCH IRRIGATION, 1984.  Tables 1 through 23 from the related
Census report on water sources and use, irrigation technology, and
expenditures. Michael Moore, ERS, 202-219-0410.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
two 5.25" disks], (8/86).
Stock #87014                                                      $35

FOREIGN-OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.  Foreign investment by States and
counties as of December 31, 1992.  Includes data from over 13,000
reports filed under the Alien Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of
1978.  J. Peter DeBraal, ERS, 202-219-0425.  [ASCII, two 3.5" disks],
Stock #87015                                                      $35

DYNAMICS OF LAND USE CHANGE, 1960'S.  Paired sample point data of land
use change in 53  fast population growth counties in the United
States.  Data cover 12 major land uses including agricultural and
urban.  Marlow Vesterby, ERS, 202-219-0422.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two
5.25" disks], (5/88).
Stock #88017                                                      $35

LAND USE CHANGE, 1970'S. Paired sample point data of land use change
in 135 fast population growth, 36 cropland loss, and 20 cropland gain
counties in the United States.  Data cover 15 major land uses
including agricultural, forest, urban, and wetlands.  Marlow Vesterby,
ERS, 202-219-0422.  [dBase III, 5.25" disks], (7/88).
Stock #88018A North & East                             (1 disk)   $25
Stock #88018B Southeast                                (2 disks)  $35
Stock #88018C West                                     (3 disks)  $45
Stock #88018D Pacific                                  (3 disks)  $45

* MAJOR LAND USES.  State, regional, and national estimates of 15
major land uses including cropland, pasture and grazing, forest, and
urban uses for Census of Agriculture years between 1945 and 1987. Ken
Krupa or Arthur Daugherty, ERS, 202-219-0422.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
one 5.25" disk], (11/90).
Stock #89003                                                      $25

IRRIGATION PRODUCTION DATA SYSTEM.  A comprehensive analysis system
for irrigated and dryland crop production by State and farm production
region.  Includes data for 11 crops on acreage, yield, price,  input
use, costs, returns, and breakeven statistics.  NOTE:  Requires 30 MB
disk storage and 1.5 MB total memory.  Glenn Schaible, ERS,
202-219-0410. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), three 3.5" disks], (8/92).
Stock #89023                                                      $45

farm input use, production, and efficiency by enterprise group,
1947-90.  Includes data on cropland used for crops, farm machinery and
tractor use, fertilizer use, labor use, and crop acreage harvested. 
George Douvelis, ERS, 202-219-0432.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 5.25"
disks], (4/92).
Stock #89026                                                      $35

acres enrolled by fiscal year 1986-89 and signup period 1-9.  Includes
average rental rates, acres enrolled by level of erosion, conservation
treatments applied, and cost share data. Tim Osborn, ERS,
202-219-0403.  [ASCII, Five 5.25" disks], (9/90).
Stock #89031                                                      $65

AGRICULTURAL WATER USE. Statistics on agricultural use of federally
supplied irrigation water, by crop and region, for 1979-86. Data are
reported for Bureau of Reclamation lands receiving full and
supplemental water service include net water supply, water deliveries,
acreage irrigated, and acres irrigated by drip, sprinkler, and gravity
systems.  Michael Moore, ERS, 202-219-0410.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one
5.25" disk], (11/89).
Stock #90001                                                      $25

SOIL DEPLETION ESTIMATES MODEL.  This model computes comparisons of
shortrun and longrun impacts on erosion and economic returns from
alternative resource management systems.  The user may specify
site-specific soil characteristics, tillage practices, and cropping
systems.  NOTE:  Requires DOS 2.10 or higher and a math co-processor. 
Leonard Bull, ERS, 202-219-0456.  [One 5.25" disk], (12/89).
Stock #90004                                                      $25

* CASH RENTS FOR U.S. FARMLAND.  Cash rents per acre for farms,
cropland, and pasture (Eastern States, 1960-91), and cash rents per
acre for irrigated cropland, nonirrigated cropland, and pasture
(Western States, 1984-91). Cattle grazing rates on privately owned
nonirrigated land for the 17 Western States, 1979-90, are included. 
John Jones, ERS, 202-219-0428. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk],
Stock #90025                                                      $25

