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PANUPS: Resource Pointer #140

                         P A N U P S
                   Pesticide Action Network 
                        North America
                       Updates Service

Resource Pointer #140

August 27, 1997

For copies of the following resources, please contact 
the appropriate publishers or organizations directly.


*Tough to Swallow: How Pesticide Companies Profit by 
Poisoning America's Tap Water, 1997.* Brian Cohen and Richard 
Wiles. Presents findings of study on herbicides in tap water 
in mid-western U.S. states. Documents that drinking water is 
regularly contaminated with dangerous levels of pesticides, 
including alachlor, metolachlor and triazines (atrazine, 
cyanazine and simazine) and explains that in many cases this 
contamination exceeds cancer risk standards set by Food 
Quality Protection Act. Concludes that U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency should ban all triazine herbicides 
immediately and phase out other herbicides found in tap 
water. 46 pp. US$20. Environmental Working Group (EWG), 1718 
Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20009; phone 
(202) 667-6982; fax (202) 232-2592; email info@ewg.org; 

*Proceedings of the Second International IFOAM Conference on 
Organic Textiles, 1996.* International Federation of Organic 
Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Compiles conference papers and 
notes from workshops on many topics related to organic 
textiles, including organic cotton, wool and hemp, as well as 
natural dyes. Discusses organic cotton production methods and 
textile design, manufacturing and finishing. Information 
about workshops ranges from brief overviews to full text of 
papers. Includes 48 page Organic Project Textile Directory, 
which describes organic cotton production projects worldwide, 
including in Egypt, India, Mali, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Peru, 
Turkey and the U.S. 205 pp. DM$75 (US$50). IFOAM General 
Secretariat, c/o Okozentrum Imsbach, D-66636, Tholey-Theley, 
Germany; phone (49-6) 853-5190; fax (49-6) 853-30110; email 

*An IPM Approach to Turf and Lawn Management, 1997.* The 
Pesticides Trust. Describes integrated pest management (IPM) 
strategies for controlling pests in turf and lawns, including 
using appropriate design, developing healthy soil and using 
cultural and biological pest control. Focuses on pest 
management in UK. 8 pp. US$2.50. The Pesticides Trust (PAN 
Europe), Eurolink Business Centre, 49 Effra Road, London, SW2 
1BZ, U.K.; fax (441 71) 274-8895; email pesttrust@gn.apc.org.

*Improving Food and Agricultural Productivity and the 
Environment: Canadian Leadership in the Development of Methyl 
Bromide Alternatives and Emission Control Technologies, 
1995.* Environment Canada. Discusses ways Canadian government 
and industry reduce methyl bromide use in grain storage, 
milling and greenhouse production. Describes effectiveness of 
range of alternatives used by businesses such as Quaker Oats, 
including heat treatments, cold treatments, IPM, diatomaceous 
earth, irradiation, biological control and companion 
planting. 37 pp. Canadian$15 plus $4 shipping. Environmental 
Protection Publications, Technology Transfer Office, 
Environmental Technology Advancement Directorate, Environment 
Canada, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H3, Canada; phone (819) 953-5921; 
fax (819) 953-7253.

*For All Generations: Making World Agriculture More 
Sustainable, 1997.* J. Patrick Madden and Scott Chaplowe, 
eds. Presents compilation of papers on many topics related to 
sustainable agriculture, including food security, community 
supported agriculture, urban farming, corporate power, 
farmer-centered development and the role of non-governmental 
organizations (NGOs) in sustainable agriculture. Profiles 
more than 45 NGOs and other organizations worldwide working 
on these issues, including information about their programs, 
objectives and history. 642 pp. US$30 plus shipping (US$4 in 
U.S.; US$5 in Canada; US$10 other countries -- surface; US$24 
other countries -- air). Special rates for NGOs available. 
World Sustainable Agriculture Association (WSAA) 
Publications, 8554 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood, CA 90069; 
phone (310) 657-7202; fax (310) 657-3884; email 

We encourage those interested in having resources listed 
in the Online Resource Pointer to send review copies of 
publications, videos or other sources to our office 
(address listed below) or to contact Information Program 
Associate Adam Kirshner for further information.  

|      Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)       |
|                                                           |
| Phone:(415) 541-9140          Fax:(415) 541-9253          |
| Email: panna@panna.org        http://www.panna.org/panna/ |
| PANNA, 116 New Montgomery, #810, San Francisco, CA 94105  |
|                                                           |
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| To unsubscribe send the following: unsubscribe panups     |
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|*For basic information about PANNA, send an email message  |
| to panna-info@igc.apc.org                                 |