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CORE Values Tour
"Bring Good Farming Home"
Farmtruck Barnstorms Through Northeast Region
September 22-25, 1997
CORE Values Northeast, a program of Mothers & Others in participation with
progressive Northeastern apple growers, is working to build consumer
awareness of, and market support for, local apples grown using ecological
production methods. Growers in the program are accredited in knowledge-based
biointensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) production methods.
CORE Values Northeast will be having its kick-off launch starting Monday,
September 22 in Vermont, and ending on Thursday, September 25 in New York
City at Windows on the World.
The CORE tour will be the official multi-city, multi-dimensional
"barnstorming" launch of the program, and will include:
9/22 Essex Junction, VT. 10:30 am - noon. The New England Culinary
Institute. Congressman Bernie Sanders. Information fair. Featuring apple
pastries and cider from Vermont growers. 802-878-1100.
9/22 Shoreham, VT. 3-4:30 pm. Larrabee's Point Orchard. The "heart of
Vermont's apple country." UVM demonstrates latest orchard research. Jan
Nyrop, Cornell University. Judy Pomainville @ 802-897-2626.
9/23 Putney, VT. 10-11:30 am. The Putney Inn. Deputy Commissioner of
Agriculture Roger Clapp. Featuring apple pastries and cider from Vermont
growers. 802-387-5517.
9/23 Concord, NH. 1-2:30 pm. Apple Hill Farm, 580 Mountain Road. Talking
apples with school kids. Educational talk, proper way to pick an apple,
sweet cider, hayride. Diane Souther @ 603-224-8862.
9/23 Boston, MA. 4-5:30 pm. Icarus Restaurant. Hors d'oeuvres, apple
pastries and local cider with State Senators Pamela Resor and Susan Fargo.
9/23 Boston, MA. 6:30-8 pm. Wild Harvest supermarket. Apple variety tasting
contest. Tour of the produce section with Mothers & Others' Betsy Lydon.
9/24 Manchester, CT. 9-10:30 am. BIG Y supermarket. Apple variety tasting.
Tour of the produce section with Mothers & Others' Betsy Lydon. Claire
D'Amour @ 413-784-0615.
9/24 Straatsburg, NY. 2-4 pm. Breezy Hill Orchards. Puppet Theater and tour
of Cider facilities with school children. 914-266-5967.
9/25 New York City 8:30-10 am. Windows on the World. The first viewing of
our PSA. Applesauce contest winner!! Featuring apple pastries and Breezy
Hill Hard Cider. Important speakers to be announced.
Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet is a national, non-profit consumer
education and advocacy organization working to promote consumer choices
which are safe and ecologically sustainable for current and future generations.
Please join us in your region - help celebrate the Northeast Apple Harvest!!!
Let us know you are coming!
RSVP: Francine Stephens 212-242-0010 ext. 310
Press RSVP: Nancy Moon 212.989.7530
Gwendolyn Neff
University of Vermont
Department of Plant and Soil Science
Hills Building
Burlington, VT 05405