** FARM REAL ESTATE TAXES.  Reports annual state data on total farm
real estate taxes,1890-1991, and taxes per acre and taxes per $100 of
value, 1909-91.  J. Peter DeBraal, ERS, 202-219-0425.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (6/93).
Stock #92002                                                      $25


* NATIONAL FINANCIAL SUMMARY, 1950-91.  Includes farm income, cash
receipts by components, production expenses, capital expenditures,
off-farm income, nonmoney and farm-related income components. 
Includes U.S. balance sheet data, 1945-89, and related data on assets
and debt.  Cheryl Johnson, ERS, 202-219-0804.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)],
Stock #88010A (Three 5.25" disks)                                 $45
Stock #88010B (One 3.5" disk)                                     $25

* STATE FINANCIAL SUMMARY.  Includes State-level farm income and
balance sheet accounts for 1987-91. Also includes cash receipts by
commodity, government payments, and related data. Cheryl Johnson, ERS,
202-219-0804.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (1/93).
Stock #88012A (Nine 5.25"disks)                                  $105
Stock #88012B (Two 3.5" disks)                                    $35

* CASH RECEIPTS.  State data on cash receipts for the 25 leading
commodities, 1960-91.  Includes State rankings by commodity.  Bob
Williams, ERS, 202-219-0804. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk],
Stock #89014                                                      $25

* U.S. FARM INCOME.  Historical farm income statistics, 1910-89. 
Reports gross and net farm income, net cash income, cash receipts, and
related data.  Cheryl Johnson, ERS, 202-219-0807. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
two 5.25" disks], (5/90).
Stock #90022                                                      $35

* STRUCTURAL CHANGE IN U.S. AGRICULTURE.  Number of farms, land in
farms, land use, farm income, and commodity sales tabulated by sales
classes adjusted for inflation, 1969-82.  Includes data for 14 States
in three regions.  Marlow Vesterby, ERS, 202-219-0422. [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), two 5.25" disks], (5/90).
Stock #90023                                                      $35

* AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY OUTPUT.  U.S. and State data for the 17
agricultural sectors of 1982 U.S. input-output accounts.  These data
are completely additive to the published national tables for the
agricultural sector.  William Edmondson, ERS, 202-219-0785.  [Lotus
1-2-3 .WK1 & .WK3), one 5.25" disk], (6/91).
Stock #91008                                                     $25 

* FARM SECTOR BALANCE SHEET.  U.S. and State data, 1960-89, on farm
assets, real estate and nonreal estate debt, equity, total claims, and
debt-to-asset ratios (including operator households).  Data on farm
real estate and nonreal estate debt by type of lender are included. 
Kenneth Erickson, ERS, 202-219-0798.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5"
disk], (7/91).
Stock #91013                                                      $25

(including farm households) on farm assets, real estate and nonreal
estate debt, equity, total claims, and debt-to-asset ratios by sales
class, 1960-89.  Similar data excluding farm households are included
for 1974-89.  Kenneth Erickson, ERS, 202-219-0798.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (11/91).
Stock #92003                                                      $25

* STATE-LEVEL COSTS OF PRODUCTION.  Costs of production, 1987-89, by
selected states for nine major field crops including feed grains,
wheat, rice, cotton, soybeans, and peanuts.  Mir Ali, ERS, 202-219-
0802.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #92013                                                      $25

* CCC CROP LOANS.  State-level data on CCC nonrecourse crop loan
activity for 1985-91.  Robert Williams, ERS, 202-219-0804.  [Lotus 1-
2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk].  (12/92).
Stock #93003                                                      $25

91, on net farm income, net cash income, returns to operators, and net
business income.  Also includes cash receipts, government payments,
production expenses, and other components of the income accounts. 
(Note:  This product supplements and extends State Financial Summary,
stock #88012).  Linda Farmer, ERS, 202-219-0804.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
three 3.5" disks].  2/93.  
Stock #93007                                                      $45

* MONTHLY CASH RECEIPTS.  U.S. and State estimates of cash receipts by
month, 1960-91.  The U.S. data cover 12 major agricultural commodity
groups; State data cover three commodity groups.  (Note:  This product
replaces stock #90008).   Robert Williams, ERS, 202-219-0804.  [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), two 3.5" disks].  (12/92). 
Stock #93008                                                      $35

