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Re: SMALLFARM-MG> Organic Produce

Organic growing has been sold out to the USDA and is now subject to under
the table soft and hard money and pack money ,the whims of congress and
special interest groups.  That is right organic growing has been free to
mankind for 6000 years yet the word organic is now a political football.
This opens the poor organic grower up to all kinds of persecution and
hardship and burdens.   Because some one may cheat they are going to tax
every organic grower that sell over $5000 of his food as organic.  The poor
organic grower is now out of the picture .  If they cannot afford to pay
the special organic growing tax they are out. The is just another way to
oppress the poor.  
Let me look at the morning paper .  humm Look who the cheaters are.  Not
the organic growers but the President and Vice President of the US of A
seem to be under the hammer for cheating.  And look here the former head of
the USDA is being accused of taking under the table special interest money.
 hummm and they want to burden every one in the organic movement because
someone may be cheating and they are the ones cheating the people of the
U.S not the poor organic grower.  The state of Ca. should take that organic
tax on organic growing off the backs of the poor organic growers in Ca. and
the feds have no business putting a special tax on organic growers and
should be ashamed that they even tried.  There is a law on the book for
lying  in labeling now and those that are not breaking the law should not
have to pay for this whole police action.  I say tax every one in politics
make them and them alone pay for all this investigation of their own self.
The Pres. and Vice should pay for this whole investigation if they did it
or not just like they are trying to make the poor organic grower pay for
his own investigations and herassment even though he is doing nothing wrong.
I should not have to pay 1 Cent extra for growing and selling organic.  