                            *** New Products ***

FARM SECTOR FINANCIAL RATIOS.  U.S. and State data, 1960-91, reporting
liquidity, efficiency, solvency, and profitability ratios for the farm
sector.  The profitability ratios include rates of return on assets
and rates of return on equity.  Ken Erickson, ERS, 202-219-0799. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/93).
Stock #93012                                                      $25

FARM BUSINESS BALANCE SHEET.  U.S. and State data, 1960-91, on farm
assets, real estate and nonreal estate debt, and equity (excluding
farm households).  Data on farm real estate and nonreal estate debt by
type of lender are included.  Ken Erickson, ERS, 202-219-0799.  [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/93).
Stock #93013                                                      $25


* RURAL DEVELOPMENT.  Extensive data on employment, income, labor
force, and unemployment presented by metro and nonmetro portions of
regions, States, and counties grouped by metro status and economic
base.  Martha Frederick, ERS, 202-219-0538.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)],
Stock #88013A (Five 5.25" disks)                                  $65
Stock #88013B (Two 3.5" disks                                     $35

to counties and States by program, type of payment, and function.
Counties are identified by region, metro/nonmetro status, and social
and economic characteristics.  Rick Reeder, ERS, 202-219-0544.
[EBCDIC, 1 tape], (9/88).
Stock #88022                                                     $130


* PL480 & OTHER CONCESSIONAL U.S. EXPORTS.  Volume and value data,
1985-89, by commodity and country for agricultural exports under the
Food for Peace and other food-aid programs.  Mark Smith, ERS,
202-219-0821. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (2/91).
Stock #86013                                                      $25

* CARIBBEAN FRUITS & VEGETABLES.  Market characteristics for U.S.
imports of selected fruits and vegetables from the Caribbean, Central
America, and Mexico for 1975-87.  Includes annual and monthly supply,
use, and trade data as well as monthly wholesale prices for New York
and Chicago. Dick Brown, ERS, 202-219-0680.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)],
Stock #88015A (Five 5.25" disks)                                  $65
Stock #88015B (One 3.5" disk)                                     $25

USSR AGRICULTURAL TRADE, 1986-89.  Soviet data on volume and ruble
value of imports and exports of agricultural commodities, machinery,
and other inputs.  Christian Foster or Sharon Sheffield, ERS,
202-219-0620.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), 5.25" disks], (11/90).
Stock #88016A 1986 data                                (2 disks)  $35
Stock #88016B 1987 data                                (2 disks)  $35
Stock #88016C 1988-89 data                             (2 disks)  $35

* U.S.-USSR BILATERAL TRADE.  U.S. agricultural exports to and imports
from the USSR, total and by specific commodities, value and quantity,
for fiscal years 1970-90 and calendar years 1970-89.  Includes total
U.S. exports to and imports from the USSR.  Christian Foster or Sharon
Sheffield, ERS, 202-219-0620.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk],
Stock #88019                                                      $25

* USSR TRADE COMPENDIUM.  Soviet value and quantity data on
agricultural imports and exports, 1955-89, including total imports and
exports; imports by origin for grains, flour, soybeans, sugar, cotton,
red meat, and poultry; imports by type for oilseeds, vegetable oils,
and meat; exports by destination of grains, flour, sugar,
sunflowerseed oil, and cotton; and exports by type for vegetable oils
and meat.  Christian Foster or Sharon Sheffield, ERS, 202-219-0621. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), six 5.25" disks], (1/91).
Stock #88023                                                      $75

ASIA/NEAR EAST AGRICULTURAL TRADE.  Tabulations of agricultural trade
between the United States and selected Asia and Near East countries
and regions, 1962-86.  Includes data for 12 major commodity groups and
significant elements of each group.  Ed Overton, ERS, 202-219-0700. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), three 5.25" disks], (2/89).
Stock #89012                                                      $45

U.S. TRADE, 1978-87.  Annual data on the value of imports and exports
for 100 industry-based (SIC) commodity groups.  The database covers
U.S. trade with 110 countries. Lon Cesal, ERS, 202-219-0700. [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), twelve 5.25" disks], (8/89).
Stock #89030                                                     $135

* U.S./PACIFIC RIM AGRICULTURAL TRADE.  Annual data, 1968-90 for U.S.
agricultural exports to and imports from Japan, Taiwan, South Korea,
Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia,  and Canada.  Data cover quantity
and value for trade in major commodity groups and subgroups.  Fiscal
year and calendar year data are included.  Wilma Davis, ERS,
202-219-0612. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (3/92).
Stock #90007                                                      $25

* WORLD AGRICULTURAL TRADE FLOWS.  Country and regional trade matrixes
by commodity and year for 1962-90 (oilseeds, oils, oilseed meals, and
food grains) and 1962-90 (feed grains).  NOTE:  Requires 3.9-4.6 MB of
hard disk space per commodity.  Edward Overton, ERS, 202-219-0700. 
[Archived Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), 3.5" disks], (3/92).
Stock #91001A Food Grains                              (3 disks)  $45
Stock #91001B Feed Grains                              (5 disks)  $65
Stock #91001C Soybean Products & Other Oilseed Meal    (4 disks)  $55
Stock #91001D Rape & Sunflower Seed & Oil              (3 disks)  $45
Stock #91001E Tropical Oils                            (5 disks)  $65
Stock #91001F Nonfood Oilseed Products                 (6 disks)  $75
Stock #91001G Peanut, Maize, & Olive Oil               (4 disks)  $55

* U.S. AGRICULTURAL TRADE.  Monthly and annual data, 1988-90, on
agricultural imports and exports by commodity group.  Volume and value
series are included.  Tom Warden, ERS, 202-219-0822. [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (6/91).
Stock #91010                                                      $25

* HIGH-VALUE EXPORT INDEXES.  Value-weighted quantity indexes of
exports of food, feed, tobacco, and 24 product/commodity classes. 
Indexes are reported for the world, 7 economic development groups, 13
geographic regions, and 149 countries for 1961-86.  Larry Traub, ERS,
202-219-0716.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), two 3.5" disks], (8/91).
Stock #91018                                                      $35

SWOPSIM DATABASE.  This extensive database for studies of agricultural
trade liberalization includes 1989 data for 22 commodities and 6
different world model specifications.  Included are elasticities of
supply and demand, quantities, and prices, and levels of support
expressed as producer and consumer subsidy equivalents (PSEs and
CSEs).  These data are designed to be used with the SWOPSIM Modeling
Framework (Stock #92012).  John Sullivan, ERS, 202-219-0634. 
[SuperCalc 5 (.CAL), 3.5" disks], (5/92).  NOTE:  Requires 3-8 MB of
hard disk space.  This product updates and replaces #89017 (3/89).
Stock #92011A  World Model Data                        (2 disks)  $35
Stock #92011B  Aggregate of 92011A                     (1 disk)   $25
Stock #92011C  European Model Data                     (2 disks)  $35
Stock #92011D  W. Hemisphere Model Data                (2 disks)  $35
Stock #92011E  Asia & Pacific Rim Model Data           (2 disks)  $35
Stock #92011F  Africa Model Data                       (2 disks)  $35

SWOPSIM '92.  This software system produces global partial equilibrium
models in spreadsheets.  SWOPSIM models are designed to simulate the
effect of changes in producer and consumer support policies on
production, consumption, and trade. Several types of world models can
be constructed including single product models, multi-product net
trade models, and Armington type bilateral trade flow models. 
Economic linkages across products within a country occur via cross
price and input-output relationships. Linkages across countries and
regions take place through domestic-international price linkage
equations and world product trade.  A 3-region, 22-commodity world
model demonstration database and two computer tutorials for
constructing small net trade and Armington trade flow models are
included.  NOTE:  SWOPSIM '92 is shipped on a 1.44 MB diskette with 3
MB of archived data and 2 MB of program files. It requires an IBM or
compatible personal computer, DOS 3.3 or higher, SuperCalc 5
spreadsheet software, 2 MB of available RAM, and at least 5 MB of hard
disk storage.  Vernon Roningen, ERS, 202-219-0630.  [One 3.5" disk],
Stock #92012                                                      $25

* Processed Food Trade.  U.S. trade in processed food 1988-91.  Values
of exports and imports are shown by SIC product group for each trading
partner.  Walter Epps, ERS, 202-219-0866.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one
3.5" disk], (8/92).
Stock #92016                                                      $25

DWOPSIM.   This dynamic world policy simulation model building
framework is a software system that assembles globally consistent data
sets into time series models in spreadsheets for policy analysis,
short-term forecasting, and long-term projections.  DWOPSIM models
clear world trade markets through world price changes, which are
linked to product behavior in individual countries and regions. 
DWOPSIM documentation is available as an ERS staff report (Stock #AGES
9226).  NOTE:  DWOPSIM is shipped on a 1.44 MB diskette with 3 MB of
archived data and program files. It requires an IBM or compatible
personal computer, DOS 3.3 or higher, SuperCalc 5 spreadsheet
software, 2 MB of available RAM, and at least 3 MB of hard disk
storage.  Vernon Roningen, ERS, 202-219-0682.  [One 3.5" disk],
Stock #93001                                                      $25

GLOBAL COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES.  Includes statistics on export and
import shares, indexes of competitive advantage and disadvantage, and
overall bilateral complementarity with the United States for 15
agricultural industries and 113 countries.  Data series are for 1985-
89, with comparisons to 1961/62.  Tom Vollrath, ERS, 202-219-0860, or
Linda Scott, ERS, 202-219-0630.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK3), two 3.5" disks]. 
Stock #93005                                                      $35


* USSR GRAIN HARVESTING PROGRESS.  Selected years 1971-91.  Data cover
small grains, pulses, and corn for grain on State and collective farms
on a weekly basis with daily levels interpolated.  Sharon Sheffield,
ERS, 202-219-0620. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk], (3/92).
Stock #88003                                                      $25

* USSR GRAIN SEEDING PROGRESS.  Selected years 1971-91.  Data cover
fall and spring small grains, pulses, and corn for grain on State and
collective farms on a weekly basis with daily levels interpolated.
Sharon Sheffield, ERS, 202-219-0620.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25"
disk], (3/92).
Stock #88004                                                      $25

* USSR GRAIN PRODUCTION.  Area, yield, and production data, 1955-89,
for 12 grain crops in each of the 15 Soviet republics.  Sharon
Sheffield, ERS, 202-219-0620.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), three 5.25"
disks], (3/92).
Stock #88020                                                      $45

* EXCHANGE RATES.  Monthly (1975-90), quarterly (1975-90), and annual
(1960-90) real exchange rates for 63 countries most important to U.S.
agricultural exports.  Includes weighted average exchange rates for
all agricultural exports, wheat, corn, soybeans, and cotton for U.S.
agricultural trade customers and competitors.  NOTE:  Requires 1 MB of
disk space.  Tim Baxter, ERS, 202-219-0705.  [Compressed Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), two 5.25" disks], (2/92).
Stock #88021                                                      $35

EAST EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE.  Data on area and production of major
crops, livestock inventories, production of livestock products, and
agricultural trade for seven East European countries.  Most series are
for 1971-87.  Nancy Cochrane, ERS, 202-219-0621.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
two 5.25" disks], (7/90).
Stock #89009                                                      $35

Agricultural Statistics of the European  Community, 1960-85. 
Extensive time series data on EC macroeconomics and agricultural
policy, crop and livestock supply and utilization, input prices, and
producer, wholesale, and retail prices.  Michael Herlihy, ERS,
202-219-0630.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), three 5.25" disks], (1/89).
Stock #89010                                                      $45

Annual data for the Soviet Union and seven East European countries,
1965-85, on land use, agricultural inputs, crop production, livestock
production, and per capita consumption of selected foods.  Nancy
Cochrane, ERS, 202-219-0620. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), four 5.25" disks],
Stock #89020                                                      $55

countries, 1961-89 on macroeconomics; consumption; factors of
production; aggregate production (value and indexes); crop production,
area, and yield and livestock production by commodity; value of total
merchandise and agricultural trade (including U.S. bilateral trade),
and trade indicators; and value of agricultural trade by commodity
groups.  Francis Urban, ERS, 202-219-0705. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), 5.25"
disks], (10/90).
Stock #89024A North America                            (1 disk)   $25
Stock #89024B Central America                          (3 disks)  $45
Stock #89024C The Caribbean                            (3 disks)  $45
Stock #89024D South America                            (4 disks)  $55
Stock #89024E Western Europe                           (5 disks)  $65
Stock #89024F Eastern Europe & USSR                    (3 disks)  $45
Stock #89024G Sub-Saharan Africa                       (12 disks)$135
Stock #89024H North Africa & Middle East               (7 disks)  $85
Stock #89024I South Asia                               (3 disks)  $45
Stock #89024J Southeast Asia & Pacific Islands         (5 disks)  $65
Stock #89024K East Asia & People's Republic of China   (3 disks)  $45
Stock #89024L Australia & New Zealand                  (1 disk)   $25
Stock #89024M EC-12                                    (4 disks)  $55
Stock #89024N World & regional data series only        (4 disks)  $55

USSR PRODUCTION AND PROCUREMENT.  Data on grain area, yield,
production, and procurement for the 15 Soviet Republics and the
constituent 125 oblasts and regions.  Data are reported for calendar
years 1980 and 1985-87.  Sharon Sheffield, ERS, 202-219-0620.  [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), one 5.25" disk], (3/92).
Stock #89027                                                      $25

* USSR OILSEEDS.  Soviet data on the area, yield, and production of 10
oilseeds plus oil and meal production and use.  Trade data for these
commodities are also included.  Data series cover marketing years from
1955/56 through 1990/91.  Sharon Sheffield, ERS, 202-219-0620.  [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), five 5.25" disks], (3/92).
Stock #90003                                                      $65

intervention in agriculture for 27 countries and the European
Community, 1982-87.  Includes estimates for more than 40  commodities
and products.  Alan Webb, ERS, 202-219-0610. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), four 
5.25" disks], (4/90).
Stock #90009                                                      $55

force, land use, and national income statistics by region and
province, 1979-91. W. Hunter Colby, ERS, 202-219-0626. [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #90010                                                      $25

* CHINA:  GRAIN STATISTICS.  A comprehensive database of national,
regional, and provincial statistics covering wheat, rice, and coarse
grain area, production, and procurement. National data are reported
for 1949-90 and most regional and provincial data cover 1979-91.  W.
Hunter Colby, ERS, 202-219-0626.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk],
Stock #90011                                                      $25

* CHINA:  FIBERS AND OILSEEDS STATISTICS.  Area, yield, and production
data, 1979-91, by region and province for principal fiber and oilseed
crops.  Estimates of textile fiber, yarn, and cloth production and
total edible vegetable oil production are included.  W. Hunter Colby,
ERS, 202-219-0626.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #90012                                                      $25

* CHINA:  MISCELLANEOUS CROP STATISTICS.  Area, yield, and production
data, 1979-91, by region and province for tobacco, sugar beets,
sugarcane, and major fruits.  Includes estimates of area planted to
forage and green manure crops.  W. Hunter Colby, ERS, 202-219-0626. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #90013                                                      $25

* CHINA:  LIVESTOCK STATISTICS. Comprehensive data on Chinese animal
agriculture including production of red meats, milk, eggs, poultry
meats, and honey by region and province, 1979-91.  Also includes
inventory data on cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, and draft animals. W.
Hunter Colby, ERS, 202-219-0626. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk],
Stock #90014                                                      $25

on energy, labor, farm machinery, tractors, and fertilizer use,
1949-91, by region and province, 1980-91.  W. Hunter Colby, ERS,
202-219-0626. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #90015                                                              

* CHINA:  AGRICULTURAL PRICES.  Grain and oilseed procurement prices
and grades by province, 1986-91; retail list price indexes, 1951-91;
and open market indexes by commodity, 1982-91.  W. Hunter Colby, ERS,
202-219-0626.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #90016                                                      $25

corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, rapeseed, soybeans, and wheat, by
province, 1984-90.  W. Hunter Colby, ERS, 202-219-0626.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #90017                                                      $25

imports and exports of agricultural products and imports of
agricultural inputs.  Includes quarterly data, 1983-91, on major
agricultural imports and exports in both quantity and value terms.  W.
Hunter Colby, ERS, 202-219-0626.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk],
Stock #90019                                                      $25

and per capita expenditures for food, fabrics, alcohol and tobacco,
and selected consumer goods, 1980-91.  Includes national and
provincial data.  W. Hunter Colby, ERS, 202-219-0626.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (5/92).
Stock #90021                                                      $25

WATI/TS-VIEW.  This menu-driven software system displays time series
graphs for 1961-89 of the crop, livestock, trade, and macroeconomic
indicators in the World Agriculture:  Trends and Indicators system. 
Data are included for the world, 14 geographic regions, EC-12, and 142
individual countries.  The program fits regression trendlines,
displays tables of the data, and downloads subsets of the data in
spreadsheet-readable files.  A 20-page manual is included.  NOTE: 
WATI/TS-VIEW is shipped in archived files that expand to 4.7 MB upon
installation.  The program requires an IBM or compatible personal
computer, MS-DOS or PC-DOS, 330 KB of available RAM, and at least 650
KB of hard disk storage.  Graphics support is provided for VGA, EGSA,
MCGA, CGA, and Hercules monochrome hardware.  Francis Urban, Tamara
Karas, or Phil Brent, ERS, 202-219-0705.  [Three 3.5" disks], (8/91).
Stock #91017                                                      $45

PS&D VIEW.  This menu-driven software system graphs and displays
balance sheet variables for agricultural commodities in the USDA
Production, Supply, and Distribution database.  Databases included
with the system cover 190 countries and regions for 1960-91.  These
databases are updated monthly and are available on diskettes through a
monthly or quarterly subscription.  The updates are also available
electronically through the CALL-ERS bulletin board.  NOTE:  PS&D View
is shipped with 10 MB of archived data and 350 KB of program files. 
It requires an IBM or compatible personal computer, DOS, 330 KB of
available RAM, and at least 650 KB or hard disk storage.  Alan Webb,
ERS, 202-219-0610.  [Two 3.5" disks].  (6/93).
Stock #93002A                                                     $35
Stock #93002Q (Quarterly subscription)                       $60/year
Stock #93002M (Monthly subscription)                        $120/year
Stock #93002E (Monthly subscription--electronic access)                   

republic, for the 15 former Soviet republics on per capita consumption
of food products: livestock inventories; production of livestock
products; grain area, yield, and production; and government purchases
of corp and livestock products. USSR data generally includes 1960-90;
data for republics covers 1980-91.  (Note:  This product updates and
replaces #92014.)  Jaclyn Shend, ERS, 202-219-0620.  [Lotus 1-2-3
(.WK1), two 3.5"disks], (2/93).
Stock #93009                                                      $35


* POLICY IMPACT CODES. Classifications for 2,443 non-metro counties
(1974 definition) or 2,357 nonmetro counties (1983 definition)
identifying farming- mining-, manufacturing-, and government-
dependent counties.  Also includes rural-urban classification codes
and designations of counties with persistent low incomes, high rates
of net immigration of retirees, or high proportions of federally owned
land. Peggy Ross, ERS, 202-219-0547. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), 3.5" disks],
Stock #86005A 1974 nonmetro definition                 (1 disk)   $25
Stock #86005B 1983 nonmetro definition                 (1 disk)   $25

AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK YEARBOOK.  Annual statistics, 1960-91, on U.S.
crop and livestock production, utilization, trade, agricultural
economics, and related topics.  Ann Duncan, ERS, 202-219-0313.  [Lotus
1-2-3 (.WK1), two 3.5" disks], (6/93).
Stock #87011                                                      $35

U.S. AND STATE AGRICULTURAL PROFILES.  Data on land use, production,
income, and assets; and farm size, tenure, and organization. Letricia
Womack, ERS, 202-219-0689.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), three 5.25" disks],
Stock #87017                                                      $45

reports for 1949-82 reconciled to present over 1100 time series. 
Includes data on farm characteristics, farm operators, crop and
livestock production, and resource use.  Jim Horsfield, ERS,
202-219-0012.  [EBCDIC; 1 tape], (11/88).
Stock #88014A Northeast                                          $130
Stock #88014B North Central                                      $130
Stock #88014C South                                              $130
Stock #88014D West                                               $130

RURAL/URBAN CONTINUUM CODES.  Classification of U.S. counties into 10
types based on urban/rural population characteristics and location
with respect to metropolitan areas.  Margaret Butler, ERS,
202-219-0534, [ASCII, one 5.25" disk], (4/89).
Stock  #89021                                                     $25

CALC.  A sophisticated calculator program for IBM PCs and compatibles,
CALC performs complex mathematical operations on up to 100 variables. 
Output can be directed to a file or incorporated directly into a
WordPerfect document.  CALC includes 25 intrinsic functions and can be
extended with user-defined functions.  Daniel Hellerstein, ERS, 202-
219-0444.  [.EXE files on one 3.5" disk.  Three versions are included,
which use from 92 KB to 337 KB of memory.], (1/92).
Stock #92007                                                      $25

* WEATHER IN U.S. AGRICULTURE.  Monthly temperature and precipitation
data for farm production regions and States for 1950-90.  Data are
weighted by geographic area and harvested cropland acreage.  (Note: 
This product updates and replaces #88006A-F).  Lloyd Teigen, ERS, 202-
219-0705.  [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1)], (1/92).  
Stock #92008A (Nine 5.25" disks)                                 $105
Stock #92008B (Two 3.5" disks)                                   $ 35

* ACID RAIN.  Spring (April-June) and summer (July-September)
estimates of nitrate and sulfate wet depositions in kilograms per
hectare by state and county by year for the Northeastern and Middle
Atlantic regions.  David Westenbarger, ERS, 202-219-0459.  [Lotus 1-2-
3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (8/92).
Stock #92017                                                      $25

* OZONE.  Monthly and seasonal estimates of 1987 ozone concentrations
in parts per billion by state and county for the Northeastern and
Middle Atlantic regions.  David Westenbarger, ERS, 202-219-0459. 
[Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1), one 3.5" disk], (8/92).
Stock #92018                                                      $25

REFERENDUM CVM PROGRAMS.  These user-friendly programs cover all
econometric, benefit estimation, and confidence interval estimation
needs for single-bounded and double-bounded contingent valuation
models.  Programs are included for sample design for dichotomous
choice models and for econometric estimation using the logistic,
Weibull, and nonparametric estimators.  Programs are written In Gauss
and a run-time module is included.  NOTE:  A 386 PC with math
coprocessor and 1 MB of memory are recommended.  Joseph Cooper, ERS,
202-219-0403.  [Two 3.5" disks]. (2/93).
Stock #93010                                                      $35

                            *** New Products ***
ZIPFIP.  This innovative program works with data bases organized by
zip codes or county FIBS codes.  ZIPFIP supports data editing/display,
market area creation, determining distances between any two places in
the 48 contiguous States, and aggregation of observations.  The data
base shipped with ZIPFIP includes county data from the 1990 Census of
Population and Housing and zipcoded data on place names,
latitude/longitude, and number of residences. NOTE:  ZIPFIP requires a
286-class CPU, DOS 3.3, 485 KB of available memory, and 6 MB of disk
space.  Dan Hellerstein, ERS, 202-219-0445.  [Two 3.5" disks and a
user manual], (5/93).
Stock #93014                                                      $35

ZIPFIP DATA BASES.  These zip code and/or county-level data bases are
designed for use with ZIPFIP (stock #93014).  Shipped as compressed
files on two 3.5" disks, each data base requires up to 6 MB of disk
space.  Dan Hellerstein, ERS, 202-219-0445.  (5/93).
Stock #93015A 1980 pop. & demographic data (county & zip code)    $35
Stock #93015B 1982 National Resources Inventory data (county only)$35
Stock #93015C 1977, 1982, & 1987 Census of Agr.(county & zip code)$35

The following databases are offered in cooperation with the American
Agricultural Economics Association and the Rural Sociological Society:

USDA OUTLAYS, 1963-95.  Annual data on total Federal outlays (defense
and nondefense), the Federal deficit, USDA outlays by program area and
bureau, USDA direct loan obligations, USDA employment, and
computations for an implicit budget deflator. Includes forecasts
through 1995.  Noah Engelberg, OMB, 202-395-3446. [Lotus 1-2-3 (.WK1),
one 5.25" disk], (5/89).
Stock #89D01                                                      $25

JARE TITLE/ABSTRACT DATABASE.  A comprehensive bibliographic database
covering articles, notes, proceedings, and other material published in
the Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,
1972-present.  Software included provides for flexible retrieval of
bibliographic entries and abstracts by keyword, author, article type,
year, etc.  NOTE:  Requires PC or compatible with 256 KB RAM.  Loren
W. Tauer, Cornell University, 607-255-4402.  [.EXE and ASCII files,
one 3.5" disk], (2/93).  
Stock #91D01                                                      $